*Restores Europe*
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>*be globalist cuck*
*Rothschild banker*
the absolute state. every single fucking day. the same cunts shilling for this faggot baguette
Not so fast Jean-Cuck.
Theres about a million rapeugees and a rising communist Germany to deal with first
Fuck him, Henry de Lesquen is /ourguy/
You're drunk, Juncker, go to sleep
fuck him he wants to offload all the Calais niggers on the UK
He is a globalist. So mant pro macron shills here pretending he is /ourguy.
Hahahahha, look at Merkles lapdog
What's up with this guy anyway?
from what I get he triggers both leftist and conservatives. He's meming his image but I'm too lazy to follow what is happening. He's likely an hyperactive micromanager but that maybe a good thing for a president.
His followers are plastic faces with empty words trying to please him to get a chance to climb the power ladder.
His opponents memes are pretty shallow : He's a banker and his wife is old and ugly.
circus for the masses
Hey guys how do I get paid to shill for Macron?
God I hate that fuck.
Restoration of Europe means oppression of countries like the Netherlands
In the current state of society, no one has the power to do that shit
Your expectations are impossible to meet after moment, retard
fucking baste Macron, he truly turned out to be /ourguy/ afterall
Groomed by the jews for power. Riding in on dumb young people who vote for a cool younger progressive, just like trudeau and obama did before. Meanwhile he is a pro eu globalist and piece of shit.
actual kek
I hope he succeeds.
More like,
>makes some rhetoric to establish bona fides to out flank anyone too far right.
We don't want your goddamn Europe.
he is a normie cuck with some reactionary episodes which don't really amount to anything susbstantial
>Builds his ideology and politics on german taxpayer money
anti Macron shills will never respond to this
That's just a troll, the guy never existed
But it's funny to see Sup Forums irl
If I recall, the choice was between
>Macron the banker
>Lepen the lawyer who used to dance on african music on disco clubs
>Fillon who paid his family with taxpayer money and "gifts"
>Melanchon the angry communist with strong memes on his side. Communist nonetheless.
Isn't it a good thing Macron was elected? I remember he BTFOed striking workers who didn't want to get shit done yet complained about the ones people getting successful.
*disband E.U.*
I voted Macron because it rages the old fucks that love Africans and it rages commie college students.
The fact that the guy from an unknown party and young and a banker, could kick ass those old hags that we see every single time during election mad eme believe he will be the president.
>inb4 Belgian IP
I'm on a business trip
From what I read, he's raising taxes.
How is the migrant crisis in France?
I've been to Marseille. A shit hole but because of scums, not actual migrants. Paris was a trip to Africa. Toulouse, also quite a lot of scums, not as much as Marseille. Rennes, quite calm except around people from easter europe and their caravans. Nantes and Rennes was OK, but a lot of hipster "artists", this was before the migrant crisis really hit the news though.
Today, are there really migrants in the streets, in camps, or is this only amplified by the medias?
And that's why he's a cancer.
In fairness, he only revealed his powerlevel after being elected. I don't know how anyone can listen to his speech in Burkina Faso and think that he has anything other than unbridaled contempt for Africans.
He's attempting to restore France to its colonial power status.
>Restores retards fate in EU
>immigrants still flooding in
>deal with turkey will soon cause millions of syrians in Turkey to flood into Europe
>then millions of Turkish people
Meanwhile Macron hires feminists advisors
and larps as right wing while kissing soros, merkel and juncker ass
>In fairness, he only revealed his powerlevel after being elected
don't be retarded, he's pro eu you dumb fuck
>I voted Macron
you voted macron because you're too much of a beta to vote for le pen.
and now you're in fucking Brussels or something, which should give people an idea of how much of a traitor you are.
I dont think you will get the chance to save france by voting again, before macron's term is up France will be blacked and fucked. Mark my words.
>Today, are there really migrants in the streets, in camps,
In Paris yes. Other municipalities (like mine) managed to offer them housing, which is better than on the pavement but it doesn't mean they behave better. The nigger population has exploded here and pretty much everyone complains (2 years ago they were all socialist migrants welcome and shiet) except the teenage girls who are massively coal burners, it's not rare to see couples of adult nigger with 15yo girl, disgusting.
Yeah that "more sovereign" was really clear concerning his projects.
Wtf has changed in Europe since he took office?
eu isnt europe
Europe is not something that can be "restored", because it "consists" of sovereign states
>it's not rare to see couples of adult nigger with 15yo girl
Is this literal? What's the reason? Migrants are poor so how could they afford dates and so on?
Do they work? Do they get social welfare even though lacking nationality and visa?
France has the image of second generation from migrants from the previous colonies being violent / drug users and dealers / social welfare leeches. Are the new migrants behaving better in this regard? How is the situation on the daily?
France has a lot of welfare and free education. How come this country is in its current situation. I don't understand.
More lobbyism to make it appear like the only future possible.
That's the point, he wants EU to be more sovereign (over the states that is).
*blocks your path*
he started pretty right
telling union to bugger off, telling nogs always nig, things like that
that soon changed
now he yelds to savage scum punks, lower speed limits to 50mph, and gibs 500€ to each 18yo to buy (((culture)))...
all in all, centre socialists rly are the same shit as the left-wing socialists and right-wing socialists we're so used to...
>vote for le pen
he's a fucking commie shemale
>Hadoukens europe
nothing personnel kid
>Is this literal? What's the reason? Migrants are poor so how could they afford dates and so on?
Dudes are obviously in their 20s but pretend to be teens, and it happens because for these kids raised by globalist parents it's a pride to hang out with a nigger, it's like the last trendy item. And I don't know where the money comes from but they all wear brand new tracksuits, shoes, coats etc.
Right and that is exactly one of the things I oppose the most
Raising taxes for large companies, but removing some aids that suck our economy.
For immigration he's very strict, actually the left is going ape shit because of it
And Marseilles is literally an Algerian city, every French knows this
It annoys me le Kekistanis like you who know shit and keep pushing that Kike Lepen, she fucking loves Africans and even her daughter, it's well known that they fucking love African cock and passes her holidays in Africa sucking BBCs.
She's a fucking kike and the whole FN party is just a fucking family business.
If that boomer won we will be economically worst than Spain
1. Move to France and start a business
2. Shill for Macron
3. No unions forcing you to be uncompetitive
4. No welfare wasting your tax money
5. It suddenly becomes possible to earn money
6. This is your payment for shilling Macron
People without jobs able to get branded items. doesnt this raise red flags to the authorities?
>For immigration he's very strict, actually the left is going ape shit because of it
Any sources on that? (I can read basic french so it's not a problem)
Is the left still relevant? Wasnt't it crushed by Macon's rise in favor of Macron vs. far right rather than socialist vs conservative?
>t annoys me le Kekistanis like you who know shit and keep pushing that Kike Lepen
Is this better you fucking globalist lefty?
Yeah you want the EU to exist dont you, so you can bring in billions of refugees.
>If that boomer won we will be economically worst than Spain
yeah because paying billions to trade on a (((free market))) whose been held hostage by a union is so much better
and funny how you love immigration, is it because you got a job in Brussels or something. People like you are the ones destroying Europe. You dont get to write in foras like this and complain,
YOURE the problem you globalist lefty fuck!
YOU, and no mater what level of sophistry and fake news you provide you will continue to be the problem until the EU falls.
use your brain you fucking retarad, you think its permanent
who's going to pay taxes in the future
>2. Shill for Macron
people like you deserve the rope. you destroyed europe
That only makes room for more niggers in france.
can't wait till we get the fuck out of the UN and NATO so it shuts down, thus shutting down the globalism bullshit of the EU as they have no US to leech off as they usually do.
'member when France was NOT on the path on wanting an EU Army, i member.
>Restores Europe
he has a funny idea of restoration
>For immigration he's very strict, actually the left is going ape shit because of it
That's what he said but nothing happened, and I believe nothing will happen, it's just a posture to please people. Call me when niggers are actually expelled.
>People without jobs able to get branded items. doesnt this raise red flags to the authorities?
lol no, the phenomenon is not new, shitskins driving audis and wearing branded clothes is common.
Diversity is are strength, Diversity is are strength, Diversity is are strength, Diversity is are strength, Diversity is are strength....
Americans are more based than Europeans.
the french, germans and swedarabs are our continent's leaf
How is this real? What do the migrant niggers offer these young women? Why aren't their families saying something?
Is the pro race mixing propaganda that bad that 15yr old girls see it as edgy to fuck a third worlder?
It's just weird because in America white women stay with white men. I know it's a meme to 56% the USA here but the reality is that whites are "shockingly European" to quote a liberal rag here in America that reported on it.
Yeah there's the occasional cross over between whites and nogs but it's far less common than the Jews would like us to believe.
I feel sorry for you guys in norway, your going to need a wall soon to keep all the sand moneys out, stay strong friend and keep the nords a strong and prosperious race.
to the banking cartels, well done little kike cock slurping faggot
I knew I wasn't the only one to think this
>Macron will name a co-president to be his Herculean equivalent
They are your niggers toothpaste, enjoy
you know sometimes i think they are talking upside down. Prosperity depends on there NOT being migration to europe. Homogeneity is a "crucial dynamic for econoimic growth"
>it's not rare to see couples of adult nigger with 15yo girl
Is this a thing now? I knew the situation was bad in Paris but I hadn’t realised it was this bad. Is it the plan of the NWO to turn white women into sex slaves for Africans and Arabs do you think?
He was a deputy of my constituency, retards.
>>>>shitskins driving audis and wearing branded clothes is common.
This is why they are called niggers or shitskins.
Short term gain.
Never thinking of the long term.
Like keeping the mony to themsleves and saving it up.
My best friend and I discussed this.
He is an indian, and used to be a muslim.
Some of the people here have that short term gain mentality as well.
They take out loan, buy the mosy expensive car and default on the payments.
Aww, look at mommy's little fuckboi doing exactly what Merkel wants him to do. So le based honhonhon.
>your going to need a wall soon
I know, i have been redpilling some people about this idea for a year now.
there is actually a psychological term that has sprung up from it.
imagine seeing on movies, reading books or looking up pictures from Paris, and actually visiting Paris, it fucks up a lot of people because the contrast is so stark.
>mommy's little fuckboi
kek, true tho
It’s probably to do with the fact that America is such a vast expanse which makes white flight easier. I read somewhere that the average white family in then US moves every 9 years or something. Land is also much cheaper. In France the poor get stuck inside the cities due to high rent and then flooded by the government with foreigners in the name of (((‘diversity’))) a.k.a white genocide
What they’re doing is so incredibly evil it makes your stomach twist
He is not left he is centrist
And I just advise you to do more research on her and her family, you will drf hate them
Even if the guy is a freak that thinks he's Caesar, he's still much better than a woman and a nigger lover that have the voice of an average French whore
To be fair it’s a lot like this in London as well. You see 6 and 7 year old girls wearing black chokers everywhere. Its quite horrifying actually
Rome wasn't built in a day, user, and especially not in the same time as when a big chunk of Romans were protesting construction.
>He is not left he is centrist
he's an EU lover. That makes him complicent to EU politics.
Dosnt really matter if he's personally a nazi, he's a leftist becase he cant do SHIT without actually leaving the union, which is the whole reason why he ran, he Wants the union to exist, he loves it.
its pathetic, and people buy his grandiose crap just because of his retarded sophistry.
ooh look at me, i'm fucking jupiter, i use a 30k euros on makeup and married a gilf to pretend to be hetro.
You can't be a centrist and promote OPEN fucking borders, that's insane, who the hell allows for the political spectrum to tilt THAT FRA to the left!?
there are no words to describe how much i hate absolute fucking mindblowingly retarded amerishart cunts like you
go back into your basement you schizophrenic autistic piece of shit
>I do love to watch eurosceptics cry! CRY BABY CRY!
Dude who the FUCK you suggest we vote for??
the French should make a refugee dinner
made out of refugees
i bet it would taste good
If you think he's absoloutely pro open borders, you don't know what's really happening in the French-Italian border. He's not pro massive immigration, he wants a controlled immigration.
Get informed and don't talk nonsensical shit, retarded.
6,000,000 controlled african migrants per year is still controlled immigration you stupid, stupid fucking eurocunt.
This man is the European Obama, a globalist frontman that nobody even knew existed until he suddenly appeared from nowhere and the government / media threw EVERYTHING behind him.
Fuck him, fuck the EU, and by extension: Fuck France, they are not our ally in their current state.
THIS. Is so true. Gladly the idiotic french whore called Le Pen lost miserably and now will cry all her life long for losing the election. And all the eurosceptics will cry with her.