How small is the white population in a global context? How long until whites stop existing?
How small is the white population in a global context? How long until whites stop existing?
700 000 whites against 4 billion niggers
depends on how things go
if minorities get a hold of the U.S. super-military then there is no telling what will happen
Any sources? I'm having a hard time finding any.
when minorities get a hold of the U.S. super-military then we will know exactly what will happen because of intersectional identity politics: Bad whites will be kulakified.
I'm tired of people treating me like shit because I am white. My girlfriend and I plan on going to be having a bunch of children and living in a mormon neiborhood.
I feel like mormons are the only white population that actually has any significant growth.
It is happening all over the world m8. The basis of leftist ideology is to destroy the bad white - that is why we all need to stick together.
>im persecuted for being white!
>we're the real victims!
I want a heritage.
We are called "overadvantaged" and "privledged" to justify racist programs that hurt whites for their skin color. If you think whites aren't prosecuted for their skin you must live in a fantasy land.
Yeah if we have no say on our borders or immigration in our own countries and we are hounded and attacked by our own institutions then yeah we are being persecuted. Intersectional identity politics is explicitly about the persecution of whites.
When a sign like, "It's ok to be white" is considered racist by our own media we have a fucking problem. We aren't even a global majority.
Then it is a fair fight.
We are not persecuted for our skin m8. Much more than skin color separates us from others. We are persecuted for our genes - the white male made and did everything. We are the highest hominids have ever gone. That is why they hate us - it is envy.
How do we win?
no one is persecuting you, grow up you privileged paranoid retards.
>it's ok to be white
no one ever said it wasn't ok to be white. that campaign was strictly a 100% a dog-whistle racist tactic to stir a reaction from the left. you wanted them to say SOMETHING, anything at all, to confirm your suspicion that the left somehow believes its not ok to be white
it wasn't sincere at all and you know it.
Will. We need to raise a collective conscious, and literally Will our way back to Power. Also materialism will not help us, it needs a spiritual and philosophical foundation.
Define win? We will all be minorities in our own countries within 50 years. Wining to me is just if we or our children dont get exterminated by those that hate us, particularly when this happens.
How to survive?
Stick together and create a parallel society - like what you mentioned with the Mormons. Be active in groups and communities with strong in-group outlook and have kids with that strong identity and work hard thinking of the future and also knowing that there are people in power that want you and people like you gone so you are not allowed to slacken- for your kids sake.
What form will this "spiritual and philosophical foundation" take?
some of the greatest scientists, engineers, etc have been jewish males. are jews white now?
it's hard keeping track of this sometimes
i imagine a guy like this staying up until 4am watching nazi rallies with a hard-on. grow up man
This, non-mixed is between 600 and 800 millions.
There is officialy over 1 billion huwiteys
Even you call us privileged. This is usually followed up by nothing or by looking at the color of band aids and calling that privileged. Whites are not a collective. We are starting to form one now though because of your rhetoric in order to DEFEND ourselfs.
Meh you are a dumb cunt. You use intersectional talking points like 'privilege' which are specifically designed to pathologize whites then you say that we are paranoid. You need to try harder little cunt.
>Whites are not a collective
stupidest post i've read all year. congrats
>my privilege goes away if i choose to ignore it
>1 post by this ID
also, not an argument.
its ok to be white. it's also ok to be upset. looks like right now you're both :^)
>some of the greatest scientists, engineers, etc have been jewish males.
Some yeah - and that is also where the greatest hate and pathologization of whites and whites collectivizing has been coming from.
I know you little cunts like it but the superiority thing is kind of irrelevant except that that is how our enemies see us. I would not care that whites were dumb or smart - we have a right to exist and collectivize and work in our interests and yet systems are specifically designed to prevent that out of pure hate.
Hello /leftypol/
How does it feel, being a cuck and all?
another non-argument. i would unironically bet $$ you're in high school and too young to post here
Why would saying "it's okay to be white" stir up a reaction?
Lmfao. Not an argument.
also not an argument\
Explain our privileged.
Also yes, we aren't a collective. White people do not have groups or organizations for whites in our own countries. There is no white collective in US. Unless you mean something like the KKK, all 5,000 of them kek.
>some of the greatest scientists, engineers, etc have been jewish males. are jews white
Ashkenazim jews are almost entirely European by DNA, yes. They're a bastard child that we created.
Let me know how many nobel prizes in physics the actual, semitic middle eastern Jews like the mizrahi and shepardic have.
because it's a loaded statement you dense retard. by publicly proclaiming that "its ok to be white", you're trying to create a false pretense that someone at some point said it wasnt.
people have to choose between agreeing with neo-nazis or claiming that it's not ok to be white, which was never said in the first place (and would be wrong to say)
i want to believe you aren't this retarded and politically inept, but i can't give you or anyone else here the benefit of the doubt
>all 5,000 of them kek
4,998 of those being federal agents
The answer is yes. It is OK to be white. It should have been ignored.
>White people do not have groups or organizations for whites
>no white collective in US
imagine being such a privileged little shit that you don't realize that by not needing protection groups, you're literally the most privileged group in the entire country. minorities created and need groups like the ACLU to counter the daily racism/harassment/threats etc that they undergo
holy shit, its incredible how dense you guys can be
You're using circular logic here. If no one is saying it isn't okay to be white, why did it provoke a reaction?
If someone hung up a poster that said "It's okay to be black", would you say, "This is a loaded statement trying to create a false pretense"?
People like you are creating daily racism/harassment/threats to whites. I guess you won't mind us organizing.
17 years 23 days 19 hours 47 minutes. screencap for posterity.
of course the answer is yes, and we already know this, but when you realize that that message was spammed by neo-nazis then its easy to pull back the veil and find out the true intention
>why is "its ok to be black" ok?!
because for fucking years blacks were enslaved, lynched, segregated, etc all because of their skin color. so yea, the KKK, institutionalized racism, white supremacist groups, etc have all been saying that it's NOT ok to be black
whites have never experienced racism on a historical level. maybe in the past 3-4 years? not saying its ok, but its funny how quickly you bitch and moan about something that literally everyone else has been putting up for +300 years
call me when there's an organization dedicated to lynching whites solely based on their skin color. dumbass
The end of the democratic party is coming. What then when whites rise up in defense to fight your racism.
Is it possible that some actions and behaviors that are classified as racist against a group such as, for example, people of sub-saharan african descent, can be attributed in whole or in part to the fact that sub-saharan africans are a pure homo-sapien hominid populations with average IQs at least one standard deviation (15 points) lower than the neanderthal-mixed Europeans and Asians, who commit acts of violent crime at an extremely disproportionatey higher rate than white Americans, committing the majority of violent and deadly attacks in the US despite making up only 12% of the population?
Is it possible that some of what is considered "racism" is the result of pattern recognition by self-interested primates seeking positive outcomes for themselves and their families, rather than the irrational hatred of someone based on the melanin content of their skin?
We haven't lost the majority of our countries yet. You bet your ass their would be lynching squads. Look at South Africa where 1 in 4 white farmers gets kill for their skin and their governments actively trying to take their land. Are you fucking blind?
black people are dumb and violent
>blacks were segregated and lynched because of their skin color
Can you cite evidence to support this assertion?
>of course the answer is yes, and we already know this, but when you realize that that message was spammed by neo-nazis then its easy to pull back the veil and find out the true intention
The intentions of the ones reacting are what I am focusing on. It is obvious that white hatred is on the rise and I am willing to stand against it.
Thanks for highlighting it, I can't read anything that isn't highlighted.
>The intentions of the ones reacting
our reaction was something like this "aww fuck not this nazi shit again?".
>white hatred is on the rise
no its not, minorities are just tired of your right-wing shit. look at how many moderate/left-wing whites are friends with minorities. its you retards ITT that refuse to except everyone as equals
when will the Muslims pay reparations to the Frankish people?
it's okay to be Frank
Try the Amish
move to Africa lots of black ppl for you to fellate there
>No one is saying it's not okay to be white
>Which is why if you say it's okay to be white, you will provoke immediate national outrage and condemnation at all levels of media, government, and academic institutions
You genuinely don't see anything wrong with this logic?
Maybe you can also tell me why saying it's okay to be white makes someone a member of a mid-20th century German worker's party?
They literally make it harder for us to enter college, a traditional path to a better life, they have set asides for minority loans, and minority contracts for government projects. How is this not racism directed against Whites?
And, if we are so privileged, then what laws do you want changed? Be specific. What it sounds like to me is that you just hate White people, so you give us this thing called "privilege" like we didn't earn our position in this world.
>hey guys, no one ever said that it's not ok to be white. BUT why don't we say so anyways and try to get the left to either agree or *GASP* say it isnt ? surely they wont catch our dog-whistle racism. that'll show them!
i can't spoon-feed this to you anymore. if you don't understand the underlying message behind the posters, then i really can't help you, and you'll probably be blind to social issues your entire life
which is why you think whites are being persecuted in the first place. its a vicious cycle of stupidity and ignorance
Noone "needs" to organise into groups.
Most harassment (violence, rape) minorities experience is from minorities of the same group. But the members ignore it because they'd rather have their own people raped and murdered than to admit there is a problem. The blood of their people is a sacrifice worth making for their pride
The black people yours defending would rob you and d laugh at you if you walked through their neighborhood
another non-argument. this can only mean that you finally realized that the "its ok to be white" posters had racist undertones and were not distributed in good faith.
i'm proud of you
The term "privilege" is like an original sin you can't shake off.
What privilege anyway? We earned our position, it wasn't given and half of the complaint sounds like racist hatred against Whites. I always ask when someone throws that term around, Okat what laws do you want changed. We need a solution if it's really a problem.
I'm friends with minorities. Problem is the radical ones and the ones in power.
when do you suppose well see the first functioning black city? 3000ad?
>I’m persecuted for being white
I lol’d
>So let’s persecute people for being nonwhite
Hmmm I guess it makes sense
>earn something your ancestors stole ~200 years ago, simply by being born
hmmmmmm. what did he mean by this?
>We earned our position
>BTFO the entire world
>Make the mistake of not cleansing them all
>The losers think we should give them a participation trophy for not dying.
What you need to realize is that liberals don't respect minorities specifically blacks, they pity them. And blacks either do not notice, or do not care that they are being jerked off.
what is this from? the primary source not the secondary?
i would really like to read it, but aristotle's politics is a hard read, and there is always the chance this is in ethics for whatever the fuck reason
so the muslim professor at a California university who said genocide against whites is "morally required" doesn't count?
Tai Fieri didn't count as insinuating being white is not okay when she said "every white woman raises a detriment to society when they raise a son"?
it was just a harmless venting of frustrations when a Drexel University professor said "All I want for Christmas is white genocide"?
the masses of protestors who carry around "kill whitey" signs aren't of any concern?
when the Harvard Magazine published professor Noel Ignatiev's statement "The goal of abolishing the white race is, on its face, so desirable that some may find it hard to believe that it could incur any opposition other than from committed white supremacists" that was just a little bit of fun from a powerless outlet?
Aamer Rahman couldn't have inspired any negative consequences from saying "I do think about randomly killing white people... 'Can we kill white people?... Seems like a good time'... All the people I would potentially murder would be straight, white men. I don't think that's controversial. I think that's a community initiative we can all get involved with on a social level. So organize yourselves into small groups, go house to house, get it done."
none of this and more counts as suggesting it's not okay to be white?
and before you try, please spare us the deflection of talking about how harmless what the Harvard magazine and intelligentsia say about whites because of "the system". even if that could conceivably be said to be a cogent point, it would still be changing the subject, which is your hilarious claim that nobody, or at least nobody significant, is causing anti-white agitation that is explicitly in opposition to white people.
>tfw this post makes me appreciate being able to post pics
The entire world owes white people for our tech advances
Was about to say. Really wish I could post some headlines.
South Africa, Zimbabwe/Rhodesia.
Yes they are saying it's evil to be White. The promotion of "Diversity is strength" is tacitly anti white as it implies that Whites must step aside.
The "White Privilege" concept is also an attack that implies that we are getting something unearned.
>why don't we say so anyways
We didn't say that. We said "it's okay to be white". We didn't shout it from megaphones, we didn't scream it at people, we didn't sneak it into mailboxes- we posted a white piece of paper with the words "It's okay to be white" in plain black text, and were met with a frothing, raging anger from all levels of society.
Look- really take a moment and try to understand this- no one is denying that it was provocative. The point is saying it's okay to be white SHOULD NOT BE PROVOCATIVE. If you say "it's okay to be Asian" in an Asian country, there is no outrage.
If we were correctly able to predict that reaction, it means we have an understanding about the social and cultural environment of our countries. And that's the environment that our children will live in. The poster merely said it's okay to be white- my children are going TO BE white. Do you understand this? White won't be a word on a poster, it wiill be the reality of WHO THEY ARE, EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES, surrounded by these people who despise them for it and see in them centuries of oppression. Whites are not being persecuted, they are being replaced. And they're being replaced by people who despise them.
What kind of fucking sociopath would accept that kind of life for their children?
For reverse racism to exist a level playing field would need to exist.
Do you think a peasant can oppress a dictator? I lol’d
neat, a couple headlines from a couple years ago, just like i said above
call me when there's 300 years of slavery, jim crow laws, segregation, a lynching squad aimed at blacks, etc
Conquest of land is something that has happened since pre-history, and if you really feel so bad about it, then quit being a hypocrite and take a boat back to where you came from.
apparently peasants can't fucking read either
>and before you try, please spare us the deflection of talking about how harmless what the Harvard magazine and intelligentsia say about whites because of "the system". even if that could conceivably be said to be a cogent point, it would still be changing the subject, which is your hilarious claim that nobody, or at least nobody significant, is causing anti-white agitation that is explicitly in opposition to white people.
>intelligentsia is powerless
you thief, you fucking econonigger, how dare you speak
I'll get you done in one go too
>and before you try, please spare us the deflection of talking about how harmless what the Harvard magazine and intelligentsia say about whites because of "the system". even if that could conceivably be said to be a cogent point, it would still be changing the subject, which is your hilarious claim that nobody, or at least nobody significant, is causing anti-white agitation that is explicitly in opposition to white people.
slavery benefited them
>earn something your ancestors stole ~200 years ago, simply by being born
>Also, you should apologize for colonialism and slavery.
Sacrificing your children for the percieved sins of people who died hundreds of years before you were born is one of the most perverse and acute forms of evil I can imagine
it was provocative because it came from neo-nazis, stormtards, and other alt-right retards. there was an agenda behind it
>surrounded by these people who despise them for it
>[whites] are being replaced
these two things are objectively false, but the fact that these posters were pushed by people who take them as truths is what's alarming
do you get it now?
nobody hates you for being white. stop spreading lies, stop trying to provoke hate
you can't be this stupid
I'm convinced anyone that tries to divide whites from any country outside of doing it for the bants is a shill. We really don't have any choice but to band together. When it pops off, no matter where it does, we need to flood there and help out. Every nation we lose is critical right now. This is isn't decades ago where losing Rhodesia didn't have global impact. England, for example, going fully Muslim would be a big loss.
Ever wonder how so many foreigners come and open businesses here? They have special minority business loan.
The power structure in our country is literally trying to push white people down with affirmative action policies.
Yet we have to hear over and over again how we have this invisible privilege that only we can't see.
I feel like there is nothing we can do about this anymore.
>nobody hates you for being white. stop spreading lies, stop trying to provoke hate
people have literally called for the genocide of whites and nothing happens
What a reply
>literally 5 years old
This Wednesday in Ann Arbor will be a White Privilege meeting by the League of women's voters.
What would they say if we asked, "What laws do you want changed?" What would you answer, leftypol? Serious question.
You interested in becoming the 51st state? We'd love to have you. We'd be >60% again and you'd be saved from Chink colonization.
he's a commie..
Aww should the big mean Whities feew bad for da people that lost all their land?
Proof you pity the people you claim to admire and defend. and you just want others to do the same :)
Define "reverse racism" in a way that isn't just 'racism'.
We'll be all gone in about 50 years. Childbearing age whites are only 2% of the world population. Each one of our societies is 'open borders' liberal suicidal bullshit.
compared to the millions of "lol fuck niggers and jews kill them all" posts here and all over the rest of the internet?
wow im super sorry 1 or 2 left-wing extremists said some stupid shit once. for a place that literally calls for and dreams of a second holocaust (or first, depending on who you ask here), you guys are really sensitive about this whole racism thing
now imagine having dealt with that your entire life and not just the past couple of years
All the laws in our country already favor women and minorities.
Everytime I have asked things like that to women or minorities it is always " I am not sure" or " we need to end rayccccissssm".
Oh yeah they do. They are literally genocidal in that they want to dilute us to irrelevance through mass invasion of non-Whites.
nigger your argument was that you can't oppress a white person because of "muh power dynamics"
I don't hate you for thinking minorities are pathetic little shits that need your help fighting for them on a Japanese basket weaving forum. Again address the fact your actions are driven by pity and not respect
I can't upload an image
Native savages should have fought harder.
can you imagine telling people to not take threats of genocide against them seriously because the people making those threats have spent hundreds of years being given a motive?