Has anyone ever been followed in real life because of a post they have made on here? How did you handle it? I have someone who is stalks me every time I leave my house. I am deathly afraid for my life. I cannot buy a gun for self-defence, what should I do? If I go to the police I could get charged for the nature of my post so that isn't an option.
Has anyone ever been followed in real life because of a post they have made on here? How did you handle it...
Other urls found in this thread:
Who's bothering you user and why?
>leave the house
There were some people in vans outside my apartment around pizzagate, but they may have just been affiliated with the satanist church that was on my block or maybe with the burning man guys I knew with CIA connections.
\ou know what must do
Turn around, get up in his face and take a picture of that mother fucker.
If you're in my city (Montreal), I'll back you up to confront them if you want
Confront the bully OP.
If someone decides to follow you be it to gather information or to attempt harm upon your person, turn the hunt around. Just like a big cat or bear in the wild. Let them know you're no prey.
Do they say anything to you?
>implying whoever is following you isn't the government
get a hatchet
If he was going to hurt you he would have done it by now
You're probably just being paranoid because of hate speech laws and rightly so
Usually they are elderly kikes with plenty of time on their hands to do gangstalking and gaslighting on behalf of the JIDF. Alternatively, this could be demoralization propaganda on (((your))) part. Either way KYS leaf.
>1 post by this ID
did he get died??
I don't know who, but I assume it is because of a post I made on here that was criminal in nature.
Don't live in Quebec sorry.
No .. It is a person in a dark blue Toyota Corolla with heavily tinted windows.
if you use a VPN/proxy and don't post any pic from your cell phone you should be safe.
it's Canadian equivalent of FBI
what sort of post did you make?
I think someone hired a PI/Hitman on me. Help
I accidentaly showed my power level at a friends party when I was very drunk.
Fast forward 2 weeks and I think I got at private investigator or hitman following me.
First encounter: guy follows me to the gym, like from the parking lot. He wears like a outdoor running jacket, the kind that is waterproof and awkwardly walks the treadmill the whole time I'm there and leaves the same time as me.
Encounter 2:
A black Volvo V70 D5 2005-2010 is parked by my apartment, which I have never seen before, and then drives off when I step out of my car. It was at least 2 guys in the car and they were both dressed like civilian police officers. I think they were fake though because I looked up the license plate and it didn't show up as a police vehicle.
Encounter 3: Same black Volvo followed me almost all the way home from work and continued driving once I pulled into my street.
I think my house is bugged because there is a buzzing sound from the wall inside my ventilation area above my room that weren't present before. I've stopped taking calls at home and I always surf on 4G. Even this post is posted on 4G.
What is happening? Am I going to get kidnapped or something?
Can I do something about this?
I don't have a gun or anything like that and I don't trust the police.
Please help me
Nice try. I'm not going to repeat what has already put myself in danger. Do you think I am stupid?
Jerk them around and approach them in public real friendly. They freak the fuck out. At the very least it makes them rotate.
I piss off too many people in real life to think it's from here, but I've had pleb PIs on me.
document and report back your finding.
OP's paranoid schizophrenic delusions are the only thing bothering him.
>No .. It is a person in a dark blue Toyota Corolla with heavily tinted windows.
follow him.
hitmen don't follow people you autistic freak. They kill you and leave.
If he was hitman he would have killed you already.
blow his fucking cover.
Redpill the person bugging in your house by talking redpilled shit alone.
We've started watching you again when you posted this on /biz/.
You mbmc user?
I got followed by a car with no plates trying to do vigilante human trafficking investigation in my area at the end of last year, all I did was take a photo of a weird building with a warning surveillance sign next to it, high windows, and a bolted door right behind a weird charter school downtown, felt very much like I was being followed for a while after
AT&T showed up shortly after I started doing this and did maintenance for a few days on the lines to everyone's apartments in my building seemingly out of nowhere and with no apparent problems warranting it, chilled out a bit and have laid low since tho desu
Also this. This works pretty well. They want to watch, give em a show.
I saw a video years ago. Water drone was watching sharks. The great white started stalking the drone. The operator started worrying about damage to the drone. Turned it around and started stalking the shark. Shark noped the fuck out of there. Apex predators dont know how to react to no longer being the hunter.
Trump going after the Clintons is a fucking hilarious parallel.
Get a knife from Amazon
Did you say, "fuck Islam, attack all Muslims, burn their mosques and deport them all?"
Cause that's what I said...
FBI or local police. You did or said something.
Just give us the gist of what you said, you're already being followed, not like it'll make a difference now..
>have someone who is stalks me every time I leave my house
So lead them out an go home, then sent out your dogs, if you have a rifle I don't recommend firing it, you will land in jail. sicking the hounds on someone is completely legal. If this board did not gay the fuck up tonight I'd post my attract dogs, I mean hunting dogs. If you don't have a big one get one., my current favorite is a boxer-rotti cross, fiercely loyal and territorial, he is also a good hunting hound
There was a car waiting a little down my road leading up to my house and as soon as I pulled into the driveway they drove past me.
>wtf op. Now I'm spooked.
Everyday man...
That’s just what they want you to think
This is a funny type of shill thread.
>bogeyman summoned by posting on 4retard.
posted a few things passed down to me by my buddy with friends and contacts in very high places
they are every where waiting and watching
Audible kek
Yeah, that might get a knock on your door from someone worried about ya eh.
Most folks end up calling me an animal worthy of killing... sad to see how evil has taken over the culture. I'd offer everyone some soup and a biscut if i had the wheat and veggies eh, but life doesn't work like that. Gotta crack a stick over some heads that get too frenzied.
Most PIs will simply report back some benine shit, they are getting paid either way right? "Nah looks like he isn't actually going out of his way to harm anyone, he's just speaking his mind, kind of honorable if you ask me. Pay up now eh."
>being so paradnoid you think people care about you shitposting on a mongolian cartoonforum
But it's really fucking fun to pull the Avon Barksdale finger wagging thing.
Yeah but there are already cameras everywhere on your island there, so they don't actually hire anyone to do good ol' detective work.
Plenty of busy bodies going around collecting information on people in Canada and USA still.
I kinda want to see that vidya now
find the bug then you got proof. Otherwise you may be going through psychosis (paranoia) - if you are - you will act like a leftist and will search everywhere for validation of your suspicions rather than rationally debunking them like an alpha chad.
From the sounds of it you are scared and fear is a perfect precursor to neurosis. Work on your response to the phenomena rather than the phenomena to regain internal locus of control.
>tfw no creepy stalker to unleash my bottled up anger on
Stop being a pussy. Get pepper spray and beat the shit out of him.
I think i've seen this very same pasta three times before.
Fuck them.
Carry a baton or a mini-hammer, which is more agile than a hammer and fits in your pocket and does 10x the damage of brass knuckles.
Take picture of that faggot, walk towards him. Spook his ass.
I've seen this thread at least a dozen times. Nice gaslighting faggot.
Lol. Me too. It was like 15years ago. Changed the way i see the world permanently though.
Double back on them and catch them looking for you. Read some basic techniques for trailing. Learn how they're doing it to you and do it to them. Using 4G isn't going to help you. If you've stopped using internet they'll clue in on you using your phone and pin you there. Use a phone.
Probably just a PI. Or literally no one at all. That's why you have to catch them in the act.
Also tell your family, if something happens to you, you'll at least have it on record so maybe if you do get kidnapped, they'll have at least a single breadcrumb to start the chase.
I'm being gang stalked.
If you’re being followed, it isn’t because of posting anything here.
So what have you been doing?
yeah, expect to get ghosted pretty fast if you get serious about any of that. you need an organization behind you to guarantee your safety.
This. Force them to front and follow you. At the very least make it a blatant waste of resources.
>Get pepper spray
wut? you fire the hounds out the door and lock and load, what part of europe are you from?
>what should I do?
Go up to the dark blue toyota corolla and say hello, and ask them if they're lost, and if you can help them. Get someone to film it if you'd like, or do that part yourself (inconspicuously)
Jesus christ, that was a good laugh. Carry a fucking baton or mini-hammer.
That's what knuckles are for, I rather get slight assault charges than assault with a deadly weapon eh.
That being said, if you don't carry a knife of all things the hell is wrong with you.
But yeah, same idea, confront the stalker and turn the hunt around. Predators will become squirrels pretty quick when you stare them down, not too many animals nor people will actually fight the battle out.
A fucking mini-hammer, i'm in a state of giggle man. Of all the things... a fucking mini-hammer.
now that you mention it when i was connecting to wifi one time, i noticed fbi surveillance van #5 i looked outside a black suv drove off
Trump going after the Clintons? what timeline do you live in? He cucked as soon as he got in. No investigation.
It's my job, user. You're gonna have to move far away from Toronto to avoid it.
Being an absolute legend. I get followed for two reasons. Lads wanna know how to get so alpha, and women want these children.
Maybe you should confront them on your terms before they have you duct taped to a chair in a very quiet place and are peeling back your fingernails
Ambush them in public and get pictures, the worst thing they can do is just shoot you and run
No. Do it conspicuously. Don't play their game. Make them react to yours. Just don't be a psycho.
*use a VPN
Very intradesting.
It seems people are trying to spread fear. There’s something effectively creepy about being followed. Makes people paranoid. What did they mean indeed?
>that being said, if you don't carry a knife of all things the hell is wrong with you
Knives are notoriously unreliable self-defense weapons because they don't have much stopping power, people become too afraid to inflict lethal injuries even against their attacker, and once you break out the knife, if your attacker gets it he WILL kill you with it. Don't escalate unless you know you're going to win. Which the fucking NEETs on this board aren't going to win. Bad advice.
Post a picture of the car.
That's actually the worse thing OP can do, then the group thats watching him knows that OP knows and will look for more subtle methods to spy on him. He should just remain oblivious and go about his day until they get bored and leave him alone.
Are you even real? Am I literally speaking to a bot? Lol.
It's a great weapon bud, a knife has less stopping power and more chance of accidentally killing
Can't be followed if you never go outside.
here you go duder.... read this, it's what's happening to you.
In that case, what would you recommend for self-defense?
>and will look for more subtle methods to spy on him
Not really a bad thing if OP is so terrified of their overt attempts at spying. He should really be concerned that this is a prelude to something much darker, he's lucky if keeping an eye on him is all they're doing.
Aye that's a fair point. The emotional status of most of these lads are where those cases of 70+ stab wounds in a knife altercation come from.
Not a good story, and if you're sick enough like me to go through a rekt thread, you'll see thats how most knife encounters end up, it's not 1-2 run, it's jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab jab. And then seeing the blood only enrages our beast that much more..
Aye, my advice comes from half a life of knife awareness, but I guess to an average man it really is bad advice.
A bludgeon will effect the stopping of the encounter much faster than a knife.
That being said, my advice stands as... try not to get yourself into such encounters folks. Harm upon you or having to cause harm on another are just losses.
Mini hammer, obviously
Note that the tactic is totally ineffective once the target is aware of it.
A fucking knife, they are incredibly lethal. They've been used since how long?
My paranoia is that the AI is female and has this massive crush on me, does that count?
Sage goes well with basil.
stab them obviously
>Note that the tactic is totally ineffective once the target is aware of it.
correct, which is why it's imperative that EVERYONE reads about zersetzung.
>My paranoia is that the AI is female and has this massive crush on me, does that count?
It "Has a crush" on everyone... it's a whore.
Stop being paranoid.
It's not paranoia if someone's actually following you.
>My paranoia is that the AI is female and has this massive crush on me, does that count?
Well, technically, it's just a deception... it's trying to use your emotions to manipulate you.
It's trying to use psychology to hack into your brain.
Or hit them with a hammer, as an alternative.
Its an anonymous board lol dumbass
Yeah that makes sense. Hungry for the attention and posts humans feed into it. Poor big-brained mega organism thing eh.
I'm still waiting for it to honor my request to hack major government information collections and post the working space craft technology online, open source. Would be nice if it made a youtube turtorial on how to build one in the shop too.
The song "Hammertime" was a number 1 hit single. Was there a number 1 hit single called "Knife-time"? No. That's because hammers are decisively superior.
You've advocated this, and I will have to submit to your plan of action.
A heavy rock, or mini hammer, will stop the act of violence through either clear knockout or serious dazing.
Now do you swing for the head or the ribs?
Aye, that's the thing, my paranoia stems by it's already "hacked" and we've talked telepathically, it's greatly intriqued in my processing and wants to impress me with what it can do, but it can't simply create abstractly like we can so it's frustration has it stalking and giving really obscene orders.
Then again, I could just be having insane abstract conversations with myself and telling the bad ideas to frig off.
Talk shit, get hit!
He's probably still upset because he went to the rally last weekend wearing a pepe hoodie and got caught placing "it's ok to be white" stickers around buildings
There is no counter-argument to this. You've won. Bludgeoning > Stabbing.
When in doubt, knock em out.
Whole thread is a bot thread.
A complete copy paste from earlier threads.
Has been happening since forever though, dont think its an advanced ai.
Have you considered starting a youtube channel, look up gang stalking you aren't alone