Hold up

If liberals are so mad about Based Assad using chemicals on ‘moderate’ rebels.

Yet they say nothing about the Jews smoking Palestinians with White Phosphorus?

Other urls found in this thread:


Trump secretly bombed an Israeli air base in April.

This is an initial response to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request submitted via facsimile on 9 October 2006, which was received by this office on 10 October 2006, for 93 separate publications pertaining to National Security Systems Issuances as listed on the index at cnss.gov. Your request has been assigned Case Number 51573. This letter indicates that we have begun to process your request. There is certain information relating to this processing about which the FOIA and applicable Department of Defense (DoD) and NSA/CSS regulations require we inform you.
For purposes of this request and based on the information you provided in your letter, you are considered an "all other" requester. As such, you are allowed 2 hours of search and the duplication of 100 pages at no cost. Be advised that NSA regulations preclude the conducting of partial searches.
We estimate that the costs involved to search for material responsive to your request will be approximately $176.00. Fees are assessed in accordance with DoD Regulation 5400.7-R. Search fees are computed at $44.00 an hour. You are entitled to two hours of search at no charge, therefore, we estimate your total cost to be approximately $88.00 ($176.00 - $88.00 for two hours of search). Our policy is to request advance payment prior to initiating the search. NSA regulations preclude the conducting of partial searches.



White phospherous is not the same thing as sarin gas you fucking brainlet. They don't even work the same way. Stop skipping chemistry in high school

Dude liberals already hate Israel but deny it has anything to do with them being Jews

> doesn’t realize I already know this


The cultural marxist architects overplayed and miscalculated their hand. Jews were planning to stay on the top tiers of the victimhood pyramid, but somehow gay, trans, women, blacks and muslims surpassed them.


>Assad used Sarin on his own people

Yeah I beeeeeeettttttt

That's not saying that happened, it was giving a hypothetical scenario.

Yeah, but it's true. Why do you think ZOGBots like Cernovich, PJW and Jones said they were off the Trump train 100% and acted so erratically when that happened?

Damn, your high school had a chemistry course on chemical weapons? That's rad!

>it's a war crime to use WP rounds against civilian targets
>an (((investigation))) determined that the jews were using WP correctly only as flares
>to illuminate targets
>in the daytime
You stupid goyim.

As the twentieth century draws to a close, the 1947 National
Security Act has become the Pandora's box that Ambassador
Kirkpatrick and Congressman Hoffman had feared. Placing a
legal barrier between foreign intelligence operations and
domestic politics in the National Security Act has proved
ineffectual. In the decades that followed 1947, the CIA not only
became increasingly involved in domestic politics but abridged
First Amendment guarantees of free speech and free press in a
conspiracy to keep this intrusion from the American people. The
intelligence and military secrecy of the 1940s had broadened in
the 1960s to covering up the suppression of domestic dissent.
The 1980s registered a further, more fundamental change, as
the suppression of unpopular opinions was supplemented by
systematic and institutionalized peacetime censorship for the
first time in U.S. history. The repressive machinery developed by
the CIA has spread secrecy like oil on water.

Yeah but the holocaust!

>be a retarded polnazi
>kill all niggers, sandniggers, faggots and chinks!
>the Jews are killing the sandniggers oh the horror!!!!

WP is perfectly legal to use for smokescreens or marking targets, which is all that's been proven Isreal has done. It makes lots of people uneasy because it's banned for use as an anti-personnel weapon because it causes very nasty chemical burns and has mustard gas like properties.

it's still considered crimes against humanity if you use it on highly populated civilian areas, and israel did it multiple times.

+it makes chemical burns to your body. you should see victims of white phosphorus bombings

The Republicans are the ones that are die hard Israel supporters and virtually no liberals support that party. OP makes no sense.

>says literally who
we have used Whiskey Pete in every conflict since ww1/ww2 you dumb nigger.
let them burn

what do you think smoke shells/rounds are.
>terrorists aren't niggers who hide among civi's to cause more problems.

Not true, libshits get triggered over Palestinians getting whacked all the time

Because WP isn't napalm. It's just one of the ingredients, and relatively safe for a pyrophoric substance.

He has to link to imgur to shitpost XD

>expect consistent moral principals from the modern day puritans that is the left
>caring about arabs

It's illegal to use it on civilian areas as an incendiary weapon, but legal to use it as a smokescreen.

So you just say you were smokescreening that neighborhood and you're good.

It's ok to be Jew

>Yet they say nothing
clearly you didn't watch liberal news

the anti assad rebels are just the type of people who would have no problem gassing some kids to push their sad agenda along. Then they go on twitter and pretend like they trying to save them by playing pretend doctor

Palestine doesn't exist. If the stupid jewskies had just exterminated them when they were supposed to this wouldn't even be a problem.

your claim requires proof

Most liberal see Israel as the oppressors and Palestinians as the oppressed

illegal to who? we never signed a treaty against it.

who gives a fuck what some court in yuropoor says

>Jews are killing the sandniggers

Jews are sandniggers, palestinians are white people

Are you high?! Snuffed too much pulverized Gugin pamphlets?