How can anyone take you seriously.
Lol India
I've seen filipinos openly defecate too junglenigger
Not Filipino - fuck you!!!
Street shitting confirmed a chad thing to do.
>mfw alpha Chads shit outside
>mfw I remember these Chads are only just niggers
I like to make fun of pajeets as much as the next guy but their 4000 year old culture is worth preserving and I wouldn't hesitate to back them over Islamist scumbags from Pakistan any day.
>le great nuanced old culture XD
poos are disgusting creatures that set widows on fire until the anglo trained them
Fuck off globalist. Unironically shilling for Anglokike world domination, shame on you.
Does an outhouse/latrine count as outdoor defecating?
>pointing out indian savagery is shilling for anglos
The Eternal Burger
t. street shitter
>culture worth preserving
>shitting in the street
and fuck off about supporting India over Pakistan, Indians shill to Israel more that the US. they're basically brown kikes
fuck man, i just imagined what it would be like to have been born Indian. i feel so sorry for you right now
Paki defense force is out in full force today. 2 goats have been deposited into your harem for these posts
False dichotomy
the real redpill is nuking the whole region
true, thats the only real solution
Pajeet, turn off the VPN and get back to street shitting
>le carring enough about street shitters to turn on my proxy
kys you disgusting shitskin
that whole region should be nuked
so you're telling me chads shit in the street?
There's a country called nigger
How can you be this fucking stupid.