Watch all the inferior inbreds get their panties in a bunch

"Breeding Between The Lines: Why Interracial People are Healthier and More Attractive"


"Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring. The adjective derived from heterosis is heterotic."


Children born to genetically diverse parents are more intelligent than their ancestors"


BBC Geneticist: "Is It Better To Be Mixed Race?" YES


"Diverse parental genes lead to taller, smarter children, finds extensive study"


"Heterosis, hybrid vigor, or outbreeding enhancement, is the improved or increased function of any biological quality in a hybrid offspring."



>half whites are smarter than bantu bushmen

well i never



yes clearly we should all waste our DNA on people who have been marrying their cousins for the last 1400 years

Are you Mexican OP? Because you're good at picking cherries.

oh the irony

South- and Central America are proof that this is objectively wrong. Most people in those countries are mixed to some extent, yet they're some of the worst shitholes on the planet.
It also has the same hierarchy of success as other country, with natives and niggers at the bottom, mestizos in the middle and whites at the top.

If "hybrid vigor" was a thing, South- and Central America would have the healthiest, most successful countries in the world.

If you actually look at their facial features and bodies, theres nothing wrong with them. They wear trash clothes and have tattoos, though. And even then you can't fault people for sometimes wearing casual clothing. So no apparent genetic damage to see here which you allude to, OP.
Same here
If you look at the nose, you can infer that the left specimen is not really white. The offspring is a racemixed specimen

you don't have to go as far as another race though
not a racist, just saying

OP is literally a WE WUZ KANGZ nigger so take nothing he says seriously. He makes whites are albino cavemen threads constantly too.

Clan isn't cousins!!!! REEEEEEE!!!!

Isn't Somalia the country with the most inbreeding in the world? While mussies and niggers elsewhere always marry their cousins.


Lol another dick washer.

Don't worry goyim, you'll be able to put down those filthy rednecks in the nxt Farcry

Remind me, which ethnicity has to take special medical considerations due to genetic inbreeding diseases? Was it "whites"?


>is it better to be mixed race
If its better to be mixed race
>which races make the best mix

It directly implies that you get special benefits, perks if you will, that you otherwise would not have had if you were born within just one race.
This directly states that 1: races are different, 2: races DO exist, and 3: some races are better than others either as a whole or in certain categories (intelligence, abstract thinking, immunities)

Yes, a mixed race is also a race. Claiming outright that mixed race is better is implied racial supremacy.

so which mixed races are "better" whites and asian?
guess that means whites and asians are better than blacks or something like that.

mom in that pic is 10/10 and could be an international fashion model

if you've ever been to the deep south you see women like that all over the place

there's an uncomfortable fact that never gets brought up, and that is in large urban cities in america, blacks don't know their fathers or their children and ends up dating, and pregnancies happen all the damn time.

if it weren't for the record number of abortions you would see actual inbreeding in process, Hollywood as always have really done a number on the south, if there is one thing i am allowed to know about the south is that, they are poor, inbred and stupid.

the white people that is, except that the south is really... reaaaallly black.

