CANADA: $3,800 cheque for new immigrant family... What does /pol think of this?

Is this good or bad?

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>paying for terrorism

Wtf, we never got gibs when my family emigrated 15 years ago. Fuck this, we were on verge of going homeless before dad managed to get a job. 3 years later we became citizens and now our tax money going to terrorisrs. Fuck this country, fuck it's people and fuck Tradeau

Almost four grand to import terrorists.

Fuck him right in the pussy

I just wanna fucking die, dudes. This country blows.

What's the point of even working in this country? This is what your stupid high taxes go to, your own self-replacement.

and that one immigrant family will blossom into 1000+ rats on the dole in a hundred years

How can you stop this?

What is this? Money for new migrants?

Median income for a year is 28,000 Canadian dollars so that's about 1500 dollars more than half of employed Canadians make after a month of work. If they were to continue to keep getting that amount of money every month they'd be pretty close to making 2 times what half of Canadian workers make a year.


>wahhhh immigrants get $3000 live is so unfair!!!!!
Meanwhile Anglo Canadians were given entire farms and life’s and they still control most of the farm land now, get fucked, your the entitled cunts not immigrants.

this is disgusting

1400 for clothing but only 375 for a security deposit? Only 401 per month for food for 2 adults and 3 children?

Canada is disgusting. Why even resettle these people if you're just going to have them be poor, hungry and living in a ghetto? Monthly allowance should be at least double.

This is a cheque from the government's 'resettlement program' for new immigrants from Syria

So what does /pol think?

Is the amount fair? Should it be more, or less?

They should get nothing.

>immigrants are entitled wahhh!!!!

"Farm" meaning the land. Usually without roads, just trails.

Memeflaggers seriously need to be lined up and shot.

There is a huge different between loans and free gibs

where do i apply? i'm tanned

The difference being that settlers of old would be expected to work and survive off their land, while immigrants of today can expect to be placed on the dole. The first type creates wealth, the second destroys it

Get fucked your always looking for excuses to hate immigrants when you are entitled immigrants yourself, fuck off

You fuck off, dumb gay retard.

750 for phone installation? What in the fuck??

They get $1399 per month also, just for being there. Why work? Already close to median.


>Canada then:
We’ll give you the means to work if you come here but you gotta work!
>Canada now:
We’ll give you the means to live, and then some, if you’re Arab/African!

This. Racists are inconsistent.

>can't read that the poster says FREE GRANTS
Kraut stupidity.

>Canadian settlers were lazy entitled scum!

>Mexicans are doing the hard jobs Americans wont do!

Make up your mind commieshit. PS how's it feel to know the working classes fucking despises you?

I think we should ban social welfare altogether.
Thats what I think

So is Muhammed going to create a farm out of nothing? That's what I thought, faggot.

I work 2 days a week and get $1500 a month. These guys work 0 days and get $4000 a month. What the fuck is happening to the world? God fucking damn it. I have empathy for the people but they shouldn’t just get free money what the actual shit

>i will open a bank account immediately
No wonder economists support mass immigration because it makes their employers a shit ton of fucking money!
Fucking bastards need to be tar and feathered and then set on fire.


I don't really care anymore. You guys do you.

Yeah they were given land west so they could settle back when there were
>no roads
>no social services
>no hospitals
>scarce food
>no real access to drinking water outside of far away finger lakes
and the list goes on. Meanwhile newcomers don't need to do jackshit and can get their daily living off the backs of taxpayers, farmers had to live off the land and work their asses off to make money.
Fucking dishonest commies like you should hang.

Canada is behind the times.
Bottom of doc says "I will open a bank account and deposit these funds".
Nobody will do that.
Why not make this gib a direct deposit?

No such thing as infinite gibs
Any canadacucks here can say how your economic prospects are?

keep in mind that 3874 is tax free. my girlfriend and i both went to university, we both WORK (not leech) full time right now, and we only get about that much combined after taxes

>i'm tanned
t. Alberto Barbosa

I saw a recent article that said that there are immigrants who still get these checks that still haven't gotten jobs after 2 years.

Why would you? They cut you off of this once you get one.

You're aware that farming is hard work, right?
...why am I evening replying to a CIA nigger with a meme flag.

There needs to be a mass exodus of white Canadians to the US. Bring your money, your education and seek refugee status from being invaded by terrorists.

The difference is that there was probably a stipulation for the reciepient to "improve" the land in some fashion. I.E. irrigate it for farmland, clear brush, prepare for other types of ranching/crops. There is a huge difference between what this poster is advertising and the gibs check in the op.
Also See

holy shit. i wonder how many people crossed from America without ID and had no prior arrests and gave a fake name and are now collecting $3800 a month from Canada while still being American

It is not that easy as a citizen of one country to enter the other country for work.

Most people don't have $500K+ to drop to get an EB-5 green card by starting an American business that employs at least 10 Americans for at least two years which leaves them with few options. And most Canadians don't have a living immediate relative (child over 21/spouse/parent) who is a US citizen to sponsor them for a green card. And most people aren't extraordinarily talented scientists, performers, athletes, etc. to qualify for a specialty visa.

Unless you have at least a bachelor's degree, you're pretty much hosed on legal entry.

Requires at least a bachelors. Requires a company willing to spend $7.5-$15K to sponsor you. Good for three years, plus a three year renewal. If your employer doesn't sponsor you for an EB-3 green card during that time, then you have to leave after six years.

Intercompany transfer. Must work for a company with major operations in Canada that wants to transfer in the US. Similar caveats to H1-B (five year non-renewable, at end of five years employer must sponsor you for green card or H1-B).

Dies if NAFTA goes away. Limited to specific job categories. Many employers are unwilling to extend the job offer until you have the visa, which makes the visa impossible to get until they do. Good for one to three years at the discretion of the customs officer. Not dual intent (cannot seek a green card under TN).

It's similar for Canada, although it is a *bit* better if you qualify under express entry, but it's still not a cakewalk.

From what I recall, the EU is having this problem. "Refugees" traveling to all the EU countries, claiming asylum and getting a monthly check from each country, making like $50,000 a month

It's theoretically possible that an American could do so but it's unlikely. Canada and the US are hooked into each other's computers for background checks.

This not only applies for fingerprinting (which can happen outside of arrests - anyone who ever visited the US without either citizenship or lawful residence since 2004 has been fingerprinted via US VISIT, and the FBI Next Generation Identification database has access to all drivers license photos from at least 18 states, all photos of everyone who has ever had a valid US passport in the past couple of decades, etc. - essentially, at least half of all Americans have a photo for facial recognition in FBI NGI).

Plus, it's hard to make the case that you came from some place that's so bad you deserve asylum if you can't realistically say where you actually came of or prove it in any meaningful fashion.

all one needs to be is an illegal in the USA and they can get free gibs from Cali, travel to Washington for free gibs, head to NY for free gibs, then swing up to Canada for free gibs. That's an easy 10k a month
holy fuck, now that i think about it, im sure there are people moving illegals by the busload across the U.S. to do this, then moving them across the woods in Washington to now do it in Canada and then taking like 90% of the money from them

There is a distinction between "Americans" and "illegals".

Under the first safe country agreement, Mr. Illegal Haitian goes to the Canadian border at Champlain NY/Lacolle QC border crossing. He is denied entry to Canada under the first safe country agreement and the US must take him back.

But he goes to some random road in Champlain (roxham road) and illegally crosses into Canada, any legal status (temporary or otherwise) he has in the US is gone, and the US will not take him back. At this point the Canadians must at least hear out his application for refugee status.

People with no status in the US (either because they entered the US illegally or they came in on a valid visa and overstayed) can easily go to Canada and get the handouts.

Actual Americans on the other hand, not so much.

so, if i want free money, just need to move to canada and ask for gibs?

One getting paid to build a country up the other getting paid to tear a country down. Really makes me think

1400$ of benefits


Can't wait for this country to collapse

They actually did something for the economy. They learned the language and accepted our waya of life. Those mudslimes come here never learn english and try and bring our country back to the dark ages.

They should be thankful we even let them in. We just tolerate them here.

Should be way less. They should be learning english and getting jobs.

> 2016
>family size 5
>3874$ mont
it's even more now since they have more than 3 kids and cannot even speak english nor french
i don't even make that per month by working, fucking bullshit

>canada wasnt a barren wasteland when the anglos settled
>canada wasnt part of the british empire
nice bait nonetheless

Why would you want Uruguay to collapse?

Considering a move to texas.

>entitled immigrants
>160 acres northern manitoba and ten bucks
its like fucking siberia there, half those families froze to death the first winter

>Why work?
they don't, and never will/have to

>Postmasters will please exhibit this Bill in a conspicuous position

It was a better time.

packing now