>this frightens the american
This frightens the american
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I live in a rich, Jewish neighborhood like 10 minutes away from Mar a Lago so my tap water is pristine
Do Americans really not have access to clean water or is that a meme
it's a meme
This is a fingol thread now, post em
Its not always a meme
I drink water straight out of the Chicago river.
My super powers will kick in any day now.
Tap water in Tasmania contains 262 active ingredients. These ingredients are used as "cheap" replacement for the modern solutions of UV treatment and replacement of metal pipes. Half the state has undrinkable water due to contamination. Research it yourself, norway did some great studies on pregnant women. Tap water is basically poison.
>drinking the hydrogen jew
forgot pic
arizona here its not a fucking meme, us desert states have the dirtiest nastiest fucking water, and guess what they approve the chemicals to be in our water in small amounts because they think it helps us. Its really the epas fault because they tell our water administrations to put these things in our water, how ever i live in a small rural town with 3 wells and a giant water tower water might be ok, i drank it a few times.
>they think it helps
they know 100% for certain it doesn't help. it's just human experimentation.
well here in rhode island we get lovely drinking water, although I hear arizona gets terrible quality water for an insane price.
how is it living in rhode island, im curious of your little state.
WA here, the water is the only good thing about this shitty state.
That and NW Front.
tfw pristine water from alpine aquifers
feels good
Mine is probably fine to drink but it tastes off if I don't filter it. Probably has more to do with the pipes in my old as fuck house than the filtration here though. That's my guess anyway.
the water in that picture looks disgustingly soft. Always get that shit whenever I've been to america. Hard water is where it's at.
>live in florida
>tap water comes out white and cloudy everytime
>never drink it
>if something requires water it better be boiled water motherfucker
No memes here. Only shit water.
it's nice, fishing's great, but our gun laws are lacking and I have to travel for hunting.
Boiling water just removes water. If anything, you're drinking a more concentrated solution of metal salts.
There you go famalam
meh, personally I prefer the pacific, I like the waters cold, but like I said, the shark fishing here is just unbeatable.
99% of the time it's a meme. Even when it's safe (which, again, is almost everywhere), tap water in different places often *does* taste noticeably different because of regional differences in source, treatment, and mineral content. If you're a baby that might be enough to make you not drink it.
That's city water. The waters by maralago aren't safe for swimming let alone drinking
> implying that normal rational americans have their panties in a twist over flouride
only retards are worried about this shit.
>sources are the older articles of the same paper
Boiling the water kills most of what may be living in it, but yeah, you should really be distilling that shit if you want clean water.
You also live in a fucking desert
I always laughed at the meme but then 3-4 months ago every time I drank water before going to sleep I would wake up in the middle of the night wanting to puke, tried drinking bottled water instead and seems fine, maybe the ducts in my house are fucked up or something.
Whenever I'm in the US, the water tastes like chlorine. Chlorine is only tastable when it's reacting with contamination.
I only drink cold bottled water.
>drinking unboiled tap water
This is what trap water has done to the New Zealand male
Semi meme. Many suburban and rural places have well water which needs to be filtered a few times to taste decent
>americans can't even get clean tap water
literally a third world SHITHOLE
it's not a meme at all
t. american flag not some fucking leaf
Think it's a meme. We are known to horde lots of Earth's nice good freshwater and waste it stupendously for a reason. Though your mileage may vary and if you're on well water and you don't like it you should just get an r o d i or filter
I've heard in Orlando they treat sewage water and drink it again. Americans are disgusting.
Partial meme, there's the whole thing with entire cities getting their water contaminated by the lead pipes and retards not treating the water.
Otherwise I think tap water is just not recommended to be drank too much, it's not going to make you shit fire like in China or anything but I think there's probably more minerals or other stuff than is good for you after too much.
clean water expert.
what DOESN'T frighten the american?
Water toxic; frogs gay
Being too fat to stand.
Go to bed Alex.
in warm areas of the south they put lots of chlorine in the water so it tastes like swimming pool water. Most people have a water delivery service or buy bottles from the store
Rural Texas fag here can confirm
Out in the country we live on a community well, however I have a separate building on my property connected to some underground well and that water has high copper in it, it won’t kill you but it still needs to be filtered
Guns faggot
Weak Allies
american "tapwater"
From my limited knowledge of American lifestyle (some American friend on discord) 90 percent of Americans should filter their water
Last time I was in America the tap water was fine if you just ran it for a minute so the yellowy-brown part at the start would run out. It's not all Flint.
If you're visiting the US and still worried, you do have the option of purchasing a water filter to remove the flouride (in case you're worried that your teeth might be too good) and the chlorine/chloramide (which they add to kill the fecal bacteria) or of buying bottled water (which came from the tap but has been sitting around in a plastic bottle long enough for all the chlorine/chloramide/flourine to be used up leaching interesting chemicals out of the bottle)