China banned Hip-Hop culture and tattoos from all tv-shows
Unironically starting to like China more and more lately.
Sup Forums talks big about the day of the rope, but China actually follows through on their ethnic cleansing.
Should have shot them.
Based gooks
Fucking fascists
Seems like China and Russia are doing everything right and the US is doing everything wrong. WTF? We're gonna lose.
I wouldn't say like, but man, they sure do hate niggers. that makes them alright.
I used to be terrified of a world run by the Chinese. Everyday it seems like an increasingly better alternative
i've noticed long time ago this paged is shilled against Chinese.
all those copy pastas are there for a reason. they don't want to lose dollar as main currency becouse they know they won't be able to control yuan that easily, and everything proves that yuan will be main currency soon enough
Maybe our insect overlords wont be too bad after all
This is what happens when you force a nigger on a chink in Star Wars.
It's funny isn't it? You know shit is bad when Chinese rule seems like an ok thing.
>and everything proves that yuan will be main currency soon enough
source plz
It's all fun and games until you're working 18 hours a day in an iPhone factory and eating dog fried in sewer oil for dinner.
This is the nail in the coffin. If you retards don't start getting involved with Asia, you're going to starve.
>they want us to hate the chinks
>when the chinks are doing it all right
Who's laughing now Labour boy
>all these china shills that hate freedom of expression
you realize real pol is laughing their asses off at you all?
fuck niggers
fuck niggers
fuck niggers
Based tila tequila really is /ourgirl/
Nzfirst boy to you
So basketball is banned in China too?
Reply to this post if op's pic related got you gains
> you retards don't start getting involved with Asia,
>you're going to starve.
Asia is responsible for a majority of the worlds famines throughout history kek. I will stick with the North American breadbasket thanks.
Doesnt work that way in an MMP government mate, you either get chink raped or somali raped.
Wtf I love communist now
More corparatist I reckon,
k im moving to china
>Implying laws are enforced in the land of the insect people
same. lets convert facistbro
>authoritarian government further reduces freedom of expression
>Sup Forums celebrates, then goes back to whining about liberal "censorship"
you guys are a self-parody
Listen, don't be this stupid. Who's "they" that want us to hate the chinks? Something you made up?
Chinks are transparently undesirable in OUR countries. That has nothing to do with whether they are making good decisions for themselves, in their own country. It also has nothing to do with hate.
basketball is a white invention, just like literally everything
Youre reading to deep mate, it all boils down to nigger hating
go red fascist m8
Including gunpowder and paper?
>they sure do hate niggers. that makes them alright.
They are equally as bad.
The gunpowder and paper we use today? Yes.
china lovers are just chink shills, either behind a proxy or living abroad
Invent =/= produce
When you create a new formulation of something, you have in fact created an invention.
>T. Zang
This 100%. Don't let them crack consensus, pol. These chinks get the gas on the day of the rope.
Good. The more nations that make a stand the better. Degeneracy needs to end
Hey, I'm very anti-china, they're shitting up my province by driving all the vancouverites out of vancouver.
Praise the Chinese for their courageous act!
Based chinks hate black *laughs* culture...
Holy shit I love communism now
>Be american
>Complain on chinese and indians for shitting on street while walking around with liquid shit around stores
>Be Swedish
>Openly accept anyone of any background into your country
>Ignore all the raping, murdering, and theft because you don't want to be considered racist
As long as it doesn’t affect Kpop I could give a fuck.
They know about the jewish tricks
china haters are filthy kike shills triggered over china recognizing palestine
here we can observe a case of a based chink bringing the bants