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>Look guys I'm white
>0.2% Scandinavian

I'm afraid to get this because I could find out I have 10% African or Ashkenazi

Get out nigger



I was actually at a bar this weekend when some Swiss dude asked me if I was from Germany (I'm American). I instantly thought about Sup Forums

You do realize this is a sample result right?

>23 and me
>telling people to share their results
>meanwhile images are gimped currently and it would be inconvenient/unaesthetic textwalls

We can't.

>falling for the jew

I just vomited in my mouth. Amerimutts make me sick

>images are down
>hurr post pics you guiz
Unironically KYS

How white do you look?

Does 23andme differentiate between native and asian? Asking for a friend.

Reminder that 23 and me is owned by a Google Kike's Ex Wife.


The African and the Asian isnt the problem here. The real problem there is the (((1% Ashkenazi)))


Le 56% face.jpg

35% Fruitfly
98% Chimpanzee
85% Zebrafish
15% Mustard Grass
21% Roundworm

>The African and the Asian isnt the problem here

It just keeps getting worse with you mutts, doesn't it? Shut the fuck up, little niglet.


like 97% euro and then a split of the rest between northern african and american indian. Apparently a couple of my bros went ham in the early 1800's and bagged one of each. I claim bullshit and think it's a psyop to get me not to claim master race.