Jordan Peterson analyzes Cathy Newman Trainwreck in interview on Dose of Truth
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Scott Adams chimes in
>nearly 2 hours
"I won. Look the fuck out"
because he goes on to say there is a higher form of winning than just saying that
Chuck a dog in the slow cooker and have a listen you slant eyed piece of shit
Where's your God now?! ^_^
Watch it at 2x speed.
''Wouldn't that be perfectly god-damn delightful?''
What is "dose of truth"?
Some dipshit leeching off of a legit interview done by a dutch outlet that conducted it.
It's rare to see an online outlet that deserves the views, but this one does.
Yeah it's just people re-posting other peoples interviews verbatim, the original one is here and deserves the views/comments
If you need any more evidence Peterson is a megalomaniacal cult-leader listen to what he says at 29:50.
I won't even spoil it for you, just listen and tell me he isn't a threat.
why is this poo speaking
how many seasons of rick and morty do you have to watch to reach jordan peterson level iq?
Just passed this, watching right now. He's talked about this in his videos before, that everyone has that side to them, the kind of nihilistic tear everything down just for the sake of burning it all to the ground, it's what he recognized in the writings of school shooters and other maniacs he's read.
He quite rightly points out that the people who don't recognize their own capacity for that are the people to watch out for. I'm fairly sure Cathy Newman would jump on that material and start throwing accusations, but her glee at the storm she stirred up kinda tells you that she's really the person who's enjoying this. Peterson is showing nothing but worry about the situation.
And he's right, he has enough people following him, he has enough influence over people that if he made a call for arms then it'd turn to physical violence quite fast, because there is a lot of nutcases out there would gladly respond to the challenge.
His analysis of the arsonist-in-everyone is on point, I just find his (apparently honestly held) belief that his 'army' what riot if he told them to pretty shocking: either it's true, which is spooky, or he just imagines he has that sort of sway over people, which suggests fame and adoration has made him delusional
Yeah I'd rather watch that faggot Milo's new thing over this.
You're talking about a person who has been watched literally millions of times, every time he appears in public to speak there's crowds of people around him.
And most of the people he attracts are men, who have been completely downtrodden in society and who look up to him, many who are specifically looking for direction in their lives and probably have a lot to be angry for.
I don't think its outlandish to say that if he appeared in london and did a talk to a few thousand people that if he said, lets march on the channel4 studio and show them what for...I mean that's gonna devolve into violence almost immediately.
I think part of it is that he's not ashamed to talk forthrightly about himself, it's kinda shocking because people generally don't do that, but again it's something he advocates and practices, and so you see it shine through all the time. The london speech had a few moments like that, where he forthrightly just stated that he occupies a certain authority in the social hierarchy given his professorship and status. But I've never once seen him boast about it, it's always in the context of making a point.
I would burn a building down for Dr Peterson.
dutch channel
interviewer is a pajeet
So you're saying we're all on a tram and we can't get off?
Made me kek :)
When will he form the death squads and form the great North American Reich throwing leftist into gas chambers and shooting lugenpresse agents such as Kathy? I'm fucking ready fuhrer peterson
What’s wrong with that article?
I don’t see any opinion thrown in there. It’s just detailing what happened. Doesn’t even portray JP in a negative light.
I couldn't stand looking at the shitskin long enough to watch this.
Is Peterson the closest thing that has existed to a real-life Tyler Durden?
That was fucking inspiring
>No one likes a cunt
Big surprise.
>Cathy 'Soyousayin' Newman
This is the original video.
The first half is him discussing the fallout of the interview. He sounds really angry and tired.
He has a very interesting analysis of Cathy Newman as manifesting a typical animus possession.
He states he doesn't see the interview as a victory since they never got to discuss the ideas. In fact he hated the outcome because it further increased the divisions.
The latter half is him discussing his general philosophies.
Holohoax truth here:
>Dutch interviewer
>Poo in loo
Banter masterrace
Cathy NEWMAN needs 2 talk 2 her Rabbi 4 advice, but he can't talk with a mouth full of bloody stump.
Nice one
>He sounds really angry and tired.
Because, whenever someone tries to tell men (and some women) to man up and that there's differences the left REEEE. The left is everywhere, and it must be fucking grating on him that he can't just talk with people without being baited into the 'so you're saying all wammen are lobsters?' type shit.
I bet he was never, ever, expecting his Europe trip to be this demanding.
It's a right shame. All he's doing is trying to tell people to live a decent life, and be strong and competent. The hate directed toward Cathy was too much, it proves the left's point and undermines what Jordan is trying to say
there were actually thirty times more threats made to Peterson than to Cathy Newman. The media spun the shit out of this thing
Jordan Peterson BTFOs yet another cucked Britbong shill. Like him or not, he is on a roll, demolishing retards all over the place. How are they going to shut him down once and for all?
Jordan Peterson: Delusions of Leftist Political Activism:
>3sec in
>'so you are saying'
can leftshits come up with new strategies already?
>"culture of critique" by MacDonald. >Preface (pages not in order)
You can tell that brown dude tries his hardest to act white at every moment. He comes off like a robot less than a human.
Peterman is on liquid courage. without his psych meds he would be reduced back to this:
I started laughing so hard at Peterson's retort towards
>Why does your freedom of speech overruled a trans person's right not to be offended
that my friend in the other room thought I was going insane.
My favorite part is where the guy interviewing Jordan gets up on the table without warning and poos. It’s at 26:13.
He quit psych meds despite saying in that video he would never quit them once he switched to his new diet his daughter discovered.
Couldn't have said it better. This Cathy Newnan interview is the first I've seen, but it shocks me that your opinion in that regards isn't the default position, that it is not universally understood with no effort. Its just human nature, jbp seems very self aware and I think that's swell
strong wammen
>we guard you while you slee.... DO NOT FUCK WITH US
Assasination by a certified and plausible nutcase.
>once he switched to his new diet his daughter discovered.
do you know if this diet cures baldness?
>just listen and tell me he isn't a threat.
If you really listen to Jordan Peterson you'd understand that this is consistent with his views that he's held long before he was famous. This is what he and Jung would call "integrating your shadow" and you'd be advised to do the same. The fact that he is pointing this out is precisely why he isn't a threat because he's been teaching for over a decade that people need to recognise the power and evil within them and they are not the good guy freeing the slaves in nazi prison camps but they are the prison guards themselves. There is no such thing as a "nice" guy and don't fool yourself into thinking you are one when you really haven't been faced with an opportunity to show it. You can't understand virtue or embody it until you recognise the capacity for evil within yourself. Beware of the man who isn't aware of the evil within him.
Read Carl Jung (Psychology and Religion and
Phenomenology of the Self), read Ordinary Men by Christopher Browning or just watch his Maps of Meaning lectures or read his Maps of Meaning book. And if all of that is too heavy for you, read Chapter 5 in 12 rules for life "Rule 5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them"
their is a dark part in our psyche and the point is to observe it as a third person and not to identify with it.
I am not the Shadow, I am the Attention, the Observer.
I didn't even know who he was until he had this interview, and I'd burn down a building for him...but that's not what he advocates. His talk during the time when he was shut down by trans-activists advises against that.
He's a pacifist Rockwell with less baggage. He understands the animal in everyone, and can logically identify rational viewpoints - WITHOUT trying to resort to violence, or making any attempt to foment a violent reaction.
He's a genuinely good guy. Rockwell and Mr. Rodgers, rolled up in one cool dude I'd spend time in heaven talking to, if it exists.
>that pic
this the same guy?
Can you guys help me?
I think my lobster is depressed.
Any wise figure from history would regard him as a sinister clown after observing and making a conclusion about dire modern social conditions then looking at his lobster promo shoot photo.
>I am not the Shadow, I am the Attention, the Observer.
are you aware of how fucking autistic you sound mate?
might want to see a doctor.
those are metaphors, stuckup user.
What dire modern social conditions were compared to lobsters? Please tell me. You sound like a reasonable individual.
>actual discussion 20min
>analysis of the discussion 2h
still waiting for the analysis of the analysis that will take 8h
Give him your meds and post results. FOR SCIENCE!
The lobsters are a sort of sardonic and mocking admonishment to young folks that they are expected to persevere through the modern world. The conditions are mostly intolerable in historical and anthropological contexts. Peterson, defending liberalism, offers a fraudulent manner of interpreting the world and so is setting up thousands of his credulists for failure.
why do you have a dutch filename
If he went full 14 and 88. I would train hard to be one if his shock troopers, for sure bruv.
he won't. his children are part native
fuck me been a while since i got a new one
"Mostly intolerable in historical and anthropological contexts."
Explain. From what I can tell, if we're talking America, the vast majority of people have access to food, water, and shelter nigh guaranteed to them. If you look at that from a historical perspective, it is literally unheard of abundance.
So, explain how it is intolerable. Also explain his defense of liberalism.
hes not wrong ya know
it is precisely when i start to look at my shadow and the evil that i am capable of that i realize im not above anybody. his message is absolutely on point. it made me look back at the past where i blind myself purposely to ignore that i sometimes can do wrong. (hamstering my way out of the shitty things ive done in the past) and because of that, i can look back at my failings and realize there's a way to move forward. once i realize what a shitty person i can be, i fell like as if i can start to move on from there and life has a direction now. the advice to integrate your shadow is just so so important
JP is amazing
Does anyone have a pdf of his new book?
Yeah while I like the bloke: he is just a little cunt with his finger in the dyke. The flood is coming. Nothing some boomer cuck can do about it. The future is tribal and the white man will come home.
If you like him, buy from him. Otherwise, he won't make more books.
Jeez, this site likes capitalism, until it applies to their own wallet.
Peterson is a Chinese zoo vet; instead of closing the filthy bare concrete enclosure, he gives the poor animals fucking behavioral management strategies and jeers at them with lobsters.
>access to food, water, and shelter nigh guaranteed to them.
Irrelevant. The animals are irreversibly behaviorally destroyed by the enclosure. Peterson's interventions is only going to help for a while. Eventually the animals are just going to start gnawing at one another.
what's wrong with his eyes though?
Look this naive poster who hasn't incorporated his shadow into his ego.
The mouse utopia experiment? It is valid - when animals run out of room to claim as 'their own,' all hell can break loose, and everyone dies.
We are not yet at that point. Close, but not there. What you are advocating for is essentially SJW:Part II, Nazi reactionist Boogaloo. You want to form a counter-identity to them and fight back. That won't work because then you will be the aggressor.
As much as I hate Trudea, he's right about attacking first and losing. You have to let the beast eat itself to death. It's...not going to be pleasant.
>So, explain how it is intolerable
to quote that old hippie fag Terrence McKenna
>science as been a sadly disappointing religion in the realm of the heart
>Eventually the animals are just going to start gnawing at one another.
That is called leftism: A nightmare that women and betas want out, so they demand the world to be what it is not, then act accordingly and cry out in pain as they stike at each other and everything, flecks of foam dripping from the mouth.
What are you talking about? That was the most badass thing I've heard in years. Not only did he just btfo britbong news, but he looked through a glass darkly and analyzed his own shadow.
>As much as I hate Trudea, he's right about attacking first and losing.
>2 hours analysis of a 30 minutes interview
w e w
Rebuttal of Peterson on ethnonationalism
>Dutch channel
>Poo-in-loo hosting
Left and right are barely relevant. Harmonizing behaviors of affection are being replaced by mindless anxiety and states of depression in the western species. No ideology so far means to restore the conditions of human life on anthropological or primatological grounds.
Prove to me that white people have the numbers, and the cunning to hide a first strike against their enemies.
You can't. You don't even know how to fight a socialist - hint, don't attack people, attack the institutions that support them/protect them/give them legitimacy.
Figure it out from there.
there is no I that observes, for all light and shadow are but aspects of the self. The observer is the Almighty with no center