How do we end the hog menace once and for all?

How do we end the hog menace once and for all?

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In the US we have Invasive hogs from Europe and people who capture them for fenced hunts are the sole reason they aren't genocided.

High powered automatic weapons, explosives, and a lot of people who want to kill hogs.

Forced perspective.

That thing looks like it was straight out of Princess Mononoke.

It was a pig/feral hog hybrid that weighed almost half a ton. 2.6m long.
I've heard that they're starting to become a real problem, you guys should try to train buttloads of people to kill them before they destroy any more farms. Make it kinda like an army division considering how fucking resilient the things are.

Also, I heard Texas was gonna start using poison against them, has anything come of that?

mm yes slay pigs good goy

>Don't slay these invasive pigs that destroy your farmland goy, that way you get to pay us to fix your farms

Let the Jews do it

Dont know about the poison but there are businesses built around shooting the shit out of a whole field of them bastards from a goddamn helicopter. There's also no limit to how many you can kill and hog season is year round.

That’s a decent sized snapping handbag. Seen bigger, but it’s bites size.

>Make it kinda like an army division considering how fucking resilient the things are
Hearty keks to be had when they lose just like 'straya did against the emus.

How do they taste?

just make photoshop illegal and that'll do it

based colgate ultra

you have single hunters kill 100s of them in one sitting, so it's not quite the same.
That said, they're though as nails, unless you blow their brains out with high caliber they can sperg out for 2 minutes straight before dying.

no sven, u must kill non kosher filth beast for it disrespects adoshem

I live in louisiana. The problem has gotten out off hand. My brothers deer lease is over populated with them. They kill em and kill em. They breed so fast no one can keep up. Also, they are not easy to trap. They wise up quick. The only way is to poison them or hellihog hunt em. However they are good eat in. Pic very related. From my son's baby shower.

Dude its free meat dont complain.

eat them?

Also have some homemade hog and venison sausage straight out my brothers smokehouse.

I'm not. However they are destroying shit like you wouldn't believe. They are furthering coastal erosion in the marshes. Destroying crops. Pushing out other native species like deer. It's truly a mess. They sure are a tasty nuisance though

Just be careful, they might have parasites.

What's a deer lease

If you want a place to hunt and you don't own land you lease property from someone. My brother leases 1200 acres from a timber company to hunt. So for say $6000 a yr you get to hunt 1200 acres.

We cook it hot enough. No need to worry.

by fucking off to /an/ with your shit threads

Looks like forced perspective to me.

Deport them back to isreal
>where they came from

Only if you use adequate boom. Pictured: How not to do it.

Anyone know how a poorfag can hunt hogs in texas?

When they start sperging like that, they're gonna die very soon, just don't get too close to them.

Going to go ahead and delete that, since I'm pretty sure it breaks a rule. I just wanted to make a point regarding going for a humane kill.

Yeah, but if I ever had to do it, I'd want to be as merciful as possible.

It is a great tourism thing too. Over Christmas, I took my son on a big hunting trip in NC. We got four hogs. Two big ones for meat and two smaller ones for the spit roast I just got.

Pic related is best way to hunt hog.

There are a bunch of sites that list land for lease in Texas. Or you can pay to make a hunt.

>we don't

In the Netherlands hogs are checked for radio activity before consumption, still because of Chernobyl

Same way you hunt niggers. Helicopter and AR47

They taste like shit. We grind them up and feed them to livestock.

You can shoot them anytime of year, they dont have a texas at least.

Bullshit you just don't know how to cook. They taste good.

We ask the tough questions here

Make friends with a landowner or farmer, or pay out the ass.

Enjoy your mad cow retard. You don't feed animals to other animals, especially natural herbivores.

My chickens are fine eating it. They don't mind. Don't bother me Ebola Chan.

God damn boys, that is one big hog! Anyways, enough about my cock. That’s a pretty big hog in that picture too!

lure the boar to your town center noob don't waste the meat

here in Sicily we have the same problems, they breeded with pigs anc created a Hybrid.
Now they are coming to the major cities, as you can see in this video

it is especially true for castal erosion. they dig and dig and they are truly a fucking war machine

buff Reaper

Here in Sweden we have wolves that hunt them, but I'm not sure if we've reintroduced them anywhere other than our province of Värmland yet, so it doesn't account for Southern or Northern Sweden. Thankfully we have plenty of weapons and most of our land is uninhabited, but still.

Sounds like paranoia.

That's a big pig


You heard the hand. The Boat is too fat for the armor. Go fetch the bacon stretcher

RIP I guess Germany is having an emergency election now =(

Anyone know the name of that little shit it the pic?
I wanna buy him dinner for shooting my ex.

LOL checked

Looks tasty AF


post a craigslist ad, most will let you do it for free or even fucking pay you in some areas


Kek I feel u

A heavy lifting drone with a downward firing drum fed shotgun, send 20 out into the woods and wreak havoc.