Tfw over half of young white men in Sweden vote for SD but less than 2% of young white women do

>tfw over half of young white men in Sweden vote for SD but less than 2% of young white women do

Can we collectively gas Swedish women already? They can be replaced by Slavs.

Fuck white women. So glad I moved to Thailand.

White roastie holocaust when?

>They can be replaced by Slavs.
Slavs are sub-humans so no they can't Ivanovich Kapowski

Sometimes I feel the same, they just need a smack over the head. Glad to know that all my female friends are the 2% (Atleast four of them are of Slavic origin though kek)

>implying we're not as good as Slavs after centuries of Vikings impregnating their slave women

Come on now.

Where did you find them? All women I know (uni women) are rabid cultural marxists who unironically talk about cultural appropriation, white privilege and refugees welcome. I'm happy I'm dating a Swiss girl who has a normal brain.

>tfw to intelligent too be a racist SD-voting woman-hater misogynistic sexist white male

Your women are sadistic whores.

>tfw a good boy who doesn't do edgy stuff that cause disturbances for white women's happiness such as vote for a sexist party like SD

There were like two guys who went there you idiot. And after that happened the Mongol Khanate and Golden Horde surged through the lands and made them into ugly HAPAS. Not to mentions Russians are mixed with Turkic tribes.

I don't see many numales in Sweden. Most men seem pretty normal but they're just apathic and doesn't seem to care about anything anymore.

Unfortunately that is the case for most women.

Emotions > sensible choices

>tfw my wife told me we could go see Star Wars with her black son if I vote for MP next election

So mixing with Russians would turn Sweden into the Middle East even faster since Ruskies are basically Turk-mutts.

How mnay sand niggers threw grenades at you today?

>over/under 10

>tfw a mutt replies to my post

What's it like there I heard a lot of people are bailing to places like that to escape this hell on earth western civ

you're asking a pedophile for advice user, be warned

There are other ways of assuming power if you have the male population's support.

Women are the downfall of all society, specifically the "white" women with larger than average noses. In fact the majority of cultural marxist problems can be attributed to a Jewish woman, Shlomo at the synagogue really has nothing to do with your problems. Though most find Jewish women harder to spot than the guys so people go after the funny looking wizard people. You want to benefit society, smack a Jewish woman.

What is it about white women that make them so susceptible to brainwashing?


>Spend the last 10 centuries capturing women from other countries and taking them back home
>Those women probably weren't against being taken by foreign invaders in the first place, hence why they didn't kill themselves or hid better when the viking came knocking
>Suprised that they're the most welcoming to foreign invadors in the 21st century

Daily reminder that women will be replaced soon

>less than 2%

Can i save ur pic?? :')))

>They can be replaced by Slavs
fuck off

Not so fast, mutt. Prove your whiteness first.

White men have to choose between preserving their honor and preserving the white race. This is the symbol of the white nobleman who chooses 10 times out of 10 to preserve his honor.


There's just one thing wrong there though, christcuck.

So you are saying that women aren't white?

nah the three things are pretty disgusting

I support punching out the teeth of rape victims that cry around after they voted for this.
I really, REALLY support this like you wouldn't believe.



Means the young white men are being too beta. They should be preaching to the women. If they knew that all the chads were voting right wing do would they.

Please do...I’m just happy my Mormor and Morfar aren’t around to see this shit. Really feel for you bros.

Those 2% are probably Finnish origin

You're welcome, Sven

Swedish women are the only thing good about Sweden. All the men are pale nordic beta cucks that cant fight back. Neutrality fucked with Sweden so hard.


I know a few Swedish guys, neither have found any women in Sweden worth dating and now go for girls from other parts of Europe. Swedish women are done. Just let them get ficki'd, they voted for it and deserve all they get.


nice try schlomo dividing the whites

>those tits
obviously not natural, mutt

>nice try schlomo dividing the whites

How do you know the government is keeping accurate stats on this? It's probably propaganda to divide the sexes, the real number is probably 20-30%.

I miss Olof bros :(

You were saying something boy?

Does dude even lift?

Swedish men should vote to take away voting riots from women.



Stop acting like Sweden is a real country Sven. You have always been cucks this isn't some crazy new thing. That's why there are only like 15 of you.

>white solidarity world wide

>This shit is back a day after the government shutdown is over

Now it's just so obvious it's become sad.


in fighting is not the whay
> bantz is bantz
but we must save america and sweden


>Looks like hell cry in a corner when confronted by a gang of mudslimes.
Nah, he looks soft. Blonde hair on men is shit. Dark brown hair are real men.

It's basically all federal workers that should be working; they don't do anything at work either


Do you have a source? It's actually great news that half of young white men vote SD. Those are the people you want on your side.

Sucks about the women though.


It genuinely amazes me how millennial western men haven't started to collectively despise millennial western women. It's not just "your" countries women, it's all western women and their voting habbits are only the tip of the iceberg of how abominable they are. Although I haven't checked, I strongly suspect that most millennial white American women didn't vote for Trump.

Makes me want an NSA job honestly. Call myself an "Cyber warfare counter-terrorism operative" and get paid like 120k a year to shitpost on here all day which I'd be doing anyway.

toasty roasty


Is it true that white Swedish men go to prison for having sex with Swedish women?


Yes they can. I would feel honoured if my sister married a Swedish man.


Is Sweden in an alternate universe?



me and my friend are going to vote for sd, we're females. please don't gas us. we will spread the message.

Good girl

t.pic related

Wtf is this? In the JewSA we have our problems, but a girl liked that would NEVER date some scruffy nerdy looking Pajeet. Indians and Arabs are pretty low on the sexual totem pole here

>gas Swedish women
>not sending them to a rape concentrtion camp

This desu

come on like 90% of your men look way low in testosterone

Swedens' majority female police force in action. What a fucking disgusting country.

> rape camps when?

soon #LeftiesAreNaziProperty

>>"those tits obviously not natural, mutt"

Are you trolling or d'you genuinely believe that can't acquire that muscle mass naturally? if it's the latter then you are testament of how mind-blowingly emasculated the modern Swedish male is.

>less than 2% of young white women
To solve this, we must figure out the psychology behind.
So what is it? (((They))) always use perfect psychology to brainwash white women into their agenda. So why shouldn't we?
Any psychologists here?

White women are trash

I've been saying this forever, but you guys don't listen

Those tits are obviously made of fat, not muscle, just like his obviously fat stomach.

t. mutt

proof for that?
Also, more young French women voted for Le pen Than men.Pic related.

keep it up bro! Mutts huh, when will they learn?

>Can we collectively gas Swedish women already?
Yes We Can!!!

t. nigger

not young even, women in general.

>tfw you are a 15% nigger country and tell others they are nigger even though they have 0% niggers

i miss the good old days when you came home from work and the food was not done. And you just slap your wife over the head then bend her over fuck her then send her to sleep

>lets allow 5 million niggers in so white women like us and we can achieve a fascist state.

Let me know how that works out, women only crave diversified cock nothing more.

people who say you should not date white girls can die. One second you are warning for white genocide while contributing by having sand nigger kids. Shame on you

Really makes you think.

I hope European women suffer.

>I strongly suspect that most millennial white American women didn't vote for Trump
no shit
only 1/3 of the population votes, take a guess how many white women didnt vote because they were convinced hillary was going to win so they didnt bother

what about your dinner though?