Sup Forums is dying, where are we going next?

Sup Forums is dying, where are we going next?

Other urls found in this thread:

Live life

Alone? In the swamp?

80 Meters. The legal area that ends in XX88.88. We can start a net.

Burn the coal, pay the toll.


2 ur mums vagina

kys tripfag

Fite me, Sven...I'll give yeah googly eyes.

8ch's Sup Forums

Outside,I guess?


8ch, home of leftypol?

Live life

Where is this bridge? I want to drop acid on it.


Worldstar Hiphop and iFunny


We will leave this world behind and shitpost in the stars

Grandjest of course


Somewhere that is blocked if you have visited T_D in the last year

No better place. We can regroup there.

Will we leave humanity behind?

We conquer reddit if they destroy our containment board.

Out onto the streets



Yes, the home of the best trap succ you'll ever experience. Someone post their BO.

I told you fuckers and you didn't believe me. Now shit is hitting the fan. Get in the Stor Shelter now that I set up for such an occasion.

facebook, all under the name and profile picture of steve jobs as a force ghost. comin at ya live from the cloud

Why do I feel something terribly wrong is gonna happen, this is all pretty damn scary


I vote for myspace.

Invade reddit

Looks like a normie anonymous app at first but the politics group is full of alt-righters.

This has been proposed before and nothing ever happens with it.

We are entering some kind of storm

>people don’t remember when Sup Forums was dying every other month


>advertising essentially the same shit in my thread


something beyond Sup Forums is going on

>Not realizing most users on Sup Forums are dumb phone posters

we dont all have a cellphone, i dont want one

So, what you’re saying is, somethings happening here and what it is ain’t exactly clear?



- Rupert Murdoch, Carlos Slim,
- Mercers, Kochs, Mars, Waltons, Gates, Buffet, Branson
- many Catholic uni's (seminaries, law schools)
- many Evangelical uni's (seminaries, law schools), Liberty U, etc
- a church every six or ten blocks in every city and town across the nation
- white gentiles outnumbering jews by something like 20:1

despite ALL of that,

*** no ***
high quality media --- real news gathering, asking tough questions, careful analysis ---
in the U.S.A. (or in the Anglosphere ftm)
that is *** white gentile *** dominated,
whether self-consciously or as a natural consequence of the pursuit of excellence.

Being a nazi/pol/ =
- playing the victim (wearing pussy hat)
- totally giving up on the possibility of well-informed thoughtful gentiles

nigga you pussy by leaving Sup Forums
this brotha stay loyal even in the time of

yea but you are from canadia. Canadanians are sub humans

8/pol/ or

Those who are truly dedicated will migrate to infinity, but the rest will go outside and take what they have learned

there's a man with a gun over there

This was discussed a while back, I believe recolonizing Meinspace is a decent plan, user

If all is fine we stay, but it might die too, we'll see

Based Millchan that's where.


Install Zeronet
Go to Millchan: colon 43110 slash 1ADQAHsqsie5PBeQhQgjcKmUu3qdPFg6aA

>User moderated (Mute posts yourself)
>P2P (Use Tor and a VPN for Privacy and Security)

I'm printing stickers and memes and hitting the streets to redpill normies about the Jews.

not good if you want more than 3 members

Make it so, user
Haven't been in years but would be easy to form groups in case Sup Forums goes the way of the Mohicans amidst this fuckery

Telling me I've got to beware

Lol Sup Forums been dead for like 7 years now. Pleb missed the memo

Well if people joined instead of complaining about low users.

Canadians made hitchBOT, which is to say that they crudely assembled a broadly anthropomorphic heap of refuse and left it someplace for strangers to take care of for them. It traveled across Canada and Europe for some reason, experiencing nothing, doing nothing, being all the while nothing more than a loudmouthed freeloading bucket. Then it came to the United States, where it caught a richly deserved beating, just like Canada’s hockey teams do when they come here. I do not know what motivated this beating; if it was revulsion at the very notion of a smarmy Canuck trash can with the temerity to expect favors, that’s reason aplenty.

The impulse, here, is to say that hitchBOT was “destroyed,” but that is nonsense; what is the actual consequence to hitchBOT of detaching its parts? A loss of function? What function? It had no function. It was a pile of trash. Providing a cathartic release for some pissed-off Eagles fan is the closest it has ever come to usefulness. In its violent disassembling, it found, briefly and for the first time, an actual purpose.

If our guileless, simpleton neighbors to the north wish to draw faces on their buckets and treat them like friends, the sparse population density of their pine-fresh taiga wilderness makes this a sad but understandable choice, but the United States is not a receptacle for twee Canadian garbage. It is a grownup land where the humans know each other and do not ameliorate the loneliness of car trips by picking up roadside litter and befriending it.

The United States has many actual robots; they assemble Chevrolets, and throw pitches, and do battle on TV, and fall down, and probably other things too. The day the United States has need for a malingering robo-hobo with no skills that sits next to the road like a bag of shit and asks people to do things for it, we will build one for ourselves, and have the good sense to give it lasers.

The fewer the better anyway. Not very likely shills will go out of there way to take the steps to find the community. I like that

why are we here? just to suffer without imagos?

Lets just do the myspace migration

The rest of the internet. The past decade was training

true, but we still need a bit bigger userbase.
If only the good anons came.
Shills, drumpfers, The_cucks, "le based", kekistani etc should get lost

I'm going to do undergrad studies and then go backpacking in Europe or maybe Thailand to find myself afterwards, or maybe go to India.

Shitpost in the real life. Make this collapse on top of their head.

its time to take our shitposting irl

>no millchan

There's no censorship, it's p2p, all you have to do is install zeronet and access the millchan url.
Use tor and a vpn for security and privacy.

mfw /mlpol/ is unironically better than 4/pol/ currently

>no censorship
probably because there's no content

>install zeronet
>through zeronet, go to millchan
>install tor and a vpn too

compared to simply opening internet explorer and typing in Sup ..

I'm going to sleep.
I'll see you all here tomorrow morning when things are back to normal.

alright mate goodnight

Oh there is content.
You can moderate the posts yourself.

>install tor and a vpn too
Tor is installed and enabled by default but up to you how much effort you want to put in.
You can stay cucked on cuck or cripplechan of you want.

It's fine. The jap just has some bills to pay.

lol now all you guys are going to be the newfags on the_donald instead of trying to call me one on here just because I use this site and reddit. lol newfags I'm going to have 14,000 upvotes and you guys are going to have none

To get a job?

"legal area" still needs license to operate

>Sup Forums is dying, where are we going next?
THIS is why the image shut-down. They're data-mining where our other hangouts are. Do NOT respond to this thread with any meaningful/revealing information.

>Caring about virtual points that have no value or no government to say it has value

myspace is pretty kiked

yeah thats what im going with, but if they break us up, we're kinda fucked mate

for now.....

8ch is dead. They used to have 20 active boards, now they have 3 active boards Sup Forums, Sup Forums and Sup Forums the latter two dying and infested with /r/The_Donald retards and a turkish mod, who deletes your posts without warning if you talk shit about turkey or israel. the 8/pol/ cesspool is cucked beyond repair.


Tumblr, girls are easily influenced. Redpill the fuck out of tens of millions of teenage girls.

Agreed... perhaps a way to recognize?


Sup Forums gib you the starting mindset of all rightwing-traditional ways of thinking.
It's all up to you now.
Make memes real.

We will go out and shitpost in the real world.

No where.

Hear me out. We need to reintegrate into society. We need to do real life redpilling. Subtly but consistently. If only a few thousand Sup Forumssters venture out into the unknown, those might be a few thousands other thousands could join. And guess what, a movement starts with a few thousand good men and can then lead millions, if not billions into a wealthy, secure and positive future of non-degeneracy with real values.

only a place where anonymity is is the rule

>We need to do real life redpilling
How many people can you reach in real life? 100? 1000? You can reach a million people on social media.

Looks like we back

plz plz plz

>why are we still here