

The OP has started and is now ongoing

Find your flag & print some of these fuckers:

Game Plan:
1. Posters started to go up last night on campuses & public spaces around the world!
2. Bonus points for putting them in feminism & SJW related areas: social science & psychology departments, women's & gender studies departments, office doors of feminist profs, etc.
3. Please do not commit vandalism or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use the official versions of the poster:

Antifa is shitting themselves over this:
itsgoingdown.org/neo-nazis-Sup Forums-ready-new-poster-campaign-target-womens-studies-departments-campus-january-21st/

So is the SPLC:

but Ben Garrison has given MBMC the green light:

along with The Golden One, Peter Sweden, Jack Posobiec, Tara McCarthy, Millennial Woes, LA Werewolf & many more

Ignore shills, stick to the plan & only use the official versions from the main website:

Other urls found in this thread:


promote, discuss and above all keep hanging them posters. media silence is golden.


back to page one.


So, the salt should be beginning to flow now that a day's gone by, but Google's revealed nothing. Has abyone actually noticed?


ofc they are. pro tip, make typo's while searching. idk how but their filter does not work as well as it should when you do that



Still no results, do we have to wait longer?

silence is golden. there is indeed no coverage. but we can now shit post in rl with no one to counter. think of it as MSM, they also are not opposed. and it is working just fine for them.


Anti cucks have politely requested that we hit up berkley.

Get it done faggots. The time for timidness is over.

You guys fucked up when you made this a Trump, /ptg/, and Reddit thing. It should have zero relation to Trump and be 100% grassroots. Also have NO YouTubers.

hear hear.

stay safe anons. don't get provoked

yeah and the commies took over the world by night. please some things take time. and Trump is by media logic grass root. so i do not know what you are talking about

Trump isn't exactly a saint and seems to be heavily involved with Fox News which isn't exactly independent. 100% grassroots means there are no shills from both Trump and Shareblue alike.


you are right about that. but does it feel like trump got in the white house with media support? what were the polls again? 94% vs 6% i believe. nah mate Trump won on the internet.

user ive met trump

Hell, antifa and spd knows who i am, so let me be loud and clear

Sir, when you read this

I am sincerly sorry for making advances on your wife. It was uncouth of me to grab her ass.

That being said, i hope my work this year goes some distance to restoring your faith in me. Not that you had any to begin with i kinda nuked our relation by being a narcisstic cunt

Even though you dont like that i spraypaint and swear and generally am a scumbag i am dedicating 2018 to your goals. I will make good on every promise come hell or high water

To any user, let me be loud and clear.

If you support our president you will be here

To all the antifaggots who ive talked too

Nice try. But mbmc goes strong.

But thanks for the weak flag.

And if you cunts still use usd
you support american global hegemony

To all antifa

Pepe jones is gon jump your bones
Kill all you cunts with my sick tones
With every poster you tear with every flag you burn
You build up karma ill make sure you earn.


I know what to do
I knoe what to say
If only i could rap
I wouldnt be cringe this way

New poster guide tomorrow. We need to push this home
Let pepe jones go and make you moan

I work as a night custodian at a certain libcuck University in California, pleasantly surprised to find a few of these around campus tonight

When im out postering i have to do it quick
But in this photo you see my giant dick

good to have friends on the inside. i would say fire up the ole copy machine and duplicate

mister PJ. one day we will build a church in your name!

god bless

you guys are great. I love the pepe mask. contact me @dumpmycorpse about the poster

Take photos.

I photo most of my street art because its silenced so quickly

But quite frankly, no matrer ehat autoritarian state tries to fuck with me
The internet is and will always be free

Ps i pissed on their stupid libshit poster.

I still laugh at the idea of /leftypol/ getting so upset about this op
after all, commie countries need even stronger borders, the difference being that they need them to keep people in, rather than keep people out

I would for sure if i wasn't on a probationary hire for 3 months, once im full time and union they basically cant fire me lol. Still warmed my heart to see these in a liberal campus i usually think of as a waste of space

oh the irony m8. well spotted. noted for further operations. that is a good angle

good call. play it smart. much more possibility when they can't sack yer arse.

Fuck antifa

And their stupid stickers too

Put some up last night, haven't heard a peep about it.

keep posting. silence is golden. it is about the people who see em day in day out. we wait til something major happens and boom, we have planted a counter narrative.

Off topic but thought id ask here, anyone have a higher res image of this or could blow it up a bit without making it too jaggy? trying to get a shirt made

What is the main target of this op? Normies or Sjw/antifa?


keep asking. there is bound to be an user that can help you at some point.

local news

noice! context?

Ok thanks. Would you say putting more energy into postering areas with a lager normie demographic is more worthwhile that covering areas with a higher sjw demographic? The way I see it triggering sjws is perhaps a waste of time no? Their brain being so full of leftwing propaganda the triggering will occur with the use of just one or two posters/stickers. They will no doubt scream hysterically and let all their comrades know very quickly. Putting more effort into covering normie areas is more productive in the hope they will see them and think about them perhaps? Whereas with sjws, cognitive dissonance immediately kicks in and prevents any kind of rational thinking. I think this is a worthwhile op and the graphics well designed to be normie friendly. Would be a shame if too much energy is wasted on triggering retards for the lulz rather than the more important goal of waking up the general population

it is all about exposure. triggering sjw and femists is fun, but they take everything down of what they can find. that does not mean we should leave those places and will require double effort. Normie places however are very effective imo. and should indeed as you indicated have our focus. still i want to stress that sjw triggering is also important. them sperging out is a major redpill still for the normie.

Glad to see the UK on board! you may well need it the most

>Cutting their hands with Aids infected razors

Seems a good plan to me

sounds fun. but counter productive stick to the M.O.

1. Posters started to go up last night on campuses & public spaces around the world!
2. Bonus points for putting them in feminism & SJW related areas: social science & psychology departments, women's & gender studies departments, office doors of feminist profs, etc.
3. Please do not commit vandalism or do anything illegal
4. Translations are available for over 25 countries
5. Only use the official versions of the poster:

Yeah we do need it! There's parts of this country where there are no whites left. White displacement is very real here.

reporting in. put 180 of those 3.33 x 4 in labels up around my campus. should've got another pack. but hopefully that's enough to break the trigger threshold limit. also saw a shooting star while i was walking around. was neat.

It's insane m8. not claiming we do much better, but when i see how deeply they have infiltrated to your Government. i can only see that as a warning.

this one opened my eyes on this matter. its an oldie but still VERY relevant.


God bless.

Someone put up the signs at California State Stanislaus. Local Sacramento NBC affiliate covered the news. The reporter declared it racist


figures. good, normal people will just hang their heads and go. nope.


>Russia flag
Youre not even trying to hide it at this point, arent you?

yeah, no, uhm what...?

clean your glasses. or enlarge page with CTRL +

Go clean your own house first before pushing your kgb propaganda on us, asshole.

clean as a whistle. already. and since i am not compulsive i can spend my time with important things.

FUCK OFF COMMIE SCUM. how is your burned down ((head quarters)) doing. did Soros wrote you a check already?



Are there any more news reports on it? We need a compilation and video log.

You're just butt mad that Jordan Peterson is now trending...and he's fucking right.

He's gonna sell a million fucking books because Cathy Newman mucked up her hack job 'interview.'


Did my part


god bless!

you write same way as us spaniards? lol didnt knew that brothers

Anyone find any more news stories on it?

Spanish and italian are very similar, i can mostly grasp you when you speak


twitter is pretty active from time to time tho

So this was a dud then?

Guess the Media learned not to take the b8 from IOTBW.

not really read

I don't know, but the guy who punched that Antifa terrorist chick in the face at UC Berkeley attends/attended CSU Stanislaus

Bamp keep it up this is not about tv coverage



take note on that narrative.
> problem sticker
>alt right
>she calls rasist
She i let you fill in what that means
>coalition against hate
>dealing with the problem
>trying to link mbmc with actual racist shit
>covering up another(vandalism?) inclusive promotion
>the helplessness in regard to no one helping them (the administrators claiming inclusiveness)
>39 signs categorized as offensive
>residents taking matters in to their own hands
yeah go figure...
>the major calls it hate speech
>lady want's to see hate speech knocked back
knocked back is an aggressive term. something we strongly discourage from the very start. is just that. aggressive terms will not be tolerated during this operation
you must know that the first and the last message in narrative is basically key to how people will remember said narrative.

Any news about the swiss user with 20k posters in thw mail?

The Cultural Marxist propaganda machine has been working overtime for decades here. Yeah the infiltration is deep, Muslim mayor in London ffs.

Thanks for that, bookmarked for later.

you're welcome. i hope you can stommach that busy bodied guy in the end...then again it was kinda fun seeing him stumble trough some very simple questioning. makes me kinda wonder what will happen when we drag those people to court one day lol

>Put some up last night, haven't heard a peep about it.
Great, its working lads! Keep putting more up.


back to page one with ya


bumperdy bump


Countries aren't people you dumb niggers.
Unlike IOTBW this laughable false equovalency will just make us look like morons.

This is the kind of stuff I come to Sup Forums to find.

us?! what makes you think you can use the term us with that post?

fuck of shill

you lost control of the west. the dogs are lose and you can not catch us!

*thanks for the bump*

welcome brother. print em and post em.

god speed

>everyone who disagrees with me is a heeb
if you're this easily led you deserve what the kikes are doing to you sheep

Bump for doin gods work


no i just know that when someone is able to oppose civil resistance, peacefully i might add. is either a kike or a commie. you guys tend not to like people thinking and acting on their own.

>itsgoingdown.org/neo-nazis-Sup Forums-ready-new-poster-campaign-target-womens-studies-departments-campus-january-21st/

Wait, so apparently there is a discord that these people can just go into and fuck with with no moderation? This is something we need to work on. Everywhere people discuss anything is always some wide open public forum that literally anyone can be a part of like Sup Forums. We need a safe space, lads.

we got that shit documented and when time comes we will use that.

the streets are our safe space. the time of hiding has passed.

God speed!

I still do iotbw. Surprised how many of them stay up. People tried to scratch some of them off which just makes them harder to peel off. Eventually I guess people stopped trying to fight it.

As long as they're leaving up commie stickers and being retardedly anti trump and using my taxes I figure this is not only fair game, but a moral imperitave.

Which of these Italian?


I would have put some on campus and some around town. 180 posters on one campus is a little overkill but also kind of funny.

*using my taxes to fund anti white schools and such

Learn your flags.

please be on my TV screen next week or the day after tomorrow OP ,god bless everyone participating