Let it be known to anyone who reads this that I fully and unequivocally support both our Israeli allies in the middle...

Let it be known to anyone who reads this that I fully and unequivocally support both our Israeli allies in the middle east and the Jewish persons in Western countries so integral to our quest for a more diverse and egalitarian world.


you're still benefiting from toxic whiteness goy, you still need to be gassed.

I too share this sentiment and like to add I'm excited for a new globalized nation. Diversity is strength and all life is precious.


Yea, h-he he, me too, so to speak!
I only made fun when i said gas the skypes, space war nao!
I welcome our globalist overlords!


Blacks make our countries stronger.

Fuck Israel. Come after me you CIA and MOSSAD fucks.

Daily remainder that Israel, CIA and Mossad are our best friends.

This also all my past post history has been satire and I love all races and religions oh and also your delicious soy!

>post yfw everyone on Sup Forums has a Jewess fetish

why do i love the khazar milkers bros?

Because you hate Jews but love beautiful women with large breasts, and when you see both, you experience cognitive dissonance.

I meant everything I posted online, especially the bit about King Nigger being a traitor to this country. Also everything I posted about Jews, their cultural identity is all fucked up and they should go back to Pissrael before RWDS kick off. Women need to stop being whores. Baba booey baba booey Howard Stern's kike penis.

the fact that i hate jews and see khazar millkers just gives me a bigger boner

I concur

yeah, there's just something about her jewishness and her sexuality that is appealing. I don't hate Jews though. They have been extremely good for the US. Entire math and science departments would not exist without them.

Something about a beautiful, Christ-hating Khazat with big fat milkers makes my dick so fucking hard. I want to fuck the Christ-killing out of them.

>I want to fuck the Christ-killing out of them

>dat pussy mound doe

I feel like we're ignoring the puffy poonhole in favour of milkers although I see the thread has already derailed into Shapiroposting.

They're not even Jews. They're like eastern European mongoloids masquerading as jews

you're all fags, and kikes are trash to be thrown out


Brie is another EXCELLENT Jewess. But, as far as I know, she doesn't have a brother who is a right-wing pundit that Sup Forums loves and/or hates.

So there's less room for memes.

I think it's important for the political dialogue that we all have a look at Alison's khazar milkers.

"You know nothing" Must be nice to be a know it all..

10/10 would denounce Christ for.

There will come a time where even the very rocks and trees will cry out, "Oh Servant of God, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him."

Your day is coming, filthy Jew

Relax. I'm just stressed. You go lady. Congrats.

Fuck off, I reported you to Mossad for being Anti-Jewish and working against the interests of our only allied nation in the Middle East.

Your days are counted.


>implying that I am not eager to martyr myself for the cause of ALLAH
>implying that Israel does not deserve to be wiped off the face of the Earth

Would nail false prophets to crosses for her.

I love the CIA and blacks and open those damned borders already everyone is an American and I hate guns and I love aborting white babies

Come do it then faggot. I have my ak waiting

You are not welcome here. This is a pro-Israel and pro-Jew board. Please return to reddit immediately.

Shillax dude, everything is going to be alt-right, why so upset? Just grab some hot chocolate and cookies, watch some TV, I heard there is a really great Hollywood movie on right now, soon enough you shall fall asleep and you'll feel great again and forget about the past.

Why does she have a micro penis?

Let it be known to anyone who reads this that I fully and unequivocally support both our Israeli allies in the middle east and the Jewish persons in Western countries so integral to our quest for a more diverse and egalitarian world.

Every post I made that could indicate the contrary was made in jest to try and be satirical of the alt right, nazis and fascists in general.

Big fan of getting paid vouchers from the Government for cars, running psyops, saying "where is your god now"

Honestly if this shit keeps up. Well this isn't over yet.


Nobody actually believes this

I'd like to add that I'm also happy to welcome so many new germans on my country and have always supported our supreme chancellor Merkel and voted CSU like a good go... guy.

>This is a pro-Israel and pro-Jew board.

$0.001 has been deposited into your account :^)

>Shillax dude, everything is going to be alt-right, why so upset? Just grab some hot chocolate and cookies, watch some TV, I heard there is a really great Hollywood movie on right now, soon enough you shall fall asleep and you'll feel great again and forget about the past.

Lest everyone forget, the Jews are the eternal enemy. There will be no peace on Earth until they are uprooted from every nation on Earth and exterminated like the cockroaches they are. Death to the Jews; Death to Israel. Also I don't watch TV.

Thank you, Germany. It is my hope that our countries have learned from our past mistakes and will continue to lead the march of progress towards a more equal future.

Fuck, Alison Brie is a filthy Jew?

oy vey!

>Fuck, Alison Brie is a filthy Jew?
Is that really all that surprising? Satan's agents are everywhere


You sure you weren't thinking of your own country Mehmet?

If by "filthy jew" you mean a beautiful and distinguished representative of God's chosen, then yes, she is a filthy jew

why do you assume I'm a t*rk

whoops, quoted the wrong post


even proper Christians hate Israel, anyone who endorses Zionism and an apostate and deserves death

Stick to plebit, justin

gtfo jew

Shut the fuck up, racists

Stop using the word Jews as a means for all or you will fall for the same trap they bagged Hitler with. Call them Israelis, or Muslims, or Pharisees, or etc whatever they happen to be, try to take it to a smaller more specific level when lashing at ones you find opressive. Trust me, I felt that same overall appeal to blame "jews" as the overall "problem" but please, go more specific than that. It's a trap to use that word. Never speak of it again. You must say whenever someone says the Jewish people or Jews, just say, "never heard of them"

Don't go there. Remember, no bully. Pushing the edge on either side claims the same type of dispair. There is a fix for all of this, but it isn't one sided.

>same trap they bagged Hitler with

(((They))) didn't bag him with a trap, he simply lost the war. And it was almost all his fault that he did. It matters not what you call them. All sane, enlightened, reasonable people realize that they are the proximate cause for all the ills of the world.


If someone put a penny and a Nickel down on the ground and held a secret premise that if you picked up the money, then whatever that person took from you, then their debt was paid, and if you were later aware of this or were at the time, without having picked up the money. What would you want to do to these "people"

No sir. The Armed Forces and the industry including very heavily in medical discovery possibilities that would come about were the "they" you speak of, including ethnic Germans! Hitler was a vagabond, a drifter, a social outcast, despite having the things that would bring the world what it needed. This happens sometimes and goes without notice, in other individuals. But As I say, and you better not think otherwise. Hiter was railroaded to a direct train of thought, and he was taught to blame "Jews" entirely. He was right, it was a babylonian arrivial that did not fit with Christian Germany. And he was right to take his stances. What I am saying is, bigger backers as they call them, came in a took it to places that went beyond what was nessesary. That irresponsibility lies on people that still today have not caught the correct response for it. They will.