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The DeepState™ is at it again

Who is this? I thought he was a smug leftist at first because "Author, novelist, and the planet's only expert on World War One flamethrowers" but a lot of his likes and rt's come from Sup Forumsniggers

That escalated quickly. Let's see that memo

I stand by Q. There's some aggressive bullshit in the cbts threads but I stand by it. Pizzagate was artfully derailed by falseflaggers and laughed into oblivion as a result. They will attempt the same with this.


Recent episode about Hawaii missile crisis!!! Psyop

>>chaos rising
>missing VIPs
Where is podestas and co
>>rothchild and Clinton house raids
> inditements
>>>>we are at critical mass

>>>>SHILLS in a Frenzy and democrats seething

Also Terry Davis needs to be located and here's why
>meltdown and Spectre pc backdoors
>>Terry captured by CiaNiggers
>>>Hawaii missile crisis PSYOPP
>>>>Detroit and Michigan skyshow
>>>>>>shutdown and more behind the scenes movements
>>>>>>>Chen down after documents leaked on Seth Rich

We need brave freedom fighting red blooded George Washington WARRIORS to defeated this Menace via the digital information landscape . Fight on

Eh... You guys never got the insurance file keys in the blockchain memo did you?

As Director of Central Intelligence George J. Tenet has said, Johnny Micheal Spann was an American hero, a man who showed passion for his country and his Agency through his selfless courage. The circumstances surrounding his service at the CIA and his tragic death were such that his entire chain of command concurred that his name could be released without compromising security or any current intelligence activities. Moreover, the Spann family strongly supported the decision to publicly acknowledge Mike’s affiliation with the Agency and concurred with the text of our public announcement before it was released.

It also is worth noting that several media organizations published Mr. Spann’s name and affiliation with the Agency before his body had been recovered and death had been confirmed. Others had staked out the Spann family home prior to the Agency’s announcement, which was not made until after the body was recovered.

We may never be able to reveal the name of every CIA officer who dies in the line of duty. We will remain silent when we must but we will honor the names publicly when we can.

Johnny Micheal Spann was a true patriot whose heroic contributions to keeping America safe and free deserve the public’s recognition and gratitude.

(Note: "Micheal" is the correct spelling of Mr. Spann's name

Can someone tell me where he's posting this stuff? /greatawakening/? /cbts/? I'm getting a little lost here. Thanks.


>why was Obama spotted at Shane's Rib Shack?
>is that not halal?
>What was written in the 22,759th email by H.Clinton?
>Is time a loop?
>meme patriots

They fucking murdered JFK and they tried to do it again. God knows how many people they have killed.

⣿⣿⡇⢀⢀⠂⡂CIA NIGGERS ⢀⠂⢀⢀⠒⢀⠒⢸⣿⣿


Everyone remember how Q started like the day after they released the JFK docs and then Sup Forums immediately forgot the JFK docs?

Thomas Wictor is an insane senile old man on multiple anti-psychotic medications.

How fucking STUPID do you have to be to take anything he says seriously?

>high profile anti-white leftist JEW is worried about a mere LARPer

Hmmm.....why would be that I wonder.


Tommy owns. Sorry I made fun of you on twitter man!

Well I'd love for him to explain the AF1 photo that Trump tweeted that had the first 5 characters of the file name be doitq? The odds of that happening on accident are too high. That along with Twitter coincidences and the NK airplane photos and the apparent prediction of the NY bomber, and it becomes much much more likely that Q is actually real.

Q threads were/are great.Everything else on 4 Chan is garbage


Guys, I think Gowdy was trying to tell us something in morse code with his blinking. Just after the Obama soundbite, while the other guy is talking. Skip to about 4:40.
Can we get some anons looking into this, I'm having a hard time decoding this.

This guy actually *defends* boomers.

I've never seen such a shamefur dispray.

Hey wait a minute...

>Forget the Russia set up [1 of 22]

Wasn't that fake and gay FISA document numbered 1 of 22?

It also discussed setting up the Russia narrative.


Where is he posting?

where is that pic of someone asking him what his sources are and he tweets 'why, the IDF of course!'

>LARPing boomer threads are great
Know I know you're a roodypoo newfaggot?


No shit
This is a dog and pony show for boomers
Q is the controlled revolution
The Marxists will be thrown under the bus.
I wonder what deal Trump made with these kikes?

Nope. The reason? JFK was shot by two people according to the coroner. No confirmation of Bush being there, bit confirmed the backers of the plot were Jews. That info was indeed in the docs.

What docs leaked about SR?

Watch Gowdy at 5:57.

I don't think he was blinking as a code or anything though, it just looks like his eyes are dry or something. Poor guy is probably wearing contacts and left his eye drops in the glove box.

8ch is his spot. People spam other boards on 8 with cp and gore so I usually stick to this site that collects his posts

Israel won't exist in 2018.

He’s normally a very good pro trump analyst. But he’s also acknowledged that he has PTSD and is a Hermit, and I think this thread proves he’s at a low point... not that It’s dumb to call Qanon a larp, because that’s a fair question and the jury is still out for me, but that thread is aids.

Wow, even Wictor thinks it is bullshit. But if Q said something about GCC super soldiers he would be all over it.

Whats wrong with being new
everyone starts some where ass hole

Wictor also thinks Paddock carried out Vegas the way the cops claim and that he accidentally shot himself. Seriously.

Where were these drones at?

>Q shows up after the Pyramid spamming faggot stops posting

What is all this horseshit? I just want to post smug face memes.

>you have to be a leftist to know Q is horseshit

this and checked


Thomas is one of those [over] educated boomers who entertains is free time by taking to twitter to speculate about all manner of horse shit with some accurate obvious shit sprinkled in. Fucker has a real chip on his shoulder about how brilliant he is and gets real upset when someone points out that he engages in making educated guesses about possible conspiracies.

Thomas Wictor doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground. The guy makes shit up on the fly about stock photos he find on the interwebs. Then if he is called out on it he claims he's been studying it for a year and PTSD and you're blocked.

Also he has some weird fetish for Saudi Arabians and thinks that battle camels are the pinnacle of weapons tech.

He also claims all conspiracy theories are untrue. Mind blowing.

Thank you.

He also thinks Seth Rich wasn't assassinated and that Flynn & Susan Rice are working together. Lol


You guys are fucking retarded

What if someone posted some tangible evidence? It would almost be like there's some validity to what you're saying.

Thomas victor thinks Saudi Arabia has cyborg super soldiers. Major boomer faggotry.

Yup agreed. The retard shills convinced pol to jump on the "q is a larp... for several months..." bandwagon.

What is a VPN?

The worst part about Wictor is that somehow he has conned some really excellent Twitter accounts into buying his bullshit. It physically hurts me to see ImperatorRex, who is one of my most fave dudes, throw kudos his way.

Fucking Wictor. Fuck that clown.

View Porn over Network

You have to drive 88 mph or your VPN won’t engage.

That fucking battle camel tech is 22nd Century shit tho.

Don't listen to them. It's literally botware.

This, where the FUCK is he posting shit, I've asked so many times before and never get an answer

Yes, goy! You don't need to be worried about corrupt officials learning everything about you!

Yes I do. Why do you think I post prolifically on a high-traffic, high-profile place like Sup Forums about how dumb they're being and how I hope we don't have to escalate from RICO to treason to war crimes tribunals because after that it's just going to be teams of people who know what to do taking care of business with no due process at all.

>giving a shit about feds
>giving a shit about anything

Thomas who ?
Why should I care about some boomer author ?
Must be CIA nigger bait

When Wictor said that and I just take him for 50% accuracy now . I never respond to his threads and don't follow him . But I go to his page every few days . Pretty much the same take on Imperator Rex and Stealth Jeff . If they get 50% of what they predict it will be a miracle . Most likely it will be 15% of their predictions

ruby rubenstein .... shock ... awe....

La Kosher Nostra

Oy vey!

Twitter threads are the stupidest fucking thing I've ever seen.

You're supposed to lurk so you can learn how things work that way when you actually post it's not immediately obvious that you're a newfag boomer who believes whatever bullshit a tripfag feeds him.

Is there evidence proving Q is a LARP?
I'm currently a believer .

no one but retarded 60 year old boomers on twitter believed that shit anyway

Predictions are a tough sell. Rex does a damn fine job of historical accounts. Like how Clinton and the Obama administration just sold everything that wasn't nailed down to any motherfucker on the block. He may speculate on whether or not justice will be served but the dude is right about the crimes committed given what little a fellow peon can know. I have great respect for Rex. He may be a nobody from nowhere but he has a sharp mind.

Wictor is fucking looney toons. I can not stand that dopey bastard. Check out #Wictorism for his greatest hits.

Isn't Q just Anonymous5 aka Frank aka a raging cis male scumbag?


>I'm currently a believer.
a boomer, you are a boomer

Since sb is made up of almost nothing but children in adult costumes, they project their resentment of their parents onto us here...

That's what this 'boomer' shit is about. They think we must resent the boomers, since their parents are obviously shit.
Divide and conquer: ageist edition

If anybody's read Wictors site he's a rabid Zionist who claims the media are being bullied by Hamas into blaming Israel for anything, the media only report Middle East war crimes if they're done by Jews.

In other words he thinks the media ISNT JEWISH ENOUGH.

He wants us to take down Assad, says the Iran protests were organic and roots for (((regime change))), is a Putin truther who believes in the Holocaust and attacks deniers. Why would anyone here give a shit what he says?

Most likely. Just some mentally ill larper.

I just agree that he is a Larp and then treat him like hes not a Larp. It really fucks with shills

>Q is a Larp
Yea, I know. I like his puzzles. Thats why I follow along

If you believe, don't admit to it. It makes you a target for shills. I just pretend that I think he's a LARP, because honestly it doesnt fucking matter, the content of the message is all that matters.... however, do keep in mind that with the rise in popularity comes the threat of counter-inteligence. I dont think the post shared in the Tweet was Q, Q has a very distinctive tone and whomever wrote this last message just looks like they are imitating Q... which reeks of false flag fuckery (they could fake some Q messages and then debunk them to make normies think its all bullshit

in fact, the more I read that Q post, the more I am certain that it was not the original Q (LARP or not). The person who was trying to imitate Q was just throwing out buzzword shit while the original Q messages posted cryptic shit, not simply buzzwordy shit (BE CAREFUL WHAT YOU WISH FOR) come the fuck on Deep State niggers. If that was a real Q message then Q is absolutely more than one person. I smell a steaming pile though... not a new breadcrumb

Q threads just got overly attacked. Multiple threads kept being made as interested parties would just make a new thread while some on their side baited the attackers and kept them busy. Problem was there were way too many attackers flooding the threads. It seemed like the Q bakers were just purposely creating shit tons of threads and disregarding rules.

His Vegas shooting threads are pure garbage

They are attacking traffic... think of it as the digital version of what BLM and ANTIFA protesters do in public. Q Threads draw traffic, which provokes attack. More Q threads would seemingly just provoke more attacks. The best Sup Forums posts are subtle, so the shills dont catch on until some reply threshold has been reached (or some other trigger).

The column post last night was a good example "He promised no more columns" (5th columns was the reference)

You can check for yourself. It's posted where he usually posts.

I missed that last night. Ty for re-posting.

Stupid mutts

>posted where he usually posts
That would be where I posted a fake Q report if I wanted to troll his people

I am not claiming 100% that its a fake, I am just saying don't be easy.

>fanfic writer debunks worse fanfic
Na good on him this shit needs to stop

Only Q can post there. Locked board.