Dont start this shit, are you fucking retarded besides a total faggot OP?
Dont start this shit, are you fucking retarded besides a total faggot OP?
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Nice arguments, Åke. Must be why SD will be kept out of screwing everything up.
There is more to a country than the economy OP, like culture lifestyle and safety, all of which are deteriorating massively in Sweden and everyone knows it.
>rising crime rates
>rape epidemic
>Economy booming
Well yes, because you have lots of people employed in order to take care of migrants. The municipalities bear the bulk of the cost and there's major municipal deficits all over the country. The government will have to bail out municipalities in the near future because of this.
>Welfare state alive and well
No, the welfare system is on its knees. It takes years to get even simple medical procedures done. And the price to visit a doctor has increased by 100% the last few years.
>Amount of debt minimal compared to most other countries
Minimal compared to Finland perhaps. So what?
>each refugee costing 100k per year
> refusing to work , integrate or learn language
OP kys
First of all the women dream of being raped by mudslimes, thats why they want them there in the first place.
And increasing crime is mostly between gangs so 99% of decent folk never have to worry about it. It's worth it for the booming economy.
MMT has shown that races do not fund spending. Sweden is the only country where the central bank (state) creates sufficient amounts of money to both pay debts and keep people employed.
Get fucked shill this country is fucked and only the military and right wing politics can save it. Case closed. Now get out leftie shill
I actually Googled that, "Malmo Sweden Dangerous".
All discussions laughingly pointed to right-wing fake news, people say Malmo is lovely.
Are you actually do retarded that you think there's a link between Muslims and economic growth? Why are muslim countries so poor? They had a great nation which is slowly dying, the fact that they have burst of good economic activity is a sign of white peoples superiority
You're completely overreacting and will be laughed out of the room by fellow Swedes, the country is paradise.
Sweden is plunging itself into a new round of debt. I honestly can't wait to see Sweden's actions the last 5 years or so come into fruition.
implying people aren't virtue signalling.
The economy was booming well before the nigger invasion
Refugees spending their welfare buxx at Lidl is not a "booming economy"
>over reacting
They went from best country in the world to needing a Wikipedia page to cover all the grenade attacks.
I think the crime in Sweden is natural and nowhere near any level to worry about, it's just part of a growing 1st world economy.
Most folks who post on Sup Forums from Sweden are shut-in borderline schizophrenics, not very healthy.
>Economy Booming
>Projection to become a third world country by 2030
>Welfare state Alive and well
>Let me just wait a year for an appointment at a doctor
>20 years for a shot at a new flat
>Literally reaching communist country
>has teenagers roaming the street with rifles
>considering using the military to fight crime
>literal militant force to fight an invasion of mudslide criminals
>let’s a shitskin commit first degree murder and let’s him off with manslaughter
>gets a reduced sentence on that charge after appeal
Everything you posted is right-wing fake news, Sweden is awesome.
Anything would be awesome compared to your nigger infested shithole, boar
The reason Swedish rape is higher now is because Swedish women's equality is at an all-time high and they act in violence towards this.
Yes, next to Kaapstad Malmo is a "paradise"
Crime has gone down in Sweden compared to 90's.
A lot of women in Sweden can't get married because so many of them have been raped. A guy who works for doctors without borders told me that recently.
So sad.
You can have your own qt white swedish wife for basically nothing if you don't mind that muhammed and his buddies pumped her full of muzzie cum.
Precisely, anyone even REMOTELY comparing Malmo to Johannesburg is a larping fake news spreading schizophrenic shut-in faggot.
Sweden is a 1st world nation with growing pains, that is literally all. The place is fantastic.
sounds like a job for ((moar diversity))
Touche. Thats the reality. Lotta these guys take meds so they are in another world of paranoia prolly bpd or schziowor some shit
You can have it Finbro, enjoy dealing with the impending civil war. I won't contribute to that piece of shit country anymore.
Yep, a microscopic vocal minority of mentally unstable Swedes feeding their own paranoia, the only ones they hurt are themselves, it's like gangstalking.
>they want to be raped lol
Kys Muhammed
>has no-go zones
>must consider deploying military against cultural enrichment inside country
>growing pains
They've already grown, there pains are from shitskin cancer in their anus. Also using worse than Johannesburg as the shithole litmus test is retarded.
fucking gottem
Hey swedenbro, how true is this?
Here you go, schizophrenic shut-in losers, quit your larping and get medical attention.
You live in South Africa for fuck sake. You know what happens when low iq ethnics swarm your country and institutions. Why defend them?
Sweden has little hope, sadly.
It would take Sweden a thousand years to reach our black population, please, quit larping.
>When you accidentally tell everyone you are baiting
Almost all women in sweden are pro immigration despite the rape epidemic rising.
Rape fantasies in women are as old as time. Rapist is a man that shows he is a strong alpha who takes what he wants and not some mouse hiding in his apartment.
No one has ever tried comparing SA with any European country worth its name. When I visited your shithole of a country it took 8 hours until the first attempted mugging whilst surrounded by police. From your perspecrive, 90 fucking percent of the world is better off than your irrelevant piece of shit country is.
>it will get worse and worse so just let it continually degrade instead of stopping the embers now before they become an inferno.
>Y y you’re just making these crime statistics up! Rape hasn’t increased at all! Stop fucking larping!
Fuck off. Stop being a coward.
Because Google has a great record of not being left wing biased.
I can go all day, you guys are mentally unstable and need to seek HELP immediately, schizophrenia only gets progressively worse if left untreated.
Shut up you fucking spastic. I’m really sure most women want to be raped. Your mother, sisters, grandmother? Yeah they all want to be raped by a brown immigrant. Do you ever read what you actually post? Grow up.
>t retard
>you have a different opinion to how to deal with migrant crime
>therefore you have schizophrenia
Wowee great arguments, kid
It's probably a nigger
Homicides are up to the highest levels in 20 years.
The welfare is turning to shite with 50% longer waiting lines for operations etc.
Police is near a total collapse with clearance rates lower than 15%.
Unprecedented increase of rapes.
Swedes have a 2% unemployment rate, the adult refugees from the past two years are at over 60% unemployment and living off taxpayer money. A majority of them will never have a salary that is large enough to take them off welfare payouts.
Come visit our Islamic suburbs.
Maybe try to read something different than links supplied by jewgle and Soros founded Snopes.
>growing pains
Is that what you call a once beautiful county turning in a third world caliphate mudslide heaven.
Nice arguments George.
Yes, at some point every woman has rape fantasies and they always like an alpha male.
Many might not choose to settle down with immigrants due to them being of lower social standing but they sure do like them when fulfilling their sexual fantasies and boosting their standing in dating market. Importing vast amounts of men make it much more competetive for men to get the attention of women, thus the standards rise which is a good thing.
Before you might have to settle for some total ugly loser to seed you. Nowdays you can choose from the best.
Homicides are up to the highest levels in 20 years.
You had none, you still have next to nothing, it's literally NOTHING.
The welfare is turning to shite with 50% longer waiting lines for operations etc.
You live in a very wealthy country in the 1st world, you'll manage just FINE.
Police is near a total collapse with clearance rates lower than 15%.
This is fake news, your police are great.
Unprecedented increase of rapes.
Again, you had none, now you have a microscopic increase due to growth, NOTHING, and most of the reports are fake news anyway.
Swedes have a 2% unemployment rate, the adult refugees from the past two years are at over 60% unemployment and living off taxpayer money. A majority of them will never have a salary that is large enough to take them off welfare payouts.
They will get work eventually, again, you have a fantastic national unemployment rate, it remains unmoved.
Come visit our Islamic suburbs.
To bait people with right wing rhetoric? I think NOT.
See your doctor, please, you have issues.
Well that's probably not true to be honest. Sweden currently has a population of 6-7 million ethnic Swedes and 3-4 million foreigners. Each year, Sweden's foreign population increases by roughly 150k (~4%) due to immigration and birth-death surplus while the Swedish population decreases by roughly 50k (~1%) due to emigration and death-birth surplus. If it continues like this, in 20 years, Sweden will have 5 million ethnic Swedes in 20 years and 4 million in 40 years. Meanwhile, the number of foreigners will be 5 million in 10 years, 7.5 million in 20 years, and 17 million in 40 years. Even after 15 years or so, ethnic Swedes will become a minority.
Many also believe that immigration will increase drastically in the future, primarily from Africa. You could also argue that people become Swedes after a generation or two. It is of course possible for people to be integrated into the gene pool, but this isn't really happening in Sweden (interracial marriages are very uncommon), and the immigration levels are far too high for this to happen either way.
you stupid son of a bitch, they've offloaded all the costs on the municipalities, the state only funds migrationsverket
housing, schools, cash handouts, unemployment, SFI, family benefits, policing and healthcare are all done and funded on a local level
of course the state doesn't feel it, they only have to pay to get them in the door and even rescinded the municipal governments' right to refuse them.
Wow! Degradation to animal level pack is considered "a progress".
No suprise leftwing morons never created civilization. You cannot do so if you're fucking subhuman animal.
go away, nigger, your cuck fiction doesn't affect anyone's jimmies
It's because all the negative news about Sweden are just racist propaganda.
There are no "no go zones" in Sweden:
Sweden is not the rape capital of Europe:
and immigrants are not overrepresented in Swedish crime:
Educate yourselves you bigots and stop spreading fear.
So instead of 1000 years its 100 years, you'll be long dead by then and your children used to living in a thriving cosmopolitan society, not an argument.
Bad bait lol
That’s not my name. You have no sources at all. You say these things and expect people just to believe you. What are the facts, show me a study that shows women want to be raped. Dows your mother want to be raped?
Precisely, if only the Swedish guys on Sup Forums would as much effort into receiving treatment as they would chasing after fake news..
we've had jack shit growth outside of the housing prices spiraling out of control
>Meme flag faggot
>Soros' founded Snopes links
Kill yourself moron and don't waste oxygen
>so new cant even greentext
welcome to Sup Forums
you came to change us
but we inevitably change you
there is no escape
>Nowdays you can choose from the best
Then explain to me why women vote for multicult while every newspaper in the country has widely reported the rise of rape.
I'll wait.
>Economy booming
Yes, that’s what happens when you have more people and an entire industry built around taking care of them. A 20 million pop. African shithole will have a bigger economy than Liechtenstein, that doesn’t make it better.
>Welfare state alive and well
But is it the same and as affordable for the average Sven as 10 years ago? I sincerely doubt it since that’s not at all the case over here and our systems are similar.
>Amount of debt minimal compared to most other countries
That’s despite what’s happening for now, but reality can catch up rather quickly.
>You live in a very wealthy country in the 1st world, you'll manage just FINE.
The human garbage we are taking in will make us into a 3rd world shithole like South Africa.
Keep on killing your farmers, perhaps by spring you will all have starved to death.
Calls someone mentally ill
Posts link to snopes
>oh look they haven't completely been overwhelmed and collapsed yet with only a few cities/neighborhoods having devolved in what surely awaits for the future of all of sweden in another 50 years at the present rate.
>native homeless man freezes to death
>Abdullah and his 4 wifes get 4 seperate beachfront properties worth over 20 million
Love all the diversity your getting over there.
>women vote left wing b because they want to be raped!
>never Mind the fact women are more easily emotionally manipulated and are group thinkers and so go along with the mainstream, socially acceptable narrative so they don’t get socially ostracised on the left wing social sphere, no they just want to be raped!
Still waiting for your statistics and studies by the way.
FUCK YOU, retarded faggot Swede. You have no glue.
It is just that best before of Swedish feminist pipe dream is fucking near.
>pic related
1) Because mass media brainwashing
2) women have a tendency to be emotional and compassionate. Show a photo of one dead niglet or sandniglet and they will be crying and vote to help those "poor people". It ain't a coincidence women don't create civilizations.
Pic related here
Google is clearly lying and You are clearly a retard
>Then explain to me why women vote for multicult while every newspaper in the country has widely reported the rise of rape.
Feels over facts. If you had ever spoken to a women this wouldn't surprise you.
Opzouten neger, geef de Kaap terug.
Brexit sure was a good idea from right wingers. Enjoy the upcoming economy, George!
Reminder that more than 50% of establishment politicians in this country own and sell property. Bringing in migrants offers artifical overpopulation that increases their value, so they can sell for more.
TL;DR Oy Vey
Okay you’re just a fucking troll clearly.
>Because shekels are more important than independence
>Economy booming
>Malmo is lovely
Happy new year from Malmö
This.This so goddamn much. Don't listen to the Putinbots Mr. Juncker and keep up the good work!
>paid by the whore herself.
LOL so fucking what? You're threatened by fireworks? Jesus man, grow up and go outside.
I'm perfectly fine with this trash mentality being held by Europeans. Mark my words, the EU is on the brink of total collapse. Derivatives, derivatives, derivatives.
You really are one dumb fucking cunt.
>throwing fireworks at each other like literally retards where as you used to be able to have peaceful New Years celebrations is just your new multicult way of celebrating! Enjoy it you bigot!
It's actually not a bad place, compared to European cities in general (yes, you're that bad). And obviously it's going to be paradise compared to South Africa.
The problem is that now we literally have to keep importing an increasing amount of shitskins each year to keep the economy from crashing. Of course it creates a temporary boom, but we're in a bubble and bad shit will happen when it bursts.
this is the same guy who calls gang rapes and murders "growing pains", taking it as fucking evidence that everything is better than ever
It won't, you're fine, take a deep breath, and go to a doctor about your anxiety.
He's from a place where this shit is normal. He's never experienced a first world country.