Ayyyyy this happened at my local high school...

Ayyyyy this happened at my local high school. No doubt i'll be seeing it on the news and shit tomorrow from people Literally Shaking when they saw it. Dare I say it might touch the national news, MSM loves this kind of garbage. Anyway this thread currently ripe for the ol trollerino if you're interested, so much butthurt flowing from it:

KIKEBOOK DOT COMMM /amber.m.smith.319/posts/10215027089609096


"Jackie Ja'Qulyn - So when are we going to go protest and cause a scene to get attention?!"

great idea JaQulyn, gettin the noggin floggin I see

I hate niggers so much

I have relatives that go to the school mynigga. i'm thankfully of the done with college type age

Oh sorry then


They're both blue. They should say blue, niggers are fucking stupid.


one more bumparoonie

Hey Jamal, whatcha doin?

niggers are demons. Every single word uttered from their mouth is lies to conceal or project their predatory behavior. They love to paint their victims as perpetrators.

what the fuck have they given to this world? nothing. they've only destroyed

Tempted to say false flag. These sorts of incidents usually are, but it's a high school. Impulsive Sup Forumsack whites aren't farfetched. Might be real.

Whatcha doing there Shaquesha?

I remember in high school, we polled students and staff about wanting to end women's suffrage. A staggering majority was all for it. Even a few teachers.

>racist thing
>use colored instead of nigger


I'm going to take a wild guess and say it's some false flag.

Why should women suffer?

They fucked up by writing those instead of printing them out

Gen Z are fucking mad men though

were all gonna be okay

This. Painfully obvious.

Do you not know history?

if this isnt bait, you are the reason people think americans are dumb

do you? a racist in 2018 would just say nigger lol

They're not the only problem.

He brings up a good point though user.

Respek wammin!

>Not using "people of color" instead of colored to bait them.

this is EXACTLY why blacks should have their own classes away from racist whities

Hey La'Queesha, whatcha doin?

lmfao high school or not, that shit is hilarious

>”kick they white asses”
Jesus Christ they even write with a low iq. Fucking embarrassing.

Improper grammar is part of their black identity I shit you not. Growing up in a white area I never understood nigger hate until I started browsing Sup Forums.

those notes are written by a girl

Thats "their" english

Muslims have the same fucked up "own" german they talk, its a mix of german/arab/turkish/whatever

"brudda ich ficke disch amunakeudüm"

We have the same problem. Even the shitskins born here talk with an absolutely awful dialect.

It's remarkable how no matter where they are they butcher the native language. They all go back - Europe for Europeans.

anyone have a link to the video?
this is one of the things that bothers me about niggers
they feel like they're entitled to respect, if it was white kids picking on specific white kids the parents would be saying "my children dont deserve this kind of treatment/bullying"


if they don't write like that to other blacks, they consider them uncle toms, and part of white culture. literally doing well in school is "acting white"

>wtf is this fucking

"This shit ain't koo at alll. Is this what shchool teaching only baka" - Ntxawm Lauj, associate dean of critical retard thought


Better look out we be sendin the Wakanda Space Corps to fug U up whitey!

Now gib me dat 40 bitch, I bes thusty

Make the Word Nigger great again!

My thoughts exactly. didn't this happen just a few months ago and it turned out Tyrone did it.

>How DARE that privileged old white male hold his African American students to the same standards as his white ones?! That isn't what equality is about! We need to make excuses for him because he's just a poor lil' n- I MEAN person of color. What don't you understand, you racist?!

When I was younger, I didn't quite grasp why conservatives tried to say that so many lefties patronize their minority pets.

kek get off the commie welfare check coons or deal with it

But if they recyclables requires colored construction paper to be separated from the white paper. Recycling is racist!

100% she did it herself

But they're obviously imitating ye older racism with this joke, you sperg.