What is happening??? you might be saying
Let me explain
If you have ever posted a thread or reply in this board you are quarantined here forever and you may not post in any other board.
What is happening??? you might be saying
Let me explain
If you have ever posted a thread or reply in this board you are quarantined here forever and you may not post in any other board.
At least I'm not a nigger.
also no image means no nigger threads
being black is a fate worse than death my friend
you're stuck on a desert island and you can only post on one board
>not choosing pol
Are we the ones in the camps now? We didn't do nothing.
Other boards have terrible bantz. I'm happy here.
We dindu nuffin
State sponsored actors ddos targeting multiple chans + sites to supress the leak. Hiro missing and cannot be contacted on IRC
fuck the other boards, if i am to be quarantined its got to be with you guys, i'll bring the whiskey and cigars.
I can still animepost, so all is well.
dumb frogposter
Still better than being born a nigger.
but I posted on /lit/ and Sup Forums just then
this is factually untrue, i've posted on several boards tonight
fake news
just tested it
Thank you for your service
God is real
Trump will MAGA and
Jews will Burn.
So is it time to find a new site?
well turns out i can only post on one board
thank god it's this one
I can post on Sup Forums and Sup Forums so suck my dick