What do you see Sup Forums? Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers.
What do you see Sup Forums? Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers
Butt plug
That Black's IQ are 85 on average, and economically they are a net detriment.
Gas em all.
I see a Rorschach test oddly shaped as a phallic symbol, not-so-subtly indicating that the OP is dick obsessed faggot.
I see... bait.
That is the new Space X payload
Siamese twins without heads hailing hitler
it's ki adi mundi from star wars in a meditation pose
romulan bird of prey
penis of GTFO
I see a huge white cock
The eternal leaf
That's obviously a sword hilt.
OPs breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, evening snack, and midnight snack.
Looks like Thor's hammer to me
A gavel
what I gave your mom
joke's on you, we're not that big
I see a merchant peeking around the corner of a funhouse mirror.
Two bears high fiving
I see Neil DeGrasse Tyson
I see a large thick BLACK cock.
Is that your mother's cock
I see the happy merchant image.
a fleur de lee painted by a nigger
I see a dead elephant.
2Bears high-fiving.
My dildo. That reminds me I need some anal fun today.
Donald Trump
Hilt and guard of the master sword.
a a BENIS!
Meme potential. Think IOTBW but different Rorschach blots shaped like things that trigger liberals.
that's the jedi master, Ki-Adi-Mundi. sadly he was killed when sheev gave order 66.
Oh shit
Tesla rocket launch
Owen Wilson's nose.
Hard to say because I am colorblind.
a vertically inverted mushroom cloud.
Your mum's leafclam after having been enriched by a few 'refugees.'
A distorted picture of Garfield.
A Merchant from above.
The inside of OPs mind
a nigger.
I see Trump and Palestine.
Two storm trooper helmets turned slightly inward and the handle of a light saber
OP's inner self
i see a Neo Armstrong Cyclone Jet Armstrong Cannon
Your prime ministers favorite chair.
a mushroom cloud in the underworld, a cataclysmic earth quake in our perceptive world
woman with medium breasts
A rare deep water jew
Youre clearly gay because thats the shadow of a BIG WHITE COCK
OP being a faggot
It's that weird Vase that OP keeps sticking in his Mouth
two people yelling at eachother
It is nuclear blast upside down.