/k/ don't work
this is our board now
Gun thread
Other urls found in this thread:
only if your discussion of firearms relates to it's use on minorities.
If one comes in my door uninvited I open fire. Good enough?
>le Arizona
>most lenient state in the US for firearm onwership
>no registration, no CCWs, no licenses, only need back ground checks and form 4473s for any non class 3 firearm, open carry and legal non-CCW concealed carry and castle doctrine state
>$200 tax stamp and local sheriff's signature and you can own any class 3 fully automatic weapon that is legally purchased/imported in the US
I own a Russian SKS and Rem 870 pump 12Ga, want to get a Glock 22 and a Rem 700 in .308win next
only if you plan how to kill kikes with those guns
Why would you come here, the asshole of chan, thinking we work?
you have really shitty taste
>not going to Sup Forums during a happening
>not knowing that /k/ and Sup Forums are long-standing buddies
I desire practicality and function over anything else when it comes to firearms.
we had good relations with the pony fuckers board, you guys could be an asset
>Remington 700
newguns get off /polk/
Get the weebs in here and we could be /polka/
Rem 700s are reliable enough and get the job done. Literally see no problem with them if you aren't nit-picky about it. US Army has been using the M24 for 30 years.
>hating on /k/
Got a Walther PPS m2, great gun for CCW
Npap user here, did I fall for a shitty meme or did I make a nice purchase
Other boards are down, I'd rather a /k/ here than nigger dick blacked threads
aka whites
is that the niggerkiller 9000?
/k/ and Sup Forums is pretty much the same board
A fucking leaf, It's always a fucking leaf.
Can't really have a blacked thread without pictures
can't you niggas stay loyal to a board
for once in your lifetime
>gang gang nigga
fuck you
What's yalls OOOOOOOOOOO-pinion on the Chiappa Rhino?
/mlpol/ is pointing and laughing right now. Mainly because they can still post images on their website.
I'm proud of you user
You obviously haven't been looking through the board. I've hidden several, and reporting system is down.
>It's my first day on Sup Forums
>why are there blacked threads
>omg I just saw a cock
You mean the ascii shit? How can you even tell the difference? If you're referring to OP pics, no I haven't really been browsing. Mostly just been hitting refresh on page 0.
/ck/ here
that corn looks tasty, how did you prepare it?
pew pew
It's not tasty. You take a perfectly good ear of corn, leave it in storage forever, possibly freeze and unfreeze it, pre-cut it with machines before selling it to the goyim.
Then the goyim boil it until wrinkly and possibly put butter on it, although we all know that butter makes you fat so that's optional. Then you burn the inside of your mouth because it's nothing but steam inside.
That cob looks boiled.
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it's a silencer peasants
I imagined /k/ would hunt their own wild corn
What's your collection, /k/? Don't tell me you have less guns than a leaf, sorry for the bad pic my camera sucks.
...MMNZD7.NMNNOOD8OMDN?.$DND8? 88Z$$....
....,$NO8?..M8?+7DNMND$.8NDO7. .DZ$... .
/k/ uses long-range weapons. Bitches don't know about getting paper cuts from the leaves when you try to pick the ears during melee.
/k/ is always welcome here. Here's your complimentary noose.
Why not.
used to have about 60 odd guns and ammo slings holsters etc stockpiled, gradually sold them all off, got tired of cleaning 2 tons of pig iron all the time and dont really have a need for such an armory so sorry shits can beg to borrow from me.
presently keep a just a pair of pistols g17 g23 and an old chech vz24 mauser
confident that with just those i can do fine. hell i'd be dangerous if all i had was a sharp stick and a gallon of gas.
guns dont work over the internet. This is my board.
Checked, I was basically just saying they were there and that the shill slide threads were everywhere and there was no way to report them
>page 0
gotchya, I prefer the catalog
Did you guys know that lead is not safe and reduces your IQ? There is no safe limit of exposure. Your non-practice bullets have lead in them and you are going to be dumb. Did you ever consider that? Proabably not.
If I ever shoot myself with it I don't think I'll be dying of lead poisoning.
>id is GOMeGASk
>Gome Gas me /k/ oh fugg :DDDD
Leads only poisonous in california.
best gun for the happening?
You don't have to shoot yourself. Just being near lead will make you dumb.
a soldier's gun
Lead doesn't make you retarded, it makes your kids retarded, but only if you lick too much of it or shove up your ass or rub it on your balls or whatever they say. Most bullets are copper plated over the lead anyway.
Well there's lead in my water. That worries me more than my rounds, but it is much more easily filtered.
>lead bullets
What is copper?
They'd probably go someplace where the corn is tied to a tree
What are your thoughts on malware being considered a weapon and therefore being protected by the 2A.
Lance Thomas
lead core. Although, not sure how the lead gets out of the core. Though the blast material, whatever you call it, often has lead in it.
fuck off /k/ is just fine
>mfw I can't post pregnant Anne Frank porn anywhere
Corn for scale?
It's a self defence situation
dumb frogposter
okay, you are welcome
What is better than 1 famas? 2 famas!
Here's my SKS, it's one of the early ones, 1950 with black bolt carrier.
Bought an M1912 Steyr Hahn because I'm top 10 in most kills globally in BF1 and its my favorite gun ever. The reload in the game is slow compared to me now.
My boomstick, 48 inches overall length
Is there anything as fun as a top-break .22 revolver?