If whites have never came to conquer the native americans what would the country/rest of the world be like today?

If whites have never came to conquer the native americans what would the country/rest of the world be like today?

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How it is today except no whites.

The Incas were starting to go through their Bronze Age around the time the Spaniards showed up so who knows man, I imagine if the hemisphere were left alone, the Incas probably would've expanded and shiet.

The Mexican and Central American Feathernecks were still sacrificing kids to make the sun go up though and the plains indians were practically still in the stone age

like germany or sweden

i dunno... hard to say. hard to say that it's not literally european man's birthright to this entire planet... maybe share some with the chinks i guess.
let's say the europeans didn't come to america until about this time, i feel like they would sort of be treated like muzzies. they would make us feel bad for them and act like they should come into our land while they come over and farm the resources dry.
this theory assumes that kikes/elites still run the world, hitler was still a leader in germany, and most americans (north and south) wouldn't exist or would be from their country of heritage


Literally any contact with the Old World would have killed all of them

non-whites wouldve showed up and bungled the colonisation as bad as portugal and spain did with central(fuck you mexico, youre there too) and south america

Like Peru and Bolivia.

Probably still eating each other.

Britain wouldn't have been so greatly overtaxed via the American colonies. Mexico would've eventually rebelled and ended up in an American position to some degree. Germany would've never been able to form a nation.

I suspect very much the same

the native americans weren't stupid, they stated that they chose to live as they did, in harmony with mother earth. that's what i want to believe anyway.

we did really deal them a shitty blow and if it were up to me, when the USA balkanizes, they would get the Lakota region back, to do with as they please.

I know it's uncool here to sympathize with non whites but damn they got fucked hard and all they wanted was to be left alone to hunt buffalo

Or wait. Are we counting the Spanish as white? If so, then the Americas would still be infighting tribes barring Asiatic conquest.

Chinese would of killed you all.

Tribes committed genocide against the Metizos and Pueblos nations. Women were treated as property, they had no purpose other than to be kept barefoot (so they couldnt leave the general camp area) and kept pregnant, to further the living of the tribe.

They were fucking savages that murdered each other. Europeans were smarter, more sophisticated savages that survived the ice age, fucking deal with it.

No niggers.

Sounds like paradise.

>implying I’m a native

We'd be colonizing Titan right about now

> Europeans go west to look for resources but actually leave, realizing there's no profit to be made
> Europeans engage in second crusades, now armed with advanced weaponry and seize the Levant and instill New Byzantine
> industrial revolution happens a century sooner
> Europeans begin discovering crude oil in the Levant
> civilization accelerates quickly as the monarchs use oil to usher their societies into space flight by the 1700s
> lunar colonists seeksindependence from British monarchy
> the United States of Luna is founded in 1776
> Manifest Destiny pushes Luna and the monarchs to travel and settle Mars and the asteroid belt
> the Russians take Mars as the other European and Asian powers focus on spots in the asteroid belt for mining
> 1914, System War 1 occurs over resources in the inner belt, with Mars seceding from Tsarist Russia on earth to create Soviet Mars
> 1929, Great Depression hits and Hitler comes to power to seize Jupiter from the encroaching European Powers on it
> System War II happens, this time on Earth as well as across all expanse of the Solar System thus far.
> Luna shows its might by turning itself into Starkiller base and destroying Japan's colony of Ganymede. The war is then over.
> the Martians and Lunans begin an arms race after Mars transforms itself into a cosmic body killing cosmic body
> several Afghan and Vietnamese colonies are invaded by both superpowers in an interplanetary proxy war
> the Martian economy collapses and they remerge with a newly formed Democratic Russia
> the kikes wanna seize the nation's of the earth by the balls by taking control of Saturn and all its moons
> Luna colonizes Titan, calling it "California"

What's happens to niggers, mudslimes, and injuns this whole time?
> injun land becomes a nature preserve and tourist destination
> robots are used instead of niggers; they just starve in Africa
> dune coons have a fatwa telling them they can't go into space

It would be an Africa-tier shithole.

I'm an injun, my part of the country would be a natural wonderland with ancient cedar forests and rivers teaming with salmon. The entire landmass as a whole would be utterly worthless to humanity as a whole, but on the plus side, with no corn, you won't have corn syrup to fatten up the britbongs.

But lets be realistic, if the britbongs didn't take over, someone else would've, and we would've been a lot worse off if it was someone like china or imperial japan.

Not really as they were conquered by Japan, In reality Island people is the real problem.

Ive read estimates that said as high as 90% of the plains indian population was killed by disease alone. Hard to say anything was "done" to them as a people if that estimate is anything clise to accurate

most "natives" were killed by Euro diseases before they ever even saw a white man.

If modern injuns were in charge it would be absolutely end up that, but we were able to live off the fat of the land pre-contact, and managed the territories responsibly. We weren't aboriginals that burnt down an entire continent to get an easy meal.

Oral history of various tribes confirm that a wave of disease wiped out a huge percent of our people. You round eye's may have stole our land and put us in molest schools, but losing 90% of your population and more importantly the cultural knowledge they had is what did the real damage.

This. America would have still become a world technological superpower and beacon of freedom and liberty, just with Amerindians instead of Whites.

You're literally WE-WUZing right now, sweeties.

This and ofc
This is the only right outcome

Muttman fingers move before his eyes read what is on screen. I'm not saying we had an advanced civilization, just that we didn't shit up the land more than we had to.

Amerindians do well enough and they do preserve nature.


And I'm not disagreeing with that statement, just pointing out the fact that while the rest of us are in space, you'd be a modern inuit tier society, as in completely ignored and worthless to the rest of the species. If that's what you want, you got it.

>preserving nature because you're too fucking stupid to research how to terraform barren landscapes
Yeah, "good enough" doesn't cut it for the advanced species kiddo

>while the rest of us are in space, you'd be a modern inuit tier society
Isn't that we all want? For the races to do their own thing?

They are the best drinking pals and colleges, Americans really don't appreciate them.

Hey don't bash the Inuit. They have the most Alpha cuisine in existence. It's soy proof.