Any chance we can have

... some ASCII Soy Boys?

Other urls found in this thread:


If kek wills it, it shall be done


kek wills it my friends

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"my cats took my bed today..."

Yeah, I saw it on Instagram LOLZA

>How to exceed 2000 chars?
>do i need to curl this shit?


Image posting is back




I really like this image

slightly more high res

Nice one m8



Can we get someone to do pregnant Anne Frank?


You have my internets



What is this? Liberal ascii art?

As a lurker who saw you request pregnant Anne Frank in past Sup Forums drawthreads, was actually in the same thread when your request was delivered, and now in this thread recognizes the same image and flag you're posting with, I just want to say that I admire your dedication, user.

Thank you user, it runs in my blood.

here you silly faggot

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I don't understand people who don't pick up their cats. If they're sleeping somewhere you don't want them, just pick them up and move them to their bed.

Why is this so hard?


Only actual ascii art in this thread



Than you. /his/ is gonna love this.

First post best post. By the way, that is really cool, how the Hell did you do that? :DD


its math


Can someone make this

Is any ASCII of the Confederate battle flag by any chance?


Have a soyjack.


don't be a fag

Not ascii but this is one of my alltime favorite soys


Thank you very much, kind user.

Thank you Brevik


DSA soyboys

Picture of local DSA/homeless crew