Alright you fucks. Prove to me than christianity and your god is real!

alright you fucks. Prove to me than christianity and your god is real!

Other urls found in this thread:

I do not have to. Jesus only appears to those worthy. You are a niggerkike.

Jesus is a myth based on Zoroaster

First step is admitting that Jesus existed. Which every historian agrees on.

>Religious historians
That's like expecting Jewish historians to be honest about the holocaust.

A Vandal magister with known Arian tendencies was holding a symposium in honour of Demophilus, a known schismatic.
"Before the toasts begin, you must get on your knees and worship God and accept that he was the most divine entity the ecumene has ever known, even greater than Christus whom he created!"

At this moment, a venerable Praepositus Limitis who had served on the frontiers for decades and understood the necessity of taming the Barbaricum and fully supported the creed promulgated by the great Constantine rose from his couch and held up a crucifix.

"Who does this represent?"

The Rhenian cur smirked quite devilishly and smugly replied "the created child of an indivisible God"

"You miss the point. Jesus Christ our Dominus is of the same substance as God and thus equal to Him."

The heretic was visibly shaken, and dropped his wine krater and copy of Eusebius' Onomastikon. He stormed out of the banquet hall crying those laetus crocodile tears. The same tears Donatists and Priscillians cry for the "poor" (who today are so holy that saints vie to kiss their feet) as they flee Roman territory to the outrage-committing Bacaudae in Armorica. There is no doubt that at this point the "learned" Vandal wished he had studied the work of the Holy Apostles and become more than a ludicrous teacher of rhetoric. He wished so much that he had a spatha to disembowel himself with due to the shame but he had sold all the city's arms for Gaiseric's ransom pay!

The partygoers politely clapped and all ceased their apostasy that day and accepted Jesus as the true Son of God. A divine light suddenly shone into the room and blazed upon the bust of Augustine and the statue wept miraculously. The Nicene Creed was recited, and Jesus Monogenes himself descended and banished the barbarians to the hellish wastes beyond the limes.

The magister lost his tongue and was castrated the following day. He was exiled to Troesmis, far from from God's Light.

Praise Jesus Consubstantialis

Either you are a Christian or an atheist, there is no reason to be anything else.

Authentic pic of him.

Not religious historians. Regular one. If you can't even admit that, than there's no point in providing more proof

Daily reminder that christcuntery is a slave cult invented by the (((you know whos)))

Prove they don't.

All historians agree that there was a historical man named Jesus who got crucified and whose disciples later claimed that he rose from the dead. This includes atheist historians, agnostic historians, Jewish historians, Christian historians, etc. this is unanimous across the board with only fringe whackos like that polyamorite in Berkeley claiming otherwise

>Not religious historians. Regular one.
Name 2

Name 2

>slave cult
Ignorant sandnigger.

Christianity is (neo-) Platonism for the plebs

I just don't understand the concept of a "religious historian". Nobody would ever take them seriously without facts & data.

Anachronistically conflating first century "Jews," which were many different communities, with 21st century "Jews" which are the descendents of only a couple surviving communities that rejected Christ's Lordship and developed into a different people over the course of two thousand years as outcasts in Europe

There are no records of Jesus within 100 years of his "birth". And people back then weren't as lazy or uneducated as you might expect, they had taxes and census reports.

It depends what you mean. It could mean a historian who studies history of religion, or a historian that happens to be religious.. a religious historian could have an entirely materialist approach to history as a process.. but either way, it's unanimous that there was a man named Jesus who got crucified and whose followers later claimed he rose from the dead

It's usually regular historians who are also Christians. Because if that they get labeled as religious historians. You need to look at facts people represent, not what beleifs they hold, but kikes, media and atheists will just broad stroke them out and say they are biased

Why would the Jews make up a religion that made them look bad? Read your Bible. Now

I'm a Christian and I even laughed at this. Underrated post.

Christ is totally real, Goy. It's important that you and all of your white friends realize that ordinary Jews are powerful enough to effortlessly capture, torture and slay literal Aryan gods for shits and giggles. So don't mess with us. Spread the word and keep paying the tithe ;)

I mean a religious historian, not a religion historian. I can grammar just fine.

There are no facts without evidence :)

Only Tengrism is real.
Convert from your oppressing sandcults and be happy.

>There are no records of Jesus within 100 years of his "birth".

That's not how history works. Historians don't need to find a document that says "I met Jesus." The data regarding the rise of Christianity, the documents that we have, the traditions that arose all across the Mediterranean over a small period of time, etc. need an explanation and virtually all explanations involve a man named Jesus who was a religious leader who was crucified and whose followers later claimed he was raised from the dead.

Pompeii was a city that was a major cultural and trade center and it was annihilated in a spectacular and terrifying fashion. It produced virtually no contemporaneous writings about it except for an offhand mention in someone's letter to someone else on a different subject. There's no reason to believe that Jesus, despite his alleged miraculous works, would have generated lots of "documentation" of his existence by contemporaries.

Yes, that's what I meant. You need to look at evidence/facts any historian represents. Some historians will come up with anything to become famous, regardless of religion. But if you read the link I posted above. All evidence is shown for Jesus existense before getting impaled on a cross

>prove religion
God endowed us with the most valuable gift possible, free will, to that end those that make the choice to follow the laws of Christianity with that gift will be rewarded ever lasting life in Heaven. Free will and Religion as a whole would be made irrelevant if God's existence was 100% proven, you wouldnt be making that decision based on faith rather it would be a predetermined outcome "do X get Y." This is why Christianity can never be proven, because God doesnt want it to be, in order to continue allowing his most beloved creations to fully enjoy the gift of free will.

>Said the actual Mongolian


quarks, relativity and space time proves intelligent design. All of these fuck up during certain instances and prove that god is the only explanation for why quarks pop in and out of our reality randomly, why a black hole can manipulate space time and not destroy the universe and how the faster you go, the slower something traveling as fast as you appears. When the mechanics of the universe break down and stop working normally, only god can be the explanation for why something continues to work, when it shouldn't.

lol we wuz mongulz n sheeit

>implying I'm not right
Join us toothpaste.

>checks out

OP/ I'm atheist I'm just wanting to know the cunts who believe in such a lie

I said name 2, not post a link to a ridiculous (((leftist))) """newspaper"""

Yeah, fuck you too kike. Even historians agree he existed. Look at the sources

christian identity bollocks
>we wuz hebrews and sheeiiit

Evidence of Christ? See that depends where you stand on in what proposition you subscribe to. There are Historians that have concluded via testimony of people around at the time that Jesus Christ has certainly existed. But if you sit there and contort the criteria of what you would claim to be true then he definitely, under the circumstances you give us, did not exist. But then again, I doubt you're an authority on the matter so who cares what you say anyway?

fake news

Bart Ehrman and Robert M. Price
Good enough? Or should I spoonfeed you more?

>mfw dirt mongols turned to dirty turks and stole Islam

>Read your Bible. Now
Gas yourself. Now

You're just trolling now. You didn't even read a thing

I'm not into Christian identity. It's simply a canard to conflate first century "Jews" with modern or even medieval Jews given the thousands of years of cultural and theological change between then and now, especially after 70 A.D. when Judaism was basically destroyed and had to be re-invented.

> #
>>Historians don't need to find a document that says "I met Jesus."
>A birth certificate will do just fine :)
> (You) #
>what evidence?
Deleted your post already?

Jesus was a NEET. He didn't handle money , he didn't work at Bagels and Fun, and he traveled all the time. He was a "ghost", they wouldn't have records. That cia nigger Pilate probably has his name on a document

All Abrahamic religions actually worship Satan. Christmas is even based on Saturnalia, Judeo-Roman festival that culminates around 25th December and worships Saturn. It included blood sacrifices as well, which Jews are extra fond of

Here's how to do it: pray and ask God for the grace of faith. If he's real and you are sincere then he will give it to you. If he's fake news then you lose nothing.

go fuck yourself 88, Satan would never deceive us about that

I recognize this symbol.

The only proof I need is that ONLY Jews and liberals hate it with all their passion, and Jews and liberals have serious problems with truth.
I also believe in miracles. (OP) is living proof that faggots reproduce.

#Op here. What the fuck have I started......

God will only reveal himself to true believers. one grain of doubt and he will never show himself to you.


>There's no reason to believe that Jesus, despite his alleged miraculous works, would have generated lots of "documentation" of his existence by contemporaries
Except that a man claiming [or claimed] to be the messiah prophesied by the jew, and described as a descendant of king david, and therefore literal """king of the jews""", would have been regarded by the Romans as a jew rebel, inciting rebellion against Rome, just like Simon bar Kokhba, of whom there is ample contemporaneous evidence. Unless, you know, rabbi jesus was a fictional character and therefore no threat to Roman rule

I agree that Jesus was real. He was a literal Aryan god who was miraculously born in the middle east to a virgin and then (((we))) effortlessly captured, tortured and killed him. It's important that you and all of your white friends realize that.

....may God be with you all...

No, he gave himself up for a reason you kike. I pity you

Christianity is a Jewish psyop

The Eclipse is the Cross. There. Now you know. What exactly happens on the eclipse I am speaking of is where it gets interesting. Also. The Red Heifer, it's an aborted child done on purpose to mock and terrorize.


The immaculate conception of hiv jesus, born to the virgin Marty, in a homeless shelter in San Fransisco, where 3 homeless niggers brought him incense, soy and non binary sexuality. He pozzes the healthy and walks in sewer. A true faggot.

Historians are divided on the historicity of jesus.
He may or may have existed.
Not that it matters because if you follow sand nigger religions you are degenerate and should be gassed.

Great answer thanks

>Bart Denton Ehrman; American ""New Testament scholar""
>Robert McNair Price; American theologian and writer, known for arguing against the existence of a historical Jesus
My sides

It has more to do with SOLs

Jesus never stabbed anybody in the back

It doesn't matter if they are real or not, all that matters is that you have faith in them.

But they both agree, he existed. Disagree that he was a God

>Prove code of morality and ethics is "real"
Okay there edgy teen calm down.

The Mesopotamians and Egyptians had taxes 3k years before that

>would have been regarded by the Romans as a jew rebel, inciting rebellion against Rome, just like Simon bar Kokhba, of whom there is ample contemporaneous evidence

We know there were lots of messiah-wannabees, pretenders, and speculators but we don't have documentation (or even names) of them all. Jesus didn't launch a revolt that needed Rome to send an army to fight for two years before it was finally crushed, so that comparison is retarded.

>Unless, you know,

You are an idiot and your writing style tells me you're probably fat

It's CI mental gymnastics that shills the idea that the jews are not a racial group but merely a religious sect like any other, thus denying any racial or biological basis for the corrosive, greed driven, amoral and rapacious characteristics of the jew. It is apologism

Wrong. Historians are divided on the subject. He probably didn't even exist. Arabs BTFO

>Historians are divided on the historicity of jesus.

They are not. There is a whole lot of division on what Jesus said, what he taught, and timelines regarding theological development but nobody outside of internet goons and weirdos like Richard Carrier posit models of early Christianity without a guy named Jesus who was executed and whose followers later claimed he was raised from the dead.

Wrong again. You sand niggers are pathetic

Irrelevant. They are both christcunt theologians and therefore not objective

Yeah, show me the historian who disagrees and isn't a kike or related to one


Wrong again. Carrier is but one of many scholars who argue the christ myth theory.

Oh yeah? Who are the other ones.

>You are an idiot and your writing style tells me you're probably fat
When you can't attack the facts attack your opponent. Nice. Are you a woman?

There are plenty. Sand niggers btfo

I assume you need an understanding relative to science or the natural/metaphysical world as we understand it?
I will provide you with an example from our world and what we understand, so far.
Particles in current theory are indivisible points in space.
That means, according o current theory they take up zero volume and are located at exactly one infinitesimal location in three dimensional space.
There is no size to them at all.
Now, according to our current understanding of the world you are made of these particles, which means you are not mostly empty space OP, you are entirely empty space.
Now relate that to mass. Doesn't make much sense does it?
Some particles have almost zero mass, that we know and some have enormous mass relatively speaking of course.
example : What is the density of an electron?
An electron has nonzero mass and exists in zero volume, therefore the density (mass divided by volume) is........???

Do not think for a second OP that we have such a firm grasp of knowledge that everything can be explained. We just can't understand many, if not most things. It is faith (whatever that may be) that gives us, or gives me a relationship with the creator. It is easy to be railroaded in this life and believe things are the way they are because other people, myself included have told you or you have found the information that fits essentially what you want to hear.
Faith OP. My personal opinion is to be as open as you can and forget everything you know. Just 'be' OP and you will begin to feel something beyond our understanding something that cares for you, something that can't be explained by words. I believe that is god

just my 2 cents

Do your own research my Arab friend

>are you a woman
He's a christcuck, he might as well be.


>When you can't attack the facts
Hey what happened to the first half of that post you didn't quote

>Posting mobile link.
Ok enough user. You had you shitposting. Go shitpost more blacked on Sup Forums

So what if Jesus existed, many people making extraordinary claims have existed aswell, including Buddha and Muhammad, doesn't prove anything.

did you eat it

>This theory has very little support among current scholars


"there are fifty scholars who disagree with you no I am not going to tell you who they are or even mention a single name go to a library or whatever"

Sand nigger gets btfo
>g-go back to Sup Forums!

He's a troll. He even deleted a trolly pist from before

If Jesus were a thing and you cared to go to heaven you'd put exceeding care into not calling anybody sandnigger