Sup Forums literature thread

Just finished reading pic related
What book should I read next?
Currently considering the following:
>for my legionaries
>decline of the west - Oswald Spengler
>mein kampf stalag edition (I already know what most of the content in the book is from personal research and TGSNT but I still want to read it)
>my life (or I think that's the correct title) - Oswald Mosley
>ride the tiger - Evola
>men among the ruins - Evola

Other urls found in this thread:


I was reading a book on foreskin worship the other day, quite good.

this shit literally gave me cancer, it's like sniffing your own farts, nothing more

Read the Stoics, starting with Marcus Aurelius. This is crucial to being a man.

George Lincoln Rockwell "White Power" as well as "This time the world"

zero arguments presented

Also considering Harry Potter I heard it was pretty red pilled

Voldemort did nothing wrong.

Yea, harry potter is a real white power bro

gas the muggles,magic war now


Abra kekabra!

Ironically, Voldemort just wanted to establish a hierarchy and preserve the pure bloods.

JK Rowling is a shitlib and was clearly influenced by WW2 and ebil nadzees. I find it hilarious how the bad guy just wanted to secure an existance for his people.

What did you think of revolt against the modern world? I myself gave it a shot, but was off-put by the begining of the book, might give it another try later though


>The Alternative by Oswald Mosley
>Culture of Critique
>1984 by George Orwell
>Treatises of Government by Locke
>Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
>Most of Plato and Aristotle's works
>The Communist Manifesto and The Capital by Marx and Engels
>The Wealth of Nations
>Democracy: The God That Failed by Hermann Hoppe
if you've read all of the above (incl. OP's list) you're officially knowledgable enough to talk to anyone about politics and be considered 'smart'

It was a bit difficult to get into so I restarted a couple times and started only reading a chapter or two so a day (since I was busy) and I found it more and more interesting

For My Legionnaires

I've heard the communist manifesto was really cringe and autistic but I guess it's best to know you're enemy's ideals

How good was the book? It's probably at the top of my list since I know so little of the iron guard and what I know so far is really intriguing

I think it is probably better to read history than philosophy.

its full of idoitic rants but its worth reading imho, because you destroy commies who haven't read it and only know the short-form version. Good luck with it all. I also forgot
>On Liberty by John Stuart Mill

"NATO's Secret Armies: Operation Gladio and Terrorism in the Western World." by Daniele Ganser.

I was actually recommended this book from an user here. Wasn't disappointed, its a very good read. I recommend it.

*Terrorism in Western Europe.

Fuck, my bad.

>suppose if the fingers of your hands say "i refuse to gather food because the stomach gets it all."

ugh.. communists.. always about hunger

The origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral mind.

200 years together.

The gulag archipelago.

both are equally important


Hitler's Revolution by Richard Tedor

Dugin - The Fourth Political Theory is worth reading

The final pill.

He's right, its the black pill. After that one read is next book "Anti Tech revolution; why and how"

call me a fad reader, but i just finished nobel prize winner brit guy ishiguro's book, the remains of the day.

great book. fantastic love story about a butler with SEVERE autism, in service to a guy favorable to post ww1 germay

great book

>>Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged
never. i will never read anything written by a woman.

She's not woman. She's a jew.

Quads of I don't know who is jewing who anymore

Written by a woman for children
Fuck off kid


>being this autistic
niggers are you retarded? its important to read every side to assist a perfected world view. If you aren't an idiot you won't become indoctrinated by reading a fucking book.

The Essential Marcus Aurelius (Tarcher Cornerstone Editions)

i'll read fucking anything except rand. i won't do it.

Excellent taste, user. I've read a few of those and am currently reading For My Legionaries.

any specific reason why? y'know, other than the one mentioned above.

Not a good choice, he literally falsifies history (which given his education is shameful) and what makes it more ironic is that the real world example actually did what he suggests in the book and it brought him failure. Green instead pretends that he didnt and that this caused his failure

How is it so far leaf user? I'm curious


It's a masterpiece. If you were turned off it's likely because you have a pea-brain.

‘Metaphysics of War’ is interesting as well if you’re going on an Evola binge.

It's great. I'm not that far through, but the whole book so far is him bragging about BTFOing Bolsheviks and explaining how they did it. I love the masculine, unapologetic tone of these kind of books.

>he literally falsifies history
can you give examples?

I tried to read it but like 5 minutes in he misinterpreted Nietzsche and I'm real fucking fed up with farthuffers pulling that shit.

Rarely do you get any good shit in these threads.
I recommend- in the vein of OP pic related- works by Rene guenon and Mircea Eliade, and Anthony Luddovici

This is just Ishmael the telepathic gorilla. It's got some good shit but it goes full Luddite hippy extremist fast

The example that stuck with me was his criticism of the Nationalists in China. He talked down on Chiang Kai Shek focusing on the Japanese instead of dealing with the internal Communist threat.

This ignores the fact that Chiang focused so hard on the Communists his own generals kidnapped him and forced him to open hostilities with Japan and stop fighting the Communists because they were loosing so much territory and ground.

Schindler's List



The International Jew, Mein Kampf, World At The Crossroads, You Gentiles, Germany Must Perish, The Trail Of The Serpent, The Secret Powers Behind Revolution, 200 Years Together, A Program for Jews and Humanity, Protocols Of The Edlers Of Zion, Culture Of Critique, The Jews Must Live, On the Jews and their lies, Morals and Dogma, Proof of a Conspiracy, Magick, Talmud, Nos Book of the Resurrection, The Kybalion, Zohar, The Secret Teachings Of All Ages, The Lightning And The Sun, Dhammapada, Vedas

Dan Brown is not fiction btw

if you want to know what is in all these books and to listen to some on audio book you will find them here

missing nineteen eighty-four (non-fiction)

brave new world also

I know it probably gets memed a lot because of JBP but seriously check out Dostoevsky. The guy was an intellectual heavyweight for sure.

It's amazing how retarded it all is and how little people who claim to be adherents have read it, let alone understood it.

Understanding Marxism, leftwing critiques of Marxism, etc is really useful when constructing arguments against these ideals. They are based on the stupidest and flimsiest of assumptions.

nvm it is on there, should have vril the power of the coming race though

it has it but it's under fiction (although britain is closer to 1984 than bnw imo)

Right now I'm reading A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline by Hans Hermann-Hoppe.

right on my bad

add the emerald tablets of thoth

Entertaining but hardly redpilled. It is a series for kids. Adults who get into them on a serious fandom level are cringe-worthy betas and cat ladt tier losers.

Reminder that Great Britain is a dystopian hellscape



I have a friend who's moving there (london) for work. I don't think he'll move there permanently though

Freud and Jung

come to tier 5 start with this playlist

I didn't think atlas shrugged should be tier btw but meh

just leaving these here. Remember that Theodore Roosevelt (The good one) read one book per day. It's a nice habit.
Pic 1-2 and this one might have overlap

Hope your friend is rich, London is a fucking dump.

I'm just reposting someone else's image. There's a few I would change around but I can't really bother, its a decent set of books.

tier 4*

you aren't into das vril projekt and Atlantis yet you are still just baby tier

he focused on the winner, mao
and that's not a lie. you're just seeing things from a different perspective.
by lie i meant some blatant lie. .

right on great selections though

What an amazing quote. This book has so many.

das vril projekt is where you should start to see what WWII was really about everything else that comes after really doesn't matter

Why do brong bongs try to scare their people into following the law? I see tons of this shit from over there, pay your tv tax goyum, bin that knife goyum

*das vril projekt


The Camp of the Saints is required reading.

Sun and Steel.


get woke nogs

No thats a lie, Chiang followed his advice and it was objectively the wrong decision. Green pretends he did not do this to make his lesson seem valid.

It would be like me saying "Hitlers great flaw was being too cautious"

Nanny state. Female vote and political correctness have neutered this nation. Everyone is hysterically left wing other than the working class but they have been utterly forgotten to accommodate brown people. And when they aren't forgotten about they are trampled on like the working class in America. Brits have become a decadent, hedonistic, nihilistic people that welcome their own destruction with open arms.

>Chiang followed his advice and it was objectively the wrong decision
what advice would that be?

Exactly. Exactly. Getting anyone to care about anything is such hard work over here. It's all about their shitty job and then vegging out with the box in the corner, then if they're inclined getting shitfaced and causing trouble for everyone around them and making the town and city generally unpleasant for everyone who has to see the mess in the morning. I'm really not sure what can be done at this point since even getting people to admit that Labour aren't with the (indigenous) working class and that Tories are not right wing can takes weeks of dedicated effort, then they'll keep voting for that same party they always did--if they vote at all--as if you never said a thing to them, then be totally ignorant of any of it if you ask them.Getting anyone to care about anything is such hard work over here. It's all about their shitty job and then vegging out with the box in the corner.

How old are you? Did you just graduate?

This. Meditations is must read.

I keep trying to explain to my friends that the tories aren't even right wing and that Labour will utterly destroy this country if allowed into office. They think I'm misinformed yet get all of their news from the Guardian, BBC, C4 and other establishment mouthpieces. If there is a way out of this situation, I can't see it. Dark times indeed.

they are NPC literal zombies desu it is their karma just take care of what you need to. When the time comes they will beg you to save them. You cannot save them from themselves

Thanks burger friend. I have taken to mostly focusing on myself these days. The hard part is finding new friends that also want to better themselves. Most people in my social circles have turned into drug addicts/borderline alcoholics and raging lefties. It's depressing.

Also please never give up your guns.

Remo cristin