What the hell is happening guys?

What the hell is happening guys?
Please, I've been browsing since 2006. Not like this.

Other urls found in this thread:



bad things, my man. bad things


i can't post on any other boards. it just times out everytime. something is going on.

Sup Forums users can't post images in threads, and Sup Forums users can't post outside Sup Forums


Has there actually been any explanation as to why image replies aren’t working?

Images are banned. Can't have that nazi frog posted everywhere now can we?

Someone actually explain what is happening all I see is ascii meme why is everyone freaking out

same i can only shitpost here

have any of you ever thought about what things would be like if Sup Forums actually went down for good? been here 10 years daily viewer.

Pool's Closed, user. There's nothing left but us.

I'll let you in on a post that's been seemingly overlooked entirely but I'm pretty fucking sure it's what's caused all of this chaos.
Notice how images seemed to have stopped working correctly pretty much immediately after this post. This user is probably dead by now from two "self inflicted" gunshot wounds to the back of the head that will be labeled a suicide.

Oh I see. Disregard. That's fucked. I wonder what happened

can only post an image for the OP if you can post a thread at all. shits broken

wtf how does this one look so good

Without images... the meme magic.. it fades....


then you should remember that sometimes shit gets fucked up, sometimes for weeks

8pol is down as well.

Its a cloudflare problem.


Who are we without memes? Has kek forsaken us? What the fuck is going on?!?!



> virusshare
post unzipped txt if true

just tried posting on a few other boards, Sup Forums only one i can post to


don't worry OP, we will find a way to deal with the shills via rope.
>tfw you can't upload sweet nazi gif

Same, wtf is going on. I rage quit shitposting today because my pics wouldn't upload and anytime I tried to post with a link to prove a point the post would time out and fail. Have (((they))) realized the power and influence of this place?




I wish I could post on /r9k/ and /x/, but they don't seem to be working at all, only Sup Forums

I have no idea what it is. He was talking about posting zip files with various txts, videos, and gifs inside. Said they were important.

what did he mean about the midwest?

OH and not to mention about 40 or so pictures he said.

Try 8ch or mlpol.net



⣿⣿⡇⢀⢀⠂⡂CIA NIGGERS ⢀⠂⢀⢀⠒⢀⠒⢸⣿⣿
This happened




Anybody smart enough to explain what s going on. I cant shitpost on Sup Forums :(

They worked out how damn powerful images are in propaganda. They want to control the narrative.

Brother I will try


Sup Forums users can't post images either, they're having a pretty good time cracking jokes tho, like threads that say you must post an image in this thread, no text :)


Then you should know it's a raid, faggot. Sage this shit slide thread.

such an aesthetic face. never forget moot

>can't post outside Sup Forums
Let's see. Can I post here?

They've known this. They're taking our meme powers away from us.

Image servers are down. Nobody knows why though.
I've been trying to figure out what the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums for a few hours, but I ain't got shit. To make matters worse m00t is nowhere to be seen.
I'm worried this may be the end. Godspeed senpai.


Pls don't let this be the end...




How can people not realize this is a kike tactic to make others feel stupid? I really, REALLY hate you. You should be shot in the fucking dome.

zero day exploit against Sup Forums?

Nah, I saw some shit on /o/ uploaded after that

I know that feel, bro. I've been here since 1998.

u wot m8?

>(X) doubt


>you have been posting here since before I was born

Sup Forums posters can still post on other boards.
>>Sup Forums757706682

Linked to your reply by mistake, sorry. Sage next time.


Fuck it. I hope the U.S. government kidnaps your children and rapes them. You all deserve it at this point. This isn't some sort of huge mystery you fucking brainlets, how have you not inferred any meaning from that post at all? Look at the context of that thread, look at what that user said. Do I have to spell it out for you faggots? Do I really have to fucking spoonfeed you what's going on any more than I already have?
>user posts in a pizzagate thread talking about how he wants to release important files
>doesn't want to post them individually because they'll get shilled to oblivion
Sup Forums is getting fucking annihilated to prevent whatever the fuck this was from getting out. I'm 100% sure that whoever made that post is fucking dead by now from two "self-inflicted" gunshot wounds to the back of the head that will be labeled a suicide.

what did you see?

ascgen only gives me shit with this ramp. what are u using goyos

Don't worry it will all be over soon thats what I would love to tell you but their is no government to back me up currently.

Me too bro, Spring '98. This site was pure gold when you needed a VPN, a dialup modem linkup, and BBS to access.

to be fair, anons post LARP shit like that literally every day

/x/enophiles fucked something up, I guess.

>Since 2006

Bitch this is exactly how it was back then. Ascii, desu spam and anontalk bots.

Fucking nerds.

Oy vey, we gotta use our brains goys

I haven't been able to post on other boards but i can post here. Fuck off.

It took forever and a couple tries to post somethng on a different board. I have only managed to post anything once today... how will this go?

Fuck this just happened to me. I can upload text but no images. Is there a reason for this?

Is there another board on the same level? I've only used Sup Forums, since 2007.


Why not post pol pics in other boards. Burn this mother fucker down

Image server down. Don't know why though.
I'm worried this may be the end.

It's all part of the plan.

Explain to me why you think an image that has been around for fucking forever fucked up Sup Forums.

i learned alot of cool shit here had great bants i learned how the swedish are a dying race i learned about all the rapes in sweeden and england but most of all i learned to love my Sup Forums buddies

Quit being dramatic and go do something besides shitpost for a few days. Sperg out if it's gone a few days or a week from now.

We must take our memes to the streets!

hhddy- :h:ddhhddhhdhhhhyhhyhdhhhdyhdhyhhyhdhyhdyy
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hhdhhd/` `-dddhddssysoso//:o:/hhddhhdhhhhhhhhhhhhh
ddhddhh+`-:hhddhddhyyys+++o+-:-..` .ohhhhhhhhhh
hhddhddy`.:dddhddo:.:ossyy/-/:--:.```` `:yhhhhhhhh

> i learned to love my Sup Forums buddies
If you love us why do you memeflag?

I'm going into Sup Forums and will report back

The recent womens march.

They dont want insight, debate, or mockery/memes. It hurts them.

>not understanding internet time
It's already been down for 3 weeks bub.

Would probably be for the best for us all desu

I tried on my 2nd wifi box for working from home and it still blocks my ass. That's really interesting to me.

Like MBMC?

Did it work?


>What Would Michael McDonald Do

so i can fit in. i cant even post a pic of my feels it looks like this :(

since i can't post on /k/ can any gunfags tell me about the slr-107r? is it still having issues?

its happened before. you havent been browsing daily since 2015 obviously kek

Can we make a petition to remove gook moot for allowing this to happen? Can we take this to the streets and protests and show what happens when you try to shut down a literal containment website?



What the fuck is going on. Not like this...

Could post but no images
More Captchas than usual
>trap thread
We're still good I guess

What the fuck else would you do here. Its not like anyone came here to have an intelligent conversation.