Why are female pedophiles not taken seriously?

why are female pedophiles not taken seriously?

Because /ss/ is patrician-only.

because when you hear female pedophile everyone gets the image of that teacher they wanted to fuck at highschool

cause it's hot as fuck ?

Same reason no one is concerned about FtM trannies. They pretty much don't exist.


Male gaze

Because most mothers do it.

Depends, who are they fucking?

Because females are passive


Same reason why most of the women aren't really worried about being raped by a refugee. They get turned on by idealized fantasy of being taken by alpha, and can't really feel outrage about the issue before it strikes too close.

Men on the other hand get turned on by idealized fantasy of fucking a milf as a boy, and can't feel outrage towards female pedos unless it strikes too close.



I want to join them so bad


welcome to the fbi watchlist.
Please, have a sit

Because we want it.

>/ss/ is patrician-only
very true

come here Chris, you little cutie

We does everyone assume /ss/ when people talk about female paedophilia?

its because for the most part theres less violence involved, given they are the weaker sense.
they can manipulate and drug victims even but unless the male is physically disabled they cant really say they physically resisted.
thats assuming youre talking the usual teenage victim and not a little kid.

its wrong but thats how it is


Are you a fucking stupid nigger or do you think I am a spraylet? How am I supposed to fap to 7 seconds?



The same reason female [anything else] aren't taken seriously either. Female privilege.

why do faggots assume they're relevant when they're less than 5% of the population?

Double standards, it's the typical pussy pass. Same reason women often get away with crime and when they don't, they receive less harsh sentences. Also, because degenerate incels like the Sup Forums sperganites think it's hot since they only see it from their perspective.



>tfw molested by female baby sitter
>still extremely uncomfortable during sex to this day
>flight or flight response triggered whenever a woman shows interest in me even if it's only online
>never told anyone
>she has kids of her own now
>everyone thinks it's no big deal
>meanwhile women complain about rape culture when they let some poo in loo finger them

females aren't allowed to go to jail.

Because women are the modern-day aristocracy, regardless of the age of the victim.

Peasant man rapes aristocrat woman, peasant gets executed.
Female aristocrat rapes peasant man, aristocrat gets slap on the wrist.

My sympathies. That sounds incredibly difficult to deal with.

Why don't you tell someone

Because kids on Sup Forums will stay virgin forever. They dream of being raped by a pedo woman.

your're fucked up in the head because a babysitter was touching your pee-pee?

Because it's a staple of good mothering.

because women are, themselves, children

what a pussy

I feel for you, I'm sorry. Seeing a therapist could help, if you haven't. If you have, maybe try a new one.

same reason lesbians are hot, but twinks are fucking gross.

I'd recommend him seeing the rapist

because nothing will happen to her and it'd just risk it getting out and then people will think of me as a victim forever

I understand you user, was abused when i was a kid and I've always had problems with relationships and making friends because I've said and did a lot of inappropriate shit back that i didn't understand. As an adult i can easily see my faults and overcome them but when your kid who's most probably the only one that was abused as a child there really isn't anyone who you can talk to so you become that social outcast.

At least know what your fetish is now, older women and babysitters.

>Wanting to fuck someone who's sexually underdeveloped


That's not the point, women like easy dick, i mean prey that they can easily control.

Unless it's outside the statute of limitations she'd get done for it

Then why does CP exist, if physical attraction doesn't factor into pedophilia?

Can you please fucking explain how this actually tramatized you? Need details user

He can only get it up to mommies, otherwise his dick is a dead fish.

Because female pedophiles, if we can even call them that, are far too few and considerably less abusive than males.

>Had four different baby sitters
>Not molested ONCE
this ends now

Because men can get off to literally anything.

I was only 9-10 and it was an all around humiliating/stressful/uncomfortable/scary experience to have a grown up who's meant to be taking care of me touching me in private places I'm meant to keep to myself that make you feel fucking weird that I didn't even fully know about yet and she told me a bunch of fucked up shit about how she's just teaching me what sex is/worried I'm gay/I'd be the one getting in legal trouble for having underage sexual activity

imagine a grown up bullying you as a little kid by tickling you when you don't want it until you cry and telling you it's just a game you're enjoying and that you can't tell anyone except the human psyche and culture revolves entirely around tickling so when you think about tickling every day you think about being powerless and anxious and guilty and angry and want to kill someone and no one gets it because it's just tickling its fun right

Here's why.

Fetishes dont really exist

>/worried I'm gay
Well ? What did she find out ?



Because some find it impossible to imagine women as sexual subjects. For hundreds of years many actually believed that women were not naturally capable of sexual desire. Predatory women are able to fly under the radar because of this falsehood.

Because female pedophiles can't make their victims pregnant.


Thats some shit, user. My gf was regularly molested by her brother and once raped by his friend when she was 8. Ive seen the pain on her face when she relives those moments, and i sympathize

A good way to get help for this is to find a woman that understands and is willing to work with you. Repeated exposure in a safe environment helps rewire your brain to normal, but it takes a very long time. Combat vets can help overcome their ptsd by playing CoD and stuff, this is the same.

My gf loves sex now (shes 21), but some things she still cant handle

So that's why black women don't get mad at racist white men.

>D-cups spilling out slightly
Is this supposed to be pedobait or an example of how fucked up pedos are that they'd not go after maturity like this?

Can't their punishments just be rape at the hands of incels?

is it wrong that I am slightly aroused by this?

All dick is easy for women. They want rich and strong

That's a very good idea

plz, tell us moar user, what did she do 2 u exactly? was she hot?

sounds like she was right to be worried about you being gay


all the people talking shit in this thread are stupid and don't know shit

the issue of pedophilia needs to be taken seriously and i don't think most of the people in this thread are doing that

for the victims you are the key to stopping this madness. you must come forward no matter what. you must not let it get to you. the best way to do this, at least a start, is to come forward. man or woman. it is the vital key. please

Back when I was in High School, 16 year old, if my female spanish teacher took me back to her place and had her way with me, I would NOT have complained. I really really really wanted that to happen.

No victim, no crime.

go away Sup Forums

wasnt there a japanese bikini video of a 13year old jap girl with huge tits?? this was like 10years ago

>statute of limitations

Had you already masturbated before that point because if you did I still wouldn't get it. Otherwise ye, I get you being confused.

You are not alone, i was taken when i was 12 by an older girl, to this day i can't trust woman and feel extremely uncomfortable when near females

Because lesbian pedophiles are extremely rare. Real life isn't like your porn you incel.

Saaya Irie? Bitch was all over the news. Lots of people didn't even care that she was 13 because of her big tits. Metrics for being pedo or not boil down to tits. It was the same with Angie Ver-whatever back when too. If a girl has big tits, people will fall over backwards to rationalise how its okay, even though AoC laws are more based on mental capacity, so tits aren't even the metric laws use to define adult.

>why are female pedophiles not taken seriously?
Because it's like lesbian sex. Dudes either imagine two hot girls at it, or self-insert and imagine a hot teacher/milf, so it's fantasy material. When the reality is probably some fat short haired mess would have fisted their assholes or something.

they are probably more common than you think
and because they are women, they can get away with way more than a man could without anybody questioning them

i was molested by a woman when i was a kid but i took my revenge by raping and killing her when i got older

yeah that happened

You make a good point, but think about the percent of women that are gay and percent of women that are pedophiles. At most they would make up 0.009 of the population.

>tfw molested by a female baby sitter
>she finds out I'm mashing my donger while staring
>pulls pillow away and says
>"Is that for me?"
>proceeds to blow me to convulsions

>tfw when violently raped by a male intruder
>pillow over face
>violently forcing dick in ass
>pinned by much larger male frame
>pass out due to pain
>rapist was attempting murder
>passing out saved my life

This was my experience with the two variations.

Go into greater detail on that last one.

>raped out of consciousness

>worried I'm gay
Well, are you?

Because it's fucking hot

Where in America do you live where this happens?

sorry it traumatized you.
Get over it by recreating the experience like my ex. Raped when 12, now has DD/lg. good shit

Nah dude don't post this, man.

too quick and small a punishment

Very little damage done usually. Adult penises on the otherhand

I take them seriously. They are often the ones in charge of the care and grooming of the kids in trafficking rings. Any human that violates the free will of another sexually is wrong. Period.
Pedofiles are tricky to understand because we have a mix of people participating for various motives all working loosely together(they were abused and now do it, they were blackmailed into it, a group they joined does this, they do it for the money, ritual significance, sexual preference, religious rite, everyone else does hypocrical stuff so why can't I?, I have access to the Internet and feel no remorse viewing child porn, etc.). This will be one of the toughest things to correct in society but we are already on the first step. Shine a light on the problem. Children deserve a childhood where they discover sex in their own time. We cannot deny that children are sexualized openly in public from early ages and we keep opening our purses to those that do it. We now see what those responsible for popular culture are really doing behind the curtain. It is time for the world to show them we are ready to define our own cultures and stop supporting theirs.