why do we hate mexicans again?
Why do we hate mexicans again?
>Mexicans genocide niggers
>Now no niggers
>But Mexicans
They're craftier desu
Shut up you stupid mountain jew
They probably say they're white Hispanics
>trying to purge blacks
>trying to purge blacks so beaners can further infest White America
get it?
What a disgusting pile of human trash.
they still have YT more than they hate niggers.
Why do you think they 95% voted for obama?
We dont hate Mexicans, but illegals have to go back!
Does everybody on this board really have a bunch of bad experiences with Mexicans? I live in Texas, grew up in a low income Mexican neighborhood because my parents didn't want me raised around niggers and I never really had any problems with them, mostly good people (well, minus the fact that they almost all vote democrat and use ebt a lot) but they don't even compare to how bad cement apes are
>why do we hate mexicans again
how many webms of disembowelment you want me to post?
>this image again
What the fuck does it matter that spics kill nigs when they're still welfare guzzling criminal shitstains? Beaners are arguably worse than nigs because of how fast and far they spread.
>our spics are based!
Fuck off.
Daz right, ese.
How's about they be le based in Mexico instead?
The enemy of my enemy is also my enemy.
It was a serious question, I've never had any major bad experiences with Mexicans, and don't understand why people here put them in the same category as porch monkies
how about he goes back to Mexico
I've never had a bad experience with Malaysians, nor do I have any problem with Malaysian people. But that doesn't mean I would just be ambivalent if Malaysians started flooding this country and were quickly heading towards becoming the majority. Even if I actually really liked Malaysian people, I would still fight tooth-and-nail to stop this from happening.
Same thing with Mexicans.
>I've never had any major bad experiences with Mexicans
I am not saying that because I haven't, nobody has, I'm saying I don't see why people put them in the same category as cotton pickers. Care to share your reasoning?
My firsthand experience with Mexicans in the United States is thus:
>staying at someplace in Virginia just outside DC
>go outside one morning and there is a Mexican passed out on the driveway of the house
>girl comes back and phones the police
>her mum comes round and asks some other Mexicans across the street working on a house if they know the guy
>immediately they get aggressive, raising their voices and asking if we think that all Mexicans are like this
>two police cars arrive, an ambulance and a fire engine(?)
>American tax payer money at work for a drunken Mexican passed out in the street
I didn’t really know what to think about the whole situation, is this a common thing, even in predominantly White suburban neighbourhoods where rich white folks live?
Mexicans are better than blacks. I agree. But that still doesn't change anything about what I said here
Gotta hear both sides.
Northern Virginia has a lot of Mexicans, but it's generally pretty segregated by towns. You've got several very wealthy almost-exclusively white towns, which are neighbored by a few predominantly Mexican towns, with the Mexicans often being employed for construction or landscaping in the nearby white towns.
So generally speaking, no, having drunken Mexicans passed out on your street isn't actually an issue unless you live in one of the wealthier white areas. But they are pretty close by.
I'm guessing you were in Arlington? That's close enough to the city where it's just just a hodgepodge of whites, mexicans, and multiculturalism in general, so I assume that passed out drunken mexicans is more of a recurring phenomenon there.
I've only known one guy that happened to be Mexican who did something sort of similar to this
>His family was having a party
>This guy tried to down an entire bottle of whiskey, along with whatever he was drinking beforehand
>Had to get something from the car, but immediately he starts vomiting all over himself then shat himself and passed out until the next day covered in his puke and shit
*isn't actually an issue u̶n̶l̶e̶s̶s̶ if you live in one of the wealthier white areas. But they are pretty close by.
because they're not white and their iq isn't high enough to offset this deficiency
Different turd, same toilet.
it's like AIDS, cancer and the flu. which one would you rather have? of course the flu. but what if there was a 4th option of not being sick at all. I bet you wouldn't want the flu then.
the same with nigger, spics and germans. as soon as there's an option of not having any of them around you you choose that and everything else becomes irrelevant
It was close by to Arlington, a little further out. A place called Falls Church.
Wait what? this was super oddly specific
>be me
>take recent train trip to visit senpai
>have to sit next to we wuz
>for 6 hours
>nog chats me up
>eye roll, just wanted quiet trip
>won't shut up about politics
>keeps talking about muh oppression
>fuck it, take advantage of situation
>ask about govt shutdown
>"hey nog, does it bother you that D cares more about illegals than blacks"
>start showing him stuff like OP pic
>can see gears turning, go for kill
>blacks should start their own party
>since R or D don't care about you
>smile knowing I did my part to help remove D most loyal voting base
May or may not have done anything but I got the nog thinking.
Inb4 never happened
Somebody post the "ripping out guts and heart" video
i dont im mexican american
And yet blacks are duped into thinking more of these fuckers is a good thing.
Niggers or not they're Americans. And they need to ignore the race baiting and open their fucking eyes or they'll be out numbered by these rodents.
>when fireants wipe out your termite infestation and you call it a win
Doing God's work.
And they call Americans ignorant.
True. The biggest issue they have is the Amerindian and negro admixture bringing their IQ down too low to be of much use in higher paying fields.
>the problem is they can't replace us in every field of work
because they breed like rats and are still (although less than blacks) easily manipulated
If Mexicans, and Latinos as a whole weren't so fucking easily manipulated they would be acceptable immigrants - but they aren't which is why their countries are completely destroyed by cartels and corrupt governments - because they can't be bothered to actually question if that is an okay way to live and instead go for the option of LEAVING their country rather than FIXING it for the next generation
Still better than nogs tho considering 1/3 of Latinos were able to show critical thinking and vote for Trump despite the entire media establishment telling them he hated them
that mexican did more for the white race than all of the keyboard warriors here.
Depends on the cancer, really.
If it was skin cancer, I could do a surgical removal at home.
fat protestant mudblood burgers hate them because they're catholic and remind the burgers of their own mystery meat origins.
Mexicans are some of friendliest people I've met and the burgers could do with learning how to properly mix with their neighbours, rather than crying about how mexicans are somehow simultaneously lazy but also taking their jobs.
not sure your spic brain gets math that would still mean they did nothing
>not waking up in random driveways covered in feces and vomit
It's like you don't even know how to party properly.
Because they are displacing and disenfranchising us.
>gang threatened, intimidated and attacked blacks at their homes.
did nothing? hahaha what cuck, keep defending your bulls numale.
>Analogy is wrong so move the goalposts.
So they displaced blacks for their own interests, whilst intruding in someone elses land, where would those blacks go I wonder?
there you have it, mexicans are a superior race to amerimutt "whites".
Americans literallly suck their niggers toes,maybe this is why the hate mexicans so much?
Because they kill their precious niggers?
Real bad analogy m8.
>where would those blacks go I wonder?
easy, they are going to live with cucks like you where they can fuck your wife while you see them.
then you agree that mexicans have not helped whites and you have lost the argument
>cleansing Azusa of blacks
based Mexicans
>all whites are cucks like me
No. They have helped whites, but they are not helped the cucks like you that receive them with open arms.
how exactly?
Shit taste
Make them feel excluded of the society, they now need to behave like civilized humans or they will get rejected by everyone unless some white(obvious) sjw say "oh fuck white privileged males we need house and money to help the poor blacks "
I don't think blacks would like it if hispanic became a majority. Hispanics would not panders to blacks the way whites do.
Because we actually have them here. They're stupid useless fucks, the men are useless and/or drunk violent fucks and the women try to be white and date beta white soyboys. The mexicans should be enslaved and the blacks shot
Live in a predominantly Mexican neighborhood, I make sure to roll down my window and stare down niggers when I see them in my neighborhood. I conceal carry in case one of the apes wants to be a tough guy. I also actively participate in race based organizations to further our interests. Damn it must suck to be a white guilt cuck.
Good lad.
blacks will shoot you,
mexicans will rip your heart out while its still beating and feed it to you while you're about to lose consciousness,also forgot they flay you alive before their ancient aztecmayan ritual
>mafia leader
cause that is what i want as my neighbor instead of niggers
>May or may not have done anything but I got the nog thinking.
>nog thinking
doing gods work, but boy you have high expectations
fix one problem at a time, man
Ally with the lesser to remove the lowest tier, and when the job is about 80% or so done, backstab them and finish off both of your enemies. It's classic scumbag 101, but I see results to be more important in keeping the best country in the world as the best country in the world
what's the difference?
I think the the ones I've met have been pretty cool but then again I live on the east coast and we have like 20 of them here and they don't act like niggers like west coast mexicans. They hate blacks more than us so thats a big plus in my book.
The difference is that niggers have a 20 point lower IQ and no honor.
I would take the mafia leader neighbor 11 times out of 10 over an """upstanding""" black. Much less dangerous and less chance of an infestation.
nah I live in texas and my home town turned in to little mexico. Most of the time they are just standing around drinking beer. I have never seen one passed out mexican in my entire life. Mexicans are usually just pretty chill people that are very family oriented and traditional. It just sucks because they can come to a white neighborhood and turn it in to a mexican ghetto and then taco stores pop up everywhere and laundry mats and car title loan places.
/Our guy/ ?
Fuck you kike
I live in San Antonio. Mexicans suck. If they can pass for white (25% Indian blood or less) they are typically cool though. unless they are recent immigrants from Mexico, in which case they are typical faggot baby boomers.
Thats retarded. No. You don't EVER do that. Take out the best skilled enemy first. Ally with the retards and use them as cannon fodder to take the blame for attacks. Hype them up, boost their egos, make them take credit for your attacks. Then their army is destroyed by the more skilled army, and in the wake, you clean up the rest.
Not as bad as blacks is hardly a declaration of "based".
I dont want to live in a multi-ethnic shithole non-nation, but i don't, see any practical way to stop it. Given that its happening anyway, im glad america is hetting Hispanic Catholics rather than Arab and literal African Muslims.
Things could be so much worse.
Azuza is pretty bad but you gotta go through it to get on the 39 and to the best (private) paintball farm in SoCal. What's amazing is that next to the paintball farm is literally white supremacist biker gangs. It's not unlike "sons of anarchy" played out IRL.