Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Reddit? For fucks sake

Seriously what the fuck is wrong with Reddit? For fucks sake.

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Are BotW and super spaghettio bandito the only two games for that thing?

PS4 gets them pussy

That's fake you retard

>wife's boyfriend
>trades his balls for toys
>they aren't even good toys

>what's wrong with Reddit
It's reddit. That's all you need to know

Why the fuck do u guys keep memeing these fags with Switch consoles? The Switch is legitimately an amazing piece of tech. Dont associate it with faggotry. Ninty are the ones who aren't falling for the propaganda bullshit, while sony and Ms are.

why don't you ask reddit then faggot instead of coming here?


This is a fake
That image is from twitter, the original image is an Xbox one, and it doesn't say wife's boyfriend
Fake news kys

let the soyim purrification begin.

Based kitty


>t. u/freeintheclouds

This, Xenoblade 2 is for true alpha males.

To be fair, his wife's lover sounds like a cool negro, the switch BOTW bundle ain't cheap.


You're missing the point. What you should be wondering is why these sorts of pictures even exist in the first place. Whether it's Nintendo or not is ultimately irrelevant.

Can't be real. Just can't

This is edited, right?

She has the most punchable face of any vidya character.

It's fake, but i wonder how many upvotes would this get, especially with the wife's boyfriend quote

Why do soyboys need a wife? All those wagecuck tokens spent on some ugly wet hole and Tyrone can be used to buy some sick bing bing wahoo gear.

No, numales don't need help to humiliate themselves.

Why is its mouth always fucking open?

Being in a five mile radius of (((reddit))) lowers my fucking testosterone levels.

Top fucking kek.

Question, is this real ?

I couldn’t believe this, so I looked it up....


Gas these fuckers first.

obviously not, jesus christ /pol

Wait so you snip the balls for no condom sex and your wife buys you this so you wont fuck her. Why the fuck would you do it?



>2 years ago
Fake shit. The switch came out last march.







woah hd rumble is really good

"american" polacks are truly the most disgusting people on this planet
"gamers" and neetbuxers is what you get when you give literal white niggers what they want

>rent's due, soyim

There's a subreddit called childfree which is full of people criticizing kids and their parents aka the breeders


It’s not



>"Think of all the fun time you'll be having instead of being enslaved to a helion!"


Any post like this with the words "wife's boyfriend" is literally just a meme making fun of soyboys, you fucking troglodyte.

Best one so far

>le nintendo switch face

Soy pod men walk around with their mouths open like that in case a 47 year old African 'teenage refugee' is having a sexual emergency.

The only people who shouldn’t have kids are monks and niggers.

That subreddit is cancerous. Gas them, oh Lord. Gas them please.

why do soyboys open their mouth when they take a photo?

>soy goy enjoying the joy of soy


Post the one with the black guy and the NBA Switch. Or is this obvious anti white shit?

Its the "male" form of attention whoring on the internet. Gas know.




'im not on the cuting edge. is that the game case for a playstation 12 game. our whatever they are up to.

Because the soy made them nu-male. Opening a mouth when excited is typical for females, therefore soyboys are faggots.

Soyboy doesn't get that she just wants his money and not his children or dick.

it's a reflex for sucking so much cock in the past.

Watch this never get reposted. This is an anti white meme

consoles got too expensive and like. the PlayStation 2, the n64, whatever that motion one with mario, and the 360 were shit. i think thats his it's a me mario face.

>pol makes fun of soyboys (men who take pride in popular culture or video games)
>meanwhile poltards spend hours on end trolling on an anonymous imageboard and masturbating to anime

So alpha! So high-test!

with sound is funnier


>men who take pride in popular culture

Found the faggot.

were socializing nigga.

adults who obsess over video games are creepy

I'm 21 but I completely lost interest in all of that the last 2 years

>2 years ago
>Nintendo switch


I don't understand, why did his wife give him gifts for getting a vasectomy, like what is the benefit for the wife or the guy from him getting a vasectomy?

These "creatures" are reproducing. How does that make you feel /pol?

you can only afford to pay $60 a video game because you still live at home

bretty gud, the end of the world as we know it is getting closer every minute.

most pathetic thing I've ever seen

Fucks sake, autistic enough to search for it just to see the comments.

Disappointed user

mario kart is pretty good. anyone that knows you have it will ask to play.

DSA soyboys

this can't be real

wifes boyfriend is just a meme

ri- right guys ?



no dude thats not how it works.





This “Soyboy” meme is getting out of hand, and honestly, it’s just REALLY fucking ignorant. I have been lactose intolerant since I was a child. I literally shit myself in 2nd grade once. I grew up eating loads of Soy and rice based versions of dairy products, soy milk, soy ice cream, soy cheese, you fucking name it! My parents didn’t force them down my throat either. I LOVED the Soy foods immensely. I am currently Six Foot fucking Four. I have a massive fucking beard, and a decently sized 7 inch cock with visible veins. I am attending University, studying for a PhD in Math, any job I want, $300k+ starting fucking salary. Who is the SoyBoy now faggot?

He sticks it in his ass while Tyrone impregnates his wife.

she _REALLY DOES NOT_ want to have his kids.


now it just needs an animation of the turd swining into his open mouth

dude, pretty sure hes gay idiot.

DSA meeting

add on

take it easy user
you can slap the name soyboy or numale on anyone today
100% of pol plays vidya or watches porn or watches movies so they are all bluepilled cucks at this point by their own estimation
this is just like little kittens fighting with eachother in the straw
its nothing

That's a unique way of coming out as gay. Good for you.