What did you assholes do?
What did you assholes do?
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This legit happened to me when i had the norovirus.
Felt like i was pissing out my asshole.
Is that a wikihow article? Sauce plox I need to laugh.
>Janitor applications are now closed. Thank you to everyone who applied!
That's what happened. We gave they keys to the enemy.
thats legit the worst temporary virus you can get. Every time i get it i have to stuff like a whole roll of toilet paper up my ass before i go to bed and wear two pairs of underwear as an emergency back up incase i shit piss while i sleep
The last image discussion thread
Stop eating wherever you eat; the norovirus come from filthy Mexicans not washing their hands.
Did you take pics?
Nothing. The kikes are doing it.
Can confirm this will happen if you let traps fuck you in the ass and you've never prepared. I'm speaking from experience. Ama
Aside from antivirals and pepto bismol, all you need is fuck tons of Gatorade and bread
i last got it during my undergrad, it spreads around universities like wildfire because people dont wash their hands well and then go touch every fucking door and plates and shit in the cafeterias
You misspelled foreign exchange students. Fucking chinks.
>take mexican instagram whore looking mexican bitch on a tinder date
>bit chubbier than what her pictures were but still take her home and refry her beans
>she is clingy as fuck
>don't know how to say fuck off in spic
>won't even let me sleep, keeps touching me in her sleep and rolling around
>cooks me a literal bowl of grease for breakfast
>feel like shit the whole day but constipated
>finds me at same pub the next night and won't let go of me
>take her home again and fuck the shit out of her
>trying to sleep when she reaches over and tickles my stomach or some shit
>feels like aliens trying to molest me
>fire my shart cannon all over that slut like in ops pic
>angry beaner shouting
>she storms out in a hurry
>can't help but laugh the whole time
Uhh can I get a quick run down? what's happening?
Why not just use an adult diaper
Shove a tampon in your ass.
I've heard of self deprecating humor, but self defecating humor is something you'd only see in a Bollywood flick.
Images stopped walking halfway through a pizzagate thread
Some others think it was an ayylmao
That's an awfully rude thing to call the chink who runs the site.
I'm unsure how to react to humor on Sup Forums without suggestive douj crops. So, ha ha ha.
No-Meming I haven't gotten on 4chains in days. Can i get a quick rundown on the current state of Sup Forums. Havent even checked my secondary boards yet. Are we kill?
No seriously, some schizos think that it was an ayylmao posted on /x/ so the MURICAN GROVERENT SHUT US DEWRN
>thread image
>other countries reacting to leaf/aussie shitposting
This happened just today as far as I can tell
For me I was able to see image posts from other anons for a while but when I would try to post my own I would get a connection error or "upload error". That was not too long ago, then when I came back everything was borked like this. An imageboard without images is a soulless husk of its former self.
happened today, no one knows why. Some anons say they can't post on other boards (I couldn't post on /qa/).
The only positive are little to no blacked threads, soyboy threads, etc.
We are back to the good old days of yuropoors crying about americans being awesome like the good old days.
I once got a horrible case of food poisoning and unironically did this to my wife. She has never let me live it down.
They're getting ready to monetize. Only Sup Forums gold posters can post Images soon
I get it sometimes if I drink too much milk too fast, or drink too much pop. My body recognizes I'm poisoning myself and decides to push the crap out without digesting it. Shit burns like hell, but I'm always glad it's so freaking easy to wipe up.
Is this from the new Gundam anime?
Why did you let men fuck you in the ass with their penises, did you atleast fuck them back, are you an actual gay?
sweet jesus what the fuck is that?!
Images are back?
Only got it once, at least as an adult. Four hours of brutal vomiting and diarrhea, followed by me shaking violently on the floor because I became so cold and numb.
Fuck, I’ve become chickenshit worrying about getting it again.
>want to rip a fart
>shit leaks out of my asshole instead
Damn these undercover wet shits
Good one reddit
You were lucky you were at home. Got it on the flight back from Asia. Was throwing up in the bathroom sink while shitting non stop. The 20 mins of taxiing to the tarmac was the worst 20mins of my life. Had to play capture and release to stop my self letting the flood gates fully go.
worst part of the noro is that you also puke like a lawn sprinkler
its not rare to change positions while on the shitter
Shit, I just thought god was pissed at me or something. I'm glad I finally have a name to put to that special brand of suffering.
i told on some people and they were all 'what did that nigger just say" then i was all i noes stuffs and just started blurting things out then some faggot had seen what i was posting on /x/. and was like "omg shut that shit down rite now!!!" and its funny as hell because you would think the whole america trying and failing to start Ww3 and the government shut down was just so some politicians could stand knee deep in water in the underground city that has cracks on all the walls and might collapse at any moment that was made under obama thats flooded because the water table is a thing and that pump died but no black science man and his friends dont want to be outed and frauds
Do these... "wet shits" glow in the dark?
I feel you. I got mine 2 days after the airport. I think it takes like 48 hours to kick in. My bro is flying out to Asia, I pray he doesn’t get shit like that on top of everything else. I can totally picture how bad that must’ve been while taxiing.
it's not "normal" to keep getting a virus like that. Change your life, change what you're eating, do something nigger, jfc
Nigger wat
Who on Earth would use good artistic talent to produce something such as this? DisGUSTing.
>Laugh maniacally at 2:30 am. Whole family comes too see whats wrong.
No explanation jpg.