>'Tasteless, Vulgar and Obscene.' China Just Banned Hip-Hop Culture and Tattoos From Television
>now “specifically requires that programs should not feature actors with tattoos [or depict] hip hop culture, sub-culture (non-mainstream culture) and dispirited culture (decadent culture)
>Absolutely do not use actors whose heart and morality are not aligned with the party and whose morality is not noble
>Absolutely do not use actors who are tasteless, vulgar and obscene
>Absolutely do not use actors whose ideological level is low and have no class
>Absolutely do not use actors with stains, scandals and problematic moral integrity

How many more levels of WOKE can China get? These Chinks might just manage to keep ZOG at bay!

Other urls found in this thread:

I want to ban hip-hop around the globe. Wherever you go, you see these retarded low iq people influenced by this crime glorifying filth. Awful.

I just wish the Japanese would do the same.

Reminder that the reason popular culture in the West is so vulgar is because culture itself has been commodified into a product to be sold, and the most obscene, explicit, coarse and sexualized something is, the more likely it will return attract the profit to cover the investment. What China did is something that was common until capitalism took over and invented the soulless culture industry itself.

So China can't listen to illmatic? Shame

"It has left no other nexus between man and man than callous 'cash payment'. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour ... in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom - Free Trade."

t. Marx

Too bad everybody here is a liberal that does not question the root structure from which degeneracy springs forth.

Wrong, kikes are 100% to blame

It's all because of that black basketball kid that got caught stealing, you know the one, who had to get trump to help him avoid Chinese death row? Well after he was shipped back to US, they had the finest Chinese minds brainstorming on how to keep that from happening ever again, and then they decided: ban hiphop. It's not just hiphop, it's a blanket ban on all blacks; youth and the elderly alike. Whether blacks want to admit it or not, ALL blacks are hiphop. You put him in a suit and tie, he'll sag his pants and wear a du rag and timbs with it. You give him nice jeans, he'll just scribble gang signs all over them. You put him in a nice house, and within minutes the whole place is crawling with crackheads, crack dealers, girls shaking fat asses, you name it. Every. Single. One.

Hello, idealist.

Why don't you sing a narcocorrido about it

Because it's trash that should be banned.

>whites aren’t able to make intelligent decisions themselves

But what about Fast and Furious 9? Chinks will be sad if they miss that.

Marx was a degenerate.

Stay poor, Paco.

cant believe everyone here agrees with govt censorship just after Sup Forums blocked posting images

>Totalitarianism is ba-

t. Cucked whiteboi wigger worshipping blacks.

An actual mexican intellectual :o


You are a degenerate, and you are likely a money-worshiper too.

Marx on the Jews:

"The Jew is perpetually created by civil society from its own entrails.

What, in itself, was the basis of the Jewish religion? Practical need, egoism.

The monotheism of the Jew, therefore, is in reality the polytheism of the many needs, a polytheism which makes even the lavatory an object of divine law. Practical need, egoism, is the principle of civil society, and as such appears in pure form as soon as civil society has fully given birth to the political state. The god of practical need and self-interest is money.

Money is the jealous god of Israel, in face of which no other god may exist. Money degrades all the gods of man – and turns them into commodities. Money is the universal self-established value of all things. It has, therefore, robbed the whole world – both the world of men and nature – of its specific value. Money is the estranged essence of man’s work and man’s existence, and this alien essence dominates him, and he worships it.

The god of the Jews has become secularized and has become the god of the world. The bill of exchange is the real god of the Jew. His god is only an illusory bill of exchange.

The view of nature attained under the domination of private property and money is a real contempt for, and practical debasement of, nature; in the Jewish religion, nature exists, it is true, but it exists only in imagination.

Contempt for theory, art, history, and for man as an end in himself, which is contained in an abstract form in the Jewish religion, is the real, conscious standpoint, the virtue of the man of money. The species-relation itself, the relation between man and woman, etc., becomes an object of trade! The woman is bought and sold.

The chimerical nationality of the Jew is the nationality of the merchant, of the man of money in general."

Cencorship is a tool like any other. It only matters what it’s used for.


"The groundless law of the Jew is only a religious caricature of groundless morality and right in general, of the purely formal rites with which the world of self-interest surrounds itself."

>Marx on the Jews:

>Marx was ancestrally Jewish as his maternal grandfather was a Dutch rabbi

Stay poor.

Well look at the state of hip hop culture here in the states. It is fucking trash.

Dutch rabbi sounds like a politically correct version of Dutch oven.

based chinamen

thts why its not good. a tool can be used by anyone against anyone. theyll be able to censor anything we like too

>there are no stupid whites
In some sense I care less about stupid whites, but they could have been good folks contributing to society so overall jewish controlled black influence is a net loss I would say.

Read a book. That meme you're alluding to is fraudulent anyways.

>your brain on infographic/meme culture

>says the country with a degenerate government that has been progressively undoing its traditional culture for decades
At this point it doesn't really matter what else they ban, they've already crushed the spirit of their people

Nevertheless he was critical of jews. Does his criticism not weigh a fair amount?

Marx descended from a long line of Rabbis. What's controversial? His father only converted because it helped his career advancement. Marx is as Jewish as they come.

Hello cuck.

Taking an educated guess from my well experienced view of the youth today in UK:
> 85% of teens living in the city use hiphop culture language - even the gothic / alternate / metal kids are using “safe” and such degenerate words these days.
> at least 50% of rural teens using such hip hop culture language
> more than 70% of white teenage boys and girls across UK act meekly to blacks, or at least put them on a heightened plinth.
> More than 50% of white teenage boys are becoming literal cuckolds, feeling inadequate because of the hip hop culture pushed everywhere. Of these types I would guess at very minimum half of them are extremely submissive to their black peers and seem hopeless at ever getting a girl.
> I can’t comment on how many teenage girls date or fuck black guys, they always keep it quiet. I can say it’s increasingly common to see white teen girls walking around with niggers.
> more than 50% of the music on the commercial radio stations is hip hop, or at least pop music with a rapper doing a verse in rap at some point.
> interestingly this degenerate culture is infecting the pakis and poos too, their youth, especially the boys, are just as influenced by black hip hop as the white kids.

T. Worked as an area manager for a catering group which serviced many school canteens in city and rural areas. I’ve seen how a lot of the upcoming generation act while on their lunch break, from a wide sample across different regions.

What Marx was saying there is that since capitalism is a totalizing phenomenon which pervasively seeps into every aspect of society, with no concern of tradition, culture, etc., since it is a global event, we have all in a way become baptized into Jewry, into worshiping the God that displaces others known as Capital.

Do you think that person you are responding to even read it?

>He think he isn't a cuck when he genuflects before the fundamental present order of things.

>To him, the only notion of change to be imposed is an aesthetic one. That is, replace the faces of elite institutions, corporation and business, public office, etc. fully with "whites", or what have you, and somehow everything will be okay.

>He doesn't know that everything he hates, including the harm done to the family, the influx of immigration, the cheapening of genuine culture rather than the empty, horrific sounds of popular culture has been elicited by the economic and productive base of society, especially by the Neo-liberal wave that took off with Reagan.

You're a naive cuck.

Had no idea what it was, figured maybe something like the theme song for Narcos. Instead it was the cringiest kind of country / amateur-shit mix.

I am upset now, how can you allow this?

>shitposting is more important than a beautiful future for Europe and Europeans

Are you for real Chingo?

>le 56%

can't be both

I don't "allow" anything. That "music" is truly repulsive. It angers me as well.

Have you ever been there? No they haven’t. Confucianism is alive and well even amongst the most zealous of party members. It’s something that’s ingrained into the psyche of the people and can’t simply be stamped out.

Shut the fuck up, faggot, what we Japanese do is none of your fuckin' business bitch.

This is true. Neo-Confucianism predominates nowadays.

> I don't like it
> we should force the entire country not to do it

fuck off kikes

ITT we discuss how great totalitarianism is on a board that would be banned instantly under any totalitarian system

now imagine they censored sweden democrats

Wtf, confucianism was literally demonized as a cult during the cultural revolution and the xinhai revolution. the only thing tht remains is respect for elders and worshipping the dead. it mainly remains alive in korea where it is slowly eroding away

>first the kike movie
>then the nigger music and tattoos
shit lad
reasons why i'd let china fuck my ass
pls fuck our arses faster and kill degeneracy on this western shithole

next hang the gays and genocide the druggies

You are right, but since then it was brought back and re-contexualized for these times. It's of course not the same as the Confucianism pre-modern China.

its been destroyed since the late Qing by influential writers like Lu Xun literally saying tht Confucianism is cannibalism and then maos cultural revolution. now theyre bringing it back now because of chinas rise and muh 5000 years of culture. they just want to romanticize the past

repostin from another thread

this happened today
>going for a surf
>standing next to water putting on rashy
>two chinks appear in my peripheral
>usual, dress pants, polo shirt (always stained) thongs
>see them start grinding their feet into the sand
>stand next to them and look out at the waves
>turn towards them, ones about 30 the other mid 20's
>ask them what they are doing
>look at me 'heh'
>they look down at sand and keep grinding their feet in the sand
>chinks stop and look at me in shock
>Chinks shaking and slowly backing away
>cuck lifeguards walk down and tell me to calm down
>staunch them and tell them to get fucked, they know Im local so leave it
>chink cunts run up to carpark
>turn around and about 20 tourists are clapping
>have a good surf

bit of context. These chink cunts come to our beach (tourist area) and rape the pipis (shellfish) which is illegal and have taken years to return after the same thing happened a decade ago. They also go down at night and take everything from the rocks, undersized wild oysters, limpets, even those fucking little rock crabs.
Start telling them cunts, stand up, already done it about 5 times this summer, too many 'Aussies' these days are too scared or dont want to be labelled. fuckin tell em, theyll get the message

chinks aren't woke, they're fucking soulless parasites

its also a form of cultural control tht the beijing regime wants to exert on the entire country. at least its more subtle than the retarded idea tht all of china under one time zone causes greater national unity

you're an embarrassment to our country.
go and eternal english teacher yourself in Chinkland.

>now theyre bringing it back now because of chinas rise and muh 5000 years of culture. they just want to romanticize the past

Agree, completely. They are maybe also revitalizing it as a way to offer an alternative to "Western" systems of thought, religion, or culture which they are suspicious towards.

>China bans niggers
>This is a real story

refer to my post tht its a way for china to control its people with the guise of muh 5000years but with the ideas of the CCP. i wudnt trust anything the commies say.

>the retarded idea tht all of china under one time zone causes greater national unity

Ha, also they rewrote their own history in a romantic nationalist sense, revising it so as to make it seem as though "a united China" was a thing since antiquity. In a way, China as we understand it, in the way the Chinese understand themselves, originates from the European explorer-colonialist perspective towards the region and their inner ties.

>tfw karl was sponsored by capitalists, married the relation of the owners of Sony, and hung out with other aristocrats.
>also kike

Shut the fuck up soyboy. Only cucks fail to take the best parts of our tradition and ignore the rest.

Doesn't matter what colour the cat is, retard.


But but but they are basically banning niggerdom, who could possibly disagree with that?

He didn't moralize it in the way you are. There is no escape from it, in the end since it is not an isolated or abstract event. It is like complaining about revolting peasants, calling them hypocrites for using the tools that aid in the reproduction of feudal society to rebel against that very social being. Marx was also continuously persecuted by multiple nations, evicted, censored and his newspaper and source of employment banned by his persecutors. There is no doubt that he towards the end of his life lived a bourgeois life-style though.

>our tradition
pls go to the mainland and live by their ways instead of wth rule of law tht the british gave us

they ban anything they want. they can ban things Sup Forums likes too

I saw it after I posted that, but thanks.

What does it mean to ignore the rest here?

>colour of the cat
we r literally not talking about economics

whats wrong with hiphop? its legit

That's literally every Hollywood actor.
There won't be any more American movies on Chinese TV?
Does China censor Hong Kong yet?

no i can still talk shit about china here and go on facebook google youtube etc. i actually saw pro falun gong stands today

it's ok to show your flag, israel

They already pick and choose hollywood movies and hwood would probably be 10x more leftist sjw if it wasnt for china pressure.

This is why I live in Asia. So fucking glad I left the Jewnited States of Niggers. Good fucking riddance.

smart move banning a CIA invented music genre
designed to further degenerate the lowest common denominator

Muh spooks, 4 chan being banned would be a bad thing, maybe people would do something productive instead.

trips of truth

I think its origin were more authentic and reflective, but it was just appropriated by the industry and completely distorted into the hideous thing it is today.

Are there any moves to change it? Does CCP plan to integrate Hong Kong fully at some point or they are content with how things are now?
I know they force schools to teach Mandarin now, guess they have some plans for the future.

>Absolutely do not use actors whose ideological level is low and have no class
>Absolutely do not use actors with stains, scandals and problematic moral integrity
So China bans all television?

Top kek China is slowly becoming Sup Forums dream land, too fucking bad 4chink wouldn't even exist in such society. Hmm or maybe the necessary of 4chink's existence is zero in a country like China.


well its the communist party, they never tell u wat they are going to do. theyre doing something with a railway rn which is angering everyone. they want soverienty over part this rail tht runs in hk. they also got rid of one of our representatives in the peoples congress and jailed some protestors from the occupy central movement.

lol chinks 1 - illeminetatys 0

you can brainwash children pretty early, and after that it's really difficult to make them normal again

>Have you ever been there?
I lived there when I was a kid, but that's besides the point
>Confucianism is alive and well even amongst the most zealous of party members. It’s something that’s ingrained into the psyche of the people and can’t simply be stamped out.
So is the concept of guan xi, but that's only because it coincides with the interests of the CCP. If it's of no benefit to the CCP, it's swiftly banned, censored, what have you.

Or you can go to UK and get run over by mudslimes, how about that? Hk was never Britain, race traitor cuck.

Means you take whatever you like from Chinese culture to apply in your daily life, and ignore the rest in the dustbin of history. Just like "communism with Chinese characteristics".

It can apply to a lot more things than economics, idiot. Do I have to spell it out for you?

American flag
American flag

You are right lets open the gates on child porn and goat fucking because I dont want them to censor my antiques roadshow. Nice horseshoe you got there.

you can TRY. faggot TRY. if you are weak, you'll get me, i have lived in religious lesta family. Some get brainwashed, some intelligent like me don't.

>run over by mudslimes
okay go to china and get run over by a truck instead

i wish we had free license to shoot the fuckers for pay. world would be cleansed of niggerdom in under a week.

yes lets let them run over 10000 ppl in tiananmen square again and kill the literate and landlords and starve the peasants and cause the greatest demographic crisis in history

HK is supposed to be a fully fledged Chinese territory by 2047, 50 years after UK gave it away, as per the deal that was made between the UK and the CCP.

niggers need to die I invite the Chinese to come do it.

No, I will stay here in HK thanks. You are the one pining for the return of the british, cuck.

>greatest demographic crisis
>population life expectancy doubled under mao

>the source for "10000 died in tiananmen" was quite in the same article revision his number downwards 3 weeks later
>unregistered women in China balancing out the sex ratio when they go to school/get married
You know nothing except debunked talking points, cuck.

this will happen before 2047 at this rate
they hate western devils too idiot

Look at the thugs in Sweden. They have never been to America and never experienced slavery but they are dead set on turning that place into a Ghetto. What could possibly be the cause of that?????

>china is great but i will not go there
ur full of shit go suck off cy leung
>there is no gender imbalance
stop ignoring literal facts

You can see the first hand effects of the brainwashing whenever a nignog walks by with brand new jordans and a gold chain singing his favorite rap sing

at least the thugs do not have the force of tanks and machine guns like the ccp thugs

It's very profound to see the lower classes in Australia completely brainwashed by American Ghetto culture.

The wide brim caps, nigger tattoos, etc etc.