Admit it. The rich have massive advantages over the working class. The deck is stacked from the start.
Admit it. The rich have massive advantages over the working class. The deck is stacked from the start
It's even worse than you realize.
White people have higher IQ than blacks on average. It's fucking genetic, too!
That means no matter what their station in life, white people are simply born better prepared to deal with life than blacks are.
Fucking oppressive genes, man. Mother nature is a racist bitch!
So what? Why shouldn't they have an advantage if their families built some wealth? Blame your family for being fuck ups if they didn't have the capability to save some money, not those who did.
>on average
>no matter what they're better
>on average
>every time
like most of the time at best
Same happens in bilingual families, dumbasses
My 2 daughters are bilingual... and I don't make 30k/year.
It's a matter of taking care of children
And? Who wouldnt take steps to further their child’s education if they could afford it?
Welsh isn't a real language
Well in England its a must to learn English and the native language, Punjabi, if you want to get along in life.
So much this!
Yes, and? IQ is also genetic and race specific.
If only everyone was forced to have a lobotomy at birth we could all be living in a communist wonderland.
Yes. And they deserve it.
>2 year old
>traditional education
She knows 2 languages because like children of any class, if you have auditory access to 2 languages then you pick them both up.
Fucking soy boy's, I swear
They aren't rich at all. They are just the most prolific welfare recipients in the UK.
Then you use that as motivation to get as far as you can, have children, raise them well and give them the boost for them to get to the top. So on and so on.
The the shit is with all this weakass attitude of giving up?
>rich people didn't work to get rich
Growing up my parents were lower middle class at best and raised me in a trilingual household. I was fully fluent in English, Portuguese, and Spanish by the time I was 10. It’s the duty of the family to keep the language of the ancestors alive while fully integrating into local culture and language. Don’t use class as an excuse for brainlet parents.
>The the shit is with all this weakass attitude of giving up?
The soy generation is the first American generation created almost entirely by decades of Jewish social engineering.
Rich english kids don't speak two languages either. Some working class Paki child is more likely to speak two languages as a child than an english teenager who has had 10+ years of 15k a year private school tuition.
Bespeaks to the absolute state of the modern english education system. 95% of kids at school in the UK are not even taught the basic grammar (in their own language) that allows one to learn another language later on. It is an embarrassment.
It's almost as if soyboys are total faggots
I feed my kids a diet of liquified money and they're dumb as shit, wtf
Congratulations on discovering something everybody has already known for fucking millenia. Is it me, or is most Liberal "revalations" about the inequality of society just things any human being in the last 10,000 years knew already, but told with the most aggravating, shit-eating grin
It's almost like she lives in a bilingual household! Amazing!
T-that picture isn't real right? It's just satire isn't it?
Her nanny is spanish, poor people with bilingual parents have the same thing, this isn't a big deal
However, as someone who went to "comprehensive" (government) schools, in primary school (up to age 11) they made no effort to teach us another language whatsoever. When I got to high school (age 12 upwards) they taught us German, but the (female) German teachers just made us draw diagrams and pictures and colour them in ALL THE TIME, and occasionally learn words by rote, with no effort to "submerge" us into a German-speaking environment to actually learn the language. Colouring pencils have no place in a fucking language class for teenagers, the textbooks were colourful rubbish as well
That white boy is clearly utilizing the concept of sharing ownership of his property with others.
factually correct, lobotomize everybody and they will not revolt against comunism
we should have state enforced equal learning opportunities for children from the day of birth
having a family is not equal
>damn, life isn't fair, i wonder what kind of totalitarian torture device we could devise in order to blindy pursue our ideal that life should be perfect for everybody at all times
That little cunt with that sweet smile think is better than me. At age of 4 i was speaking english, american, australian and irish.
LootCrew images are fake, yeah.
lol, they don't even teach english properly.
Rich people's offspring have advantages sure, but the case of your pic is rare.
Their most usual route is.
>Get to private schools, expensive ones for prestige, but in reality is just to make sure that you can pay the school if your child does bad to push him/her into getting a title
>Get to university, now doesn't really matter if it is private or public because the retard will just go to law or bussiness, but the if the university is private they can pull that trick again of paying so the "young adult" never has to take the 2 same courses again
>With the excuse degree, they talk to human resources and put him/her in some low profile/high level position, no interview needed
>After some years of "experience", the young adult makes it to the executive board.
Unless they go out from their railroad hard, like drugs or stablishing by themselves, most of them will just do this and will never be heard of again,
Of course. You can't even begin to imagine the privilege of the (((1%))) over the average person. This is why communism is inevitable, because it is necessary to reset the corrupt corporatist system.
>my baby says no
>bilingual in English and Spanish!
>French too depending on how he says it
Don't worry, i'm sure he'll have you speaking punjabi too in no time.
Around here, everybody is at least bilingual, some even can speak 4 different languages including English. No idea why this is a big deal
>blame your family to not receive a billion £ a year welfare
How mentally cucked someone can be...
Yeah we do.
>being bilingual is now news worthy
Some fucking retard got paid to write this drivel
She's a princess because she's that capable - Not the other way around .
Im glad i can work my ass off and give my child a better life than I had. Many places you cant do that. Cry me a fucking river faggets.
Fucking soyboys want to sit and play switch all day in mommas basement then bitch and complain cause they really have nothing. Why you were eating tendies and catching digital monsters i was working to build wealth and a better me. Now you tulips want tonsay its not fair and take my money or opportunity away so you and your mom can buy hot pockets at whole foods.
Damn right my kid will have an advantage.
Most Mexican American children grow up learning English and Spanish though. and a lot of them are poor as shit.
>be mongrel
>speak ebonics and taco-spanish
>become trilingual when you learn rudimentary English
I was born in Russia and was speaking both Russian and English as I was going into kindergarten. Never had to take ESL either
I still had to take ESL in 1st grade because I still had a my thick cheeki breeki accent
>>assuming validity of claim before assessing validity of the claim
This. Who would've thought?
>Im a privileged virtue signaling nigger lover that wants attention.
Lmao, well I also went to pre k, which helped alot, plus my dad knew English before we came to the states
English is the lingua franca. It means learning other languages isn't really promoted because while English will allow you to get a conversation going anywhere that is relevant other languages will only get you a conversation within certain spheres. This makes it uncommon for native English speakers to speak more than English meaning it's somewhat of a prestige. It would be the exact same for the French, Germans, anyone if they were in our shoes. Why learn anything but German if everybody spoke German?
My daughter speaks English and glorious Japanese that's been folded over 9000 times due to absorption through anime while she sits on the arm of my chair eating nugs and fries.
I'm not exactly rich per se but fairly wealthy (own a medical clinic, have 5 doctors working for us ) and even though i wouldn't need to work a day of my life anymore i still like to work, security, delivering pizzas, jobs anybody can get, and i don't even tell them that i have/come from this kind of familly, i bought a motorcycle a pair of 300$ boots with money i earned , problem is when people realise i've got money they think mommy and daddy bought me these things, it baffles me how they close their minds to this idea of being jealous , even though i work harder than them
>The rich have massive advantages over the working class. The deck is stacked from the start.
woah no shit
if I was rich I'd want to give my kids every possible advantage as well.
BUT the language thing is more of an upbringing/parental origin thing. If you have parents that speak different/multiple languages, it is pretty natural to know the basics of them even from a young age.
>Bilingual two year olds are newsworthy in Anglostan
>people who do good in life, raise their children properly, these children have an easier entry point into the world than the children of those who fuck everything up are lazy don't study don't want to work and raise their children poorly.
>this is wrong because well it's unequal.
Yeah well how are you going to sort that out? And why would you? You can't have equal outcomes by two people who do diametrically opposite things.
This is what is so absurd about the utopian ideology of communism. Instead of admitting that it just sees any equality through the lense of oppression. It ignores also genetic differences between people, so if some lazy dumb as a ton of bricks person who makes terrible decisions, raised really badly by incompetent parents. If that person doesn't do as well as someone who does everything right and comes from parents who did everything right. Then it's oppression. It doesn't make any damn sense.
So the utopian idea of communism tries to claim that this is because of oppression and to rectify this, the oppressors (smart decent people who do things properly) have to be oppressed to such a degrees that you level the playing field 100% so every dumbass needs to a) make the same amount of money as the smartest person in the country this ideology is promoted b) they need to be represented exactly at the same ratio as the people who have merit and skill to do those jobs, in EVERY SECTOR OF SOCIETY and in the workforce. So you have 50% incompetent and 50% incompetent. If someone is better, confiscate their efforts to the degrees that it rises above the competent. And then communists go.
>gee i wonder why when this is implemented our societies fall apart. What the fuck happened we did it just right.
Because the idea is nonsense in itself and totally disregards reality which is why it doesn't work and is an utopian philosophy that goes.
>wouldn't it be awesome if everybody was just as good as everybody else.
Yes but that's not reality.
So my neighbour is part of the elite, because she married an bong and now their three year old kid speaks german and english?
Fucking new it! Can't trust those bongs!
It is the eternal shit oligarchs have done for millennia. Keep the plebs mad at each other or they get mad at you.
Yeah so?
Let children be children you kike
My point exactly. Why should we learn a language that no one speaks within thousands of miles where we live? Especially in an age when so many speak English? It is stupid.
How much of Sup Forums is unironically upper class. Like in the top 5%?
>implying that’s special
Just have each parent speak to them in another language. I’m planning to speak french to mine like my grandma did with me. English wouldn’t even be worth the effort as kids have insane exposure to that anyway and it’s so closely related to dutch.
The thing you can have though is equal opportunity, how you do in those opportunities determine your outcome. For example. It's equal opportunity that people can go to school. If you don't study in school, you have a different outcome than someone who studied and was good at it. So then you can go
>well that's unequal we need to fix it.
My friend the only way you can fix that is mind control everybody on the planet. And even then people have different talents and abilities at maximum potential. The only thing you can do is give people opportunity to reach their maximum potential, that's equal opportunity and that's the peak of fairness you can do. And then let people get sorted according to their competence levels, as in how they make use of those opportunities. And then hire them based on that. Or they start their own businesses and so on. You want to remove all inequality on the planet, you want something that's pretty much impossible to attain. You can have better overall living standards but absolute equality where each is just as good as the other in every single way and have the exact same outcome in any field or way. It's just close to impossible.
>What languages do they speak, Francois-bro?
>Arabic and eh how you say uhhh French?
Fuck i can just go hang out in wawas down the road and learn a 2nd language.
Are they french/philipino bilingual? kill yourself
Of course it does. Being born rich is the only true privilege that exists. SJW retards fail to realize this.
Because the British talk Urdu or Hindu.
Yeah that unelected pajeet mongrel, he has total power to do that. He's actually not that bad since his been bending the UK over a fucking the arse off it like it was his boyfriend and making it his bitch.
Much more effective than actually electing a childless female PM who is a feminist, pro-Sharia, anti-british, Jewish controlled, pro- mass immigration, formerly worst performing home secretary ever and who is massively pro-EU to be in charge of dealing with "muh based Brexit" period.
Bongs are utter brainlets these days. Vote to leave the EU because you think it will remove the Polish (which it won't) and massively increase the amount of paki, nigger and chink immigration into the country. You're finished and there is no "based" Nigel Farrage the Civic nationalist to save you. Sad.
I make like 240k$ total as a engineering manager but I have to travel frequently to Ukraine and India. Does that counts?
Having a functioning brain is also an advantage. The rest of people look like flies banging their heads against an open window, and you can feel magnanimous and open the window a bit more so they can leave, then close it so they stay outside.
Nope its just if you use duel language with a child from the beginning it will learn to speak both very very easily. It will develop the childs speech center and will pick up languages easier in later life. its got nothing to do with wealth, just smart parenting.
Poor people dont have a clue how to bring up their children because they dont bother to learn better, even though all the information is out there for free.... stupid is as stupid does.. or dosnt.
Jews and East Asians have higher IQ's on average than Whites.
I guess that means no matter what their station in life, Jews and East Asians are simply born better prepared to deal with life than whites.
Fucking oppressive genes, man. Mother nature is a racist bitch!
Thats exactly the same logic that has resulted in Brits having the stereotypical reputation for being drunken louts who do nothing but stuff their fat lobster red faces with egg and chips abroad.
You need to forget about the Empire. Its gone and done with, your grandfathers and great grandfathers threw it all away. People speak English these days not because of the great and expansive British or American empires. They speak it because all of the decent, high quality consumable media these days is in English. Its a useful bridge language between nationalities.
Why should you learn French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese etc etc? Because you need it to survive in the globalised world. Britain is nothing anymore, America is on the decline. Learn to communicate with the Chinese or Indians if you want a successful business future.
I'm learning Icelandic just so I can teach it to my son who is on the way.
Very early education and involved coaching produces tremendous results - typically only the rich can afford to spend this much time developing their kid.
All the savants you know like Mozart, Tiger Woods, had extremely early coaching.
The problem is that curiosity is a trait of intelligent people. If you do not have curiosity, you do not improve, and miss a lot of opportunities.
Also, my brains can’t comprehend how come bongs has elected Sadiq Khan as mayor of London. Why ain’t they hate Muslims like all normal ppl do? Or muzzies are the majority in the UK already?!
Whatever, my wife's children already speak Arabic and Dutch
>my wife’s children speak Arabic
cuckold, lol
>Thats exactly the same logic that has resulted in Brits having the stereotypical reputation for being drunken louts who do nothing but stuff their fat lobster red faces with egg and chips abroad.
Theres a difference between arrogant behaviour and not learning other languages. Do you fluently learnt the language of every country you go to? Something tells me thats a no and you're attacking me right now because of my flag. I'm seeing it in the later things you've posted because you're putting things on me that i never said. You must fucking hate that you have to speak my language.
Right. And if you are worried about money for a language teacher or something. Then think about what is stopping you from learning the language yourself and teaching it to your kid. Don't pretend you need to pay through the roof for an expensive language teacher or whatever and that's the only possibility. Also aside from a very few people. The reason people who become rich is usually because they are really fucking good at what they do. So then they bust their ass so their children can have a better life than they might've had growing up.
Someone who just sits down and says well wealthy people have it better act as if some magic fairy just dropped that out from the sky to their parents or grandparents or whatever. Also there are plenty of examples of bad parenting from very rich parents where the kid ends up fucking up all the opportunities he is given. So being born to wealthy parents is not a guarantee for success either.
Yes people are definitely given an advantage when their parents are wealthy, who gives a fuck though, I intend to leave my children a large amount of wealth and property too, why wouldn't you want you kids to have a headstart.
isnt it that chinks have more 100< iq than whites but less 130< ?
I don’t think people without kids will get how fake this story is.... two year old shit in their pants and can barely speak
Well, I was born with very low testosterone. My sperm cells are too weak. I'm pretty much infertile. So we need strong fertile men from the oriental world to breed our women.
This is because you actually only need a small percentage of paid voters to hijack elections to your side. Once you achieve that, you can actively fleece the population to sustain your army of parasytes.
Democracies ONLY WORK if anybody can ban people from entering, and you can leave at any time.
Isn't that the point? Work hard so your kids can have it better than you with hopes that they'll continue the trend and give your grandchildren an even better life?
Of course the cicle of life would lead to the inevitability of your grand-grand children being a bunch of spoiled kids probably marrying a nigger or nigress and fucking your hole legacy up.
>Of course the cicle of life would lead to the inevitability of your grand-grand children being a bunch of spoiled kids probably marrying a nigger or nigress and fucking your hole legacy up.
That's why you see many people of wealth have extremely harsh discipline for their kids to avoid that to the point that it's almost tyrranical. Like they have to do choors, if they get a chewing gum it's 1 chewing gum and that's it. You do your homework before you have a bite to eat etc. To avoid that spoiled brat thing. Because the longer you come from wealth to wealth the higher the chance of the spoiled brat that fucks every opportunity up to occur. Rather than if you just came from middle class to upper class or from rags to riches through being really fucking good at something so people want to pay you a lot and you are inexpendable etc. you don't have to do that as much. But yeah you're quite right and you see that a lot especially lately with western degeneracy building up the last 50 years. These spoiled brats who literally have so many opportunities and then fuck it all up, and it's fucking sad to watch. Atleast with dumb people with dumb parents you expect that quite a percentage of them will fuck up unless they learn discipline from themselves and decide shit i don't want this i'm going to break the cycle. But yeah it goes both ways.
I was raised with 2 languages and could speak them when I was 2.
I don't believe this 2 year old was send to a elite university to do this their parents probably speak 2 languages and care about their children.
That's the point ,burger.
if been rich do not bring advantages no one will bother working to become one.
Everyone will just slack
>I don't believe this 2 year old was send to a elite university
If you read the article it's because of the nanny and probably exaggerated to make a story out of it. But anyways, the point is nothing is stopping a parent from being really good at math or other things helping your kid with homework. It's part of parenting and making your kid successful, you can't just relegate it to some random person and expect a good result, not if you care about your kid anyways. If you want to do it right do it yourself or atleast make sure the kid is paying attention to what it's being taught.
Rich is a term that describes an amount of wealth and working class is a term that describes a broad set of attributes of culture and mentality. These things are not mutually exclusive. Retarded leftists literally don't know what they're talking about. Enjoy your time on the womens' studies plantation, faggot.
>I don't believe this 2 year old was send to a elite university