Is Sup Forums a secret society?
One must put time and effort into lurking. Eventually this process turns "them" into "us", and without context, this autistic memeing can influence political campaigns. Are we da jooz 2??
Is Sup Forums a secret society?
Secret? This isn’t the dark web, you know.
No you boob.
No, its just a regular society. What you described is called cultureshock
why cant I post
*without context, these autistic memes seem utterly absurd, but can influence elections.
We have living manifesto writers lurking the board
cool david grohl story: a guy i know got drunk at a bar and met a guy who claimed to be dave grohl. the guy took him back to his house and got in the hottub with him and stroked him off and did gay shit to him claiming it was okay because he was dave grohl. Well he wasn’t dave grohl
We're THE Secret Society, user. It's our job to usher in the turning of the tide
I need qt Sup Forums grill
>living manifesto writers
wait...thats an image....
Anyone can write a manifesto.
We're not very Secret but in essence yeah
Mystery School
You mean manifestos with anime girls in it? You somehow think someone will take that seriously?
who is the qt?
Who is this thot?
thule society
hitlers wizards
Everyone on /Pol is anonymous (kinda) . But not the group user. Can anonymous be part of a secret society?
We don't hide our prescence, but 95% of the world has never heard of the hacker known as "4chin", and normies have no desire to delve into politically charged violence.
>why would anyone take this seriously
>trump 2016
You don't get it, do you?
A secret society of basement-dwelling male antisocial virgins. How many of you have fucked a pussy? Probably 0. Ye, that's right.
A bunch of Secret People talking in Public is how i like to think of it
We are the new Jews.
(((you))) go back weaving basckets back were (((you))) are from..what about that (((pedofiend))) facilitator
Inverse secret society.
I am unironically this where is my flag jooz 2
I do get it, meme magic works. Normies are, however, not autistic enough for anime bobs and vagene.
yes its like when george bush has to jerk off inside a coffin
>Is Sup Forums a secret?
No. There's some dude running for office posting screencaps on Twitter.
I matched with a white supremacist qt on tindr. Not the trashy kind, the Deus Vult kind. We talked about how many white babies would be ideal to benefit the white population. She is the perfect combination of fit and thicc, fucking beautiful.
It didn't work out because she was looking for someone dominate in bed and to cuck her fiance.
The freemasons and similar groups are also open to the public and pretty much anyone can become a member, but most people don't know about it, and the ones who do usually have no interest in it.
>not telling us the dude
Quit being a double nigger
Just your mother's.......and your dad's sweet boipussy
Yes, images are back if you didn't notice.
we're just the only people with time enough to give a shit about the state of America, everyone else is working and doing normie shit.
No, but Sup Forums kinda helped me understand how Jews (or secret societies) operate and why they are so successful.
When I visit other places on the web (youtube, twitter, reddit), I see plenty of pol/acks out there. I can tell from the way they talk (and memes/jokes they use) on each of these platforms and from the profile pictures they use on these sites. But the average person honestly can't. They might see some commonalities (e.g., several people with pepe as their picture), but in most cases it's too subtle for them to notice, and even if they did notice, they wouldn't understand the significance of how these different commenters/profiles relate to each other. They can't fully see these patterns because they aren't looking for patterns, and the memes and references are extremely subtle.
On the other hand, it seems like most of us are acutely aware of each others' presence in a reddit thread, twitter feed, or comment section. The internet and many of these websites (reddit/twitter/youtube) are essentially like a free-for-all for most people visiting them. Even if the viewer is within a community of like-minded people (e.g. watching a YouTuber they're subscribed to, or commenting in a thread on T_D), they're still--in a sense--out there by themselves.
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When you've got a big population where it's every man for himself, but a subset of those people are working together (and the rest of the population is unaware of this), that small group can drive the entire narrative. No other ideas, jokes, memes, etc., will gain enough traction when it's just individuals throwing them into a sea of comments. If you look at T_D, it's got hundreds of thousands of subscribers, most of whom never visit Sup Forums. And yet, almost all of the memes, jokes, and so on are Sup Forums memes. But most of the time, T_D users don't even know that. They just assume it's their own memes. They see a number of other people making the same jokes repeatedly on T_D, so they assume the meme came from T_D, and they start adopting it themselves.
Pretty soon, everyone on T_D is using the meme, thinking it's their own group's idea, without having any clue that a subset of that group was working together and has interests that might not necessarily align with theirs.
This is essentially what Jews do in the real world. A Jew can spot another Jew from a mile away, but most normies wouldn't even know where to begin. Jews are small in numbers, but a in a society that's otherwise a free-for-all for most people, Jew effectively work to push the same messaging at the same time. People in the West start adopting these ideas and assuming they came organically from other white people like them, but they're oblivious to the fact that a certain segment of "white people" are actually working together and have interests that don't align with the rest of the whites.
Sup Forums is like the Jews of the internet, basically.
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But we are the superior heebs.
Eh? Paul Nehlen. Stop being this new. Also, I'm sure that Brianna Wu dude posted about here, too.
If only.
you are #woke
>Deus Vult kind
>cuck her fiancé
Bit of a contradiction there laddie
This also explains Sup Forums's reaction to whenever the media mentions that Sup Forums is behind something "OY VEY, THE GOYIM KNOW!"
This. When I think about it normies really don't give the time of day for something even close as autistic as this board. Not to say they cant be converted but it's sometimes a Herculean task to get them to even stop chasing dopamine rushes for five seconds.
Thanks faggot.
>blah blah I can tell who's one of us r*ddit threads
>we are smart and normies don't understand
didn't read your shitty thesis
>and your dad's sweet boipussy
But I was adopted by a lesbian couple.
I suppose, but she had it in her bio
/pol is a college. Like the Library of Alexandria.
We're Just like Hogwarts for NAZIs.
The Right-Wing would be better, not everyone is a Nazi
we do not seek to betray... we refuse to obey
the left and rhinos are clearly treasonus. These are very cowardly times even with Trump win. What else is it going to take before we act righteously? Fucking boycott the FED money is the ONLY way i see us not using their money. No one wants to hear about religious people secretley worshipping death and subjugation
>not everyone is a Nazi
That's what a NAZI would say. Reported to the Queen for hate speech.
Nazis arent real. National Socialism is. And the best system is and always was a constitutional republic. Democracy is the reason why guns and homes arent cheap. They waste human energy through finance and thats the bottom line for what we need to change
In a sense Sup Forums generally has always been a form of secret society. It just used to have far higher barrier to entry in order to join it. When I arrived in 06 one had to lurk for at least a year or two in order to pluck up the courage to post without being obviously outed and relentlessly persecuted for being a newfag.
who getting ready on the northwest coast?
Nah mate, Constitutional Monarchy