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Anti-Antisemitism is a Jewish invention invented in 1917, invented to prosecute the enemies of the Bolshevik's.

why are they giving this exposure? nehlen is a nobody but cnn is now promoting this guy and more trumpublicans will look into his policy positions

>fact trafficking is a crime bigger than child-trafficking according to CNN

All the kikes are circling the wagons about the infographics right now, from far-left jew media personalities to "conservative" jews like Ben Shillpiro.

Because they are fucking kikes, they were "chosen directly by god" and still couldn't manage to to not fuck up the last 2000 years. Of course they are going to make the wrong moves out of blind arrogance

Is dudes name really hairy cock train

Nehlen is so fucking based. When he wins the meltdown is going to be hilarious

Nehlen should go on Andy Racewarski


Is this reverse psychology?

Has anyone actually debunked or fact checked these? I always try to and dumbly start at the top, where most are indeed Jews and well known for it, but what about all those smaller people at me bottom? Is it authentic? Some peoole were hard to even find info about

this is so stupid its painful to read

Didn't you read the image in the OP? Jake Tapper went through it all and debunked it himself.

Jews can't resist the bait. Their holidays, their fears, their culture all center around this very moment. The only way they know how to deal with it is by mass signalling each other to stomp it out, a once very very successful tactic that is quickly losing potency.


ol jake the snake

i have never seen jews as scared but also as brazen as they are today

Trips of truth. Let's make it happen. Tweet Nehlen and Racewarski/JF about this.

most of the people in those infographs are cherrypicked literal whos

Anti-semitism is the Jews' final, greatest weapon of last resort to keep themselves from getting assimilated out of existence.

Source other than your ass?

That, and being insanely ugly.

Except their positions(all the high ranking positions in the company, basically) are listed below their name, Schlomo. Don't try to discredit this with your typical tricks.

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>the CEO and owners of said anti-white media empires are literal whos

Cool damage control, smelly kike rat.

>look at this fake news
>promotes it to his audience
>hey wait a minute *adjusts glasses* they are all of a Jewish faith )))):.jpg
Why is msm so stupid.

((((They)))) are counting on the Pavlovian reaction boomer lemmings have of automatically being outraged at any criticism to jews. And it works to an extent if you check the comments.

We really need to run someone who can actually challenge Paul Ryan and Nehlen is not that guy.

Nehlen is /ourguy/ and he's woke and he's actually running for office. He needs all the support we can give him. We need to get the Jewish question into the national dialogue.

>the merchant cries out in pain as he strikes you

>cherrypick all the top positions at a company
>it's all jews
>jews tell me they're cherrypicked so ignore/disregard it

We're onto you schlomo

Vice insomniac here, c'mon guys, not that many Jews work at CNN and the ones that do rarely agree on numerous topics, drug cartels in Mexico for instance. The few Jewish employees I know there came from Vice, CNBC, Bloomberg or worked as grips on TV productions. They're not, um, plotting the New World Order by reporting about Nancy Pelosi's health. Don't believe me but it's the truth.

It's counter Semitism, thank you very much.

And how might you *feel* if your race and religion were subject to virulent trolling every minute of every day? You'd become slightly paranoid, and very angry, organize and condemn. The hypocrisy to state otherwise is a joke, a big phony lie, guy.

not true, they are branch managers and executives and shit

Looks like he’s saying (((they))) control the media. How is that anti-Semitic?

How the fuck is telling the truth about the staff being Jews "filth"?

whites over-represented in leadership institutions, control all society they oppress others through their actions = totally normal not racist thing

jews over-represented in leadership institutions, control all society they oppress others through their actions = antisemitism


because jews are actually retarded

>and for that matter inaccurate
>implying some antisemitism is in fact accurate


Doesn't it feel like Sup Forums is at the end of the timeline and the final battle of the long war is coming? You can see them panic, they must feel it too.


>so many Jews at CNN



But true. Just look at Laura Loomer. Rabbi Jeshua!

So many Jews in this thread.

ok yeahhhhhh

Unfortunately America is the one place where this has zero chance of working because your country is full of Evangelical retards who think the Jews are the "chosen people" of God.

Because they literally can't help themselves.

This is good because when Jews get scared they go into overdrive and their propaganda gets more and more brazen, hypocritical and obvious. This is basically what happened in the last election cycle, and is why things have gotten so obvious that even normies are picking up on it.

Go away, shill. If you don't want to get trolled stopped writing articles celebrating the "browning" of various white countries and encouraging "fellow whites" to ignore their ethnic interests and provide a home to the rest of the world. If you weren't doing this 24/7 no one would care about Jews: America is a naturally philosemitic country and always has been--but you can only shit on someone's face so many times before they start to notice.

the USSR made antisemitism punishable by death and they were all jews in power