Why does IQ have a leftist bias? Why are most scientists, doctors, etc. left-wing? Why are more left-leaning states and countries higher IQ than conservative ones?
Why does IQ have a leftist bias? Why are most scientists, doctors, etc. left-wing...
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Because they're too busy working/at school to learn that their government is deceiving them. If you don't have time to research the news for yourself you're going to trust the nbc/cbs/abc evening news that you turn on during dinner or the npr you listen to on the way to work. When all of these news sources validate each other you'll blindly trust them rather than question whether or not they could all be possibly lying to you.
Additionally, the marxists have taken over most universities, and even secondary schools/learning programs. So you could argue that school > exposure to brainwashing > better job > less resistance to brainwashing. I'd also argue that IQ doesn't tend to have a leftist bias. Asians have higher IQ on average yet don't have much of a leftist bias at all.
Because a doctor can be a pleb.
And plebs don't care about truth per say. They care about vanity.
A lot of people go to college to see themselves above others. A passive way to dominate. Of course they'll grasp on what they "know".
Been to college, I know.
It’s Soros’ fault
because they are sniffing their own farts about what job they do and think they are some saviours of the world.
Lefist staes high IQ but full of muds hmmmmmmmm
Most doctors and scients are RIGHT WING you dumb nigger.
The university intellectuals also play an important role in carrying out the System's trick. Though they like to fancy themselves independent thinkers, the intellectuals are (allowing for individual exceptions) the most oversocialized, the most conformist, the tamest and most domesticated, the most pampered, dependent, and spineless group in America today. As a result, their impulse to rebel is particularly strong. But, because they are incapable of independent thought, real rebellion is impossible for them. Consequently they are suckers for the System's trick, which allows them to irritate people and enjoy the illusion of rebelling without ever having to challenge the System's basic values.
Because they are the teachers of young people, the university intellectuals are in a position to help the System play its trick on the young, which they do by steering young people's rebellious impulses toward the standard, stereotyped targets: racism, colonialism, women's issues, etc. Young people who are not college students learn through the media, or through personal contact, of the "social justice" issues for which students rebel, and they imitate the students. Thus a youth culture develops in which there is a stereotyped mode of rebellion that spreads through imitation of peers—just as hairstyles, clothing styles, and other fads spread through imitation.
Nice source.
false narrative. in the hard sciences there are far more conservatives than libfags.
nice try shlomo. it is about ideas not about looks. also did you just body shamed someone?
Best IQ is strongly correlated with Openness, which in turn is correlated with Tolerance.
Probably because conservatives at that level are off starting businesses and profitable corporations and working for themselves. Scientists typically work off of government grants. Doctors are chained to a market that has been manipulated and controlled with government regulation. Kind of makes sense lefties would get into those fields.
A couple reasons. They are highly educated. Places of higher education have long been pozzed.
>Oppressor vs. oppressed mindset
>Only central authority can fix the world
>Arrive as leftist.
Furthermore, doctors, scientists, etc. are used to being the smartest in the room. This makes them arrogant. They incorrectly think they are experts on subjects they are not. They also justify there ruling over people as necassary for
'progress'. They proclivity for atheism only makes their prejudices stronger.
best IQ is correlated with knowledge of history something faggot tolerance-pushers will never understand
>Assuming IQ = Intelligence
There is a reason for the 'Q'.
Learn to science.
Why is IQ discussion such a constant fixture of discussion here? I went to a private college prep school, went to college, did a stint in the military, and I have never ever taken an IQ test or heard anybody, not one single person in my entire life, EVER discuss IQ. I've been all over the world, from South America to Iraq, I've lived in every corner of the United States for at least a few months each, and nobody in my entire life has ever brought this subject up. People who are stupid are obviously stupid. There has never been need for a test to prove that they are stupid or intelligent... Stupid people buy cars and constantly blow out the engine trying to play Fast and the Furious... Stupid people take out 6-year car loans for 20,000 dollar on E1 pay in the Navy... Stupid people marry fat girls after they graduate basic training and then give them full power of attorney before they go on deployment... Stupid people shell out their life savings to take their families to Disney World for a week... Stupid people buy boats (that represent a significant percentage of their income and an insignificant percentage of time available to enjoy the boat). Stupid people fall for pyramid schemes. Stupid people weave and bob through traffic at 65MPH in a residential zone to get to a red light first. Stupid people become alcoholics. Stupid people become obese. Stupid people get adult-onset type 2 diabetes. Obviously I could go on FOREVER about things other than IQ, which, again, I've never heard mentioned in an actual conversation by absolutely anybody out of a sample of thousands of people from every living situation and walk of life all over the world, that could be used to measure a person's intelligence...
Money is in corruption, the right is just a highly educated too they just have morals. The left pushed out mainstream conservative morality and self proclaimed themselves the final gavel in moral authority.
>not knowing the highest of IQ is conservative
>Why does IQ have a leftist bias? Why are most scientists, doctors, etc. left-wing? Why are more left-leaning states and countries higher IQ than conservative ones?
they aren't
what you hear about is the vocal minority which is almost always liberal
ITT: Butthurt trumptards.
>Why does IQ have a leftist bias?
That is actually wrong and not confirmed by any study.
>Why are most scientists, doctors, etc. left-wing?
They are not.
>Why are more left-leaning states and countries higher IQ than conservative ones?
Because fewer niggers live there.
Two factions of people: thinkers and doers. The idea that thinking is superior to doing is what makes high iq countries think they are superior. It takes a mix of thinkers and doers to progress.
Then there are freeloaders...
They aren't
California has more leftist voters than anywhere and they're also one of the dumbest states
If you do the math on population size and political affiliation, there is a strong correlation between LOW IQ AND LEFTISM
IQ --> narcissism --> left wing
State monopolizes funding for scientists, etc.
Also, progressivism is MARKETED within the education system, and is marketed AS the "smart" political position. People are significantly influenced by marketing.
>asians don't have leftist bias
The fact you are so incredibly gullible enough to believe that shows the opposite of your passive statement. Seriously kid, lean to think for yourself before someone sells you a bridge, and sage.
the academia bubble is the most retarded fart-sniffing, oxygen deprived bubble in human history. Just read through you history, academics are always the biggest fucking totalitarian fags that ever exist. The population at large is always struggling having to deal with these self-indulgent pukes, they believe they are a government unto themselves and refuse to accept conflicting or new information unless it directly gives them power over the population.
there are high iq conservative scientists, doctors, etc... they just keep that shit to themselves because they don't want to get fired... remember leftist thinking is still the accepted thinking in the mainstream and thus in the workplace too... shoot your mouth off about diversity is career suicide.
I'm pretty sure they have a minimum IQ requirement for military. Fake & gay.
This. I have not seen any data in iq by state. But I do see lots of liberal doctors and lawyers and scientists.
""""""""IQ""""""""" is subjective and the kikes use it to call out the goyim who haven't fallen into their ranks properly. A
But OP, Republicans are smarter according to studies.
Studies that say otherwise don't use political affiliation, just nitpicked questionnaires.
Asians generally have very little to lose, considering they can just move back to their own country if everything turns to shit with liberal policies
2nd and 3rd panel explain the bullshit behind "conservatives have low IQ"
Asian Americans or just Asians?
No they don't.
+ literally most asians live in communist countries.
Provided that you aren't actually retarded.
All statistics show that republicans have higher IQ
How do they detect if you're retarded if not with an IQ test? It might not necessarily be called an IQ test, because that's too triggering, it might be called something like "cognition test", even "personality test", but they're actually IQ tests, or IQ tests among other things. Employers do that, too.
"1 post by this ID."
AIfag or Shariabluefag detected.
Answer for the masses: You're wrong. High IQ people tend to be center or center-right in their political views. Learn how to read a fucking book. Hey alphabet niggers, feed the book HiveMind into your AI. It's broken and can't fix itself just yet.
Look at the average you stupid fuck not state by state
This! Most docs are redpilled as hell. The ones in academia and on TV are the leftys. Those fucks exist in academia because their clinical ineptitude becomes apparent real quick practicing actual medicine.
>t. MD
It used to be that the intellectuals were right wing
Hundred years ago, almost all scientists were conservative and right wing. Nowadays they get brainwashed in university, there is no deep explanation, just that.
Because IQ test is fucking bullshit.
t. rural and suburban retard
This. Correlation does not imply causation. Smart people go to UNIs, which are left wing.
>Google search yields no such study
what you actually ment to say is " successful people I see on TV are leftists, but why"?
The answer is simple. It's jewywood and the mass medior
They don't, just look at japan
Wonder why a race with intense in-group bias traits would want to enact policies in a foreign country that might weaken its native population.
Really concentrates my orange juice.
Sage slide show
T. Retard who thinks diversity is a strength
Conservative means keeping the values the generation before you had, no matter how harmful or stupid they are.
Church is a perfect example of a large place with conservative bias. A bunch of older people, standing or sitting or kneeling in unision. Chanting and singing in unison. Everyone getting in line to take their symbolic red food item or symbolically drowned.
Conservative is the opposite of innovation. It's clinging to outdated ideas, like loving dirt and loving who your mother decided to fuck. It's control over who you are, mentally, socially, and morally.
>a bunch of old people
What a strange church you've been to. You should try another and see what you find, it may suprise you user.
Ah yes google is very reliable. Try searching "European inventors" or "white couple" and then tell me if it means anything that you couldn't find said study.
kill yourself shill rat
Because it takes a certain level of intelligence to question the basic assumptions of your society-- it takes an order of magnitude more intelligence to realize why those basic assumptions were instituted in the first place.
If hypothetical age is the only rebuttal you've gathered from this, I can accept that.
This thread is fucking retarded.
High IQ doesn't correlate with leftism, in fact the opposite is true.. Blue States are usually filled with muds and therefore low IQ, with a few exceptions for blue States that are mostly white. (ie Vermont)
Most of your doctors scientists and academics are Leftists for a couple reasons, They were indoctrinated/lied to for 4+ years in college, and they would be ostracized in their careers if they were right wing.
Very simple.
Fucking This.
>Conservative means keeping the values the generation before you had, no matter how harmful or stupid they are.
Conservatives all deserve to be shot.
They will hang together with the liberals.
They never managed to conserve anything, all they did was stepping a decade behind the liberals and complaining about the mess the true enemies of the west have made.
They didn't cling to anything, that maybe would have made them look like they actually had a backbone.
>Conservative is the opposite of innovation.
Nobody except anarcho-primitives is against innovation and they aren't conservatives.
>It's clinging to outdated ideas
No, it is complaining about the chaos the liberal created.
You're correct when you say leftists are more educated (in the sense they go to college at higher rates than conservatives), however, when it comes to iq, I have seen researches that say republicans have higher iq.
The dumbest 55% of people are conservative. They believe whatever they're told to believe
The next most intelligent 40% of people are progressive. They are smart enough to question what they've been taught but not smart enough to figure out why they were taught those things and why they were important.
The most intelligent 5% are conservative: they understand the value of the traditions and institutions the progressives despise.
The averages are thus skewed: conservatives are on average less intelligent than progressives because conservatives are mostly dumbasses who are following the lead of an extremely intelligent minority while progressives a moderately intelligent rebels who don't understand what it is they're rebelling against or why.
Conservatives should preserve their ethnicity and traditions that are a net benefit to the society and that sustains their civilization in the long run.
Not all traditions are worth preserving, though.
Dear noobs,
I'm going to answer this question as if it's not a troll. Too much of this shit gets by, so I'm going to take a moment to destroy it half as much as the guy who posted the unibomber.
4 smartest people who ever lived, one alive today, let's go:
>titus lucretius carus--worshipped the Roman state gods like a good Roman, began his, "on the nature of things" with a prayer
>einstein-ethnic nationalist
>newton--so concerned about his soul that he said his greatest achievement was lifelong celibacy
>chris langan--spent life as a forest ranger, firefighter, and cop before winning a bunch of money for being big-brained, and bought a ranch and is working on connecting physics to "God."
Dude, saying the sun revolves around the earth used to be a conservative value. Catholics persecuted Galileo for his liberal concept stating the opposite.
Oh would u look at that the whites states have higher averages really activates my anus
Then Hawaii would be a red state with most of their offices filled with Republicans then right?
>Dude, saying the sun revolves around the earth used to be a conservative value.
Conservatism isn't that old, learn about politics.
>Catholics persecuted Galileo for his liberal concept stating the opposite.
There is no functional difference between the catholic church and the liberal establishment.
They hold the exact same Humanitarian and Universalist values and are fighting the Heretics in mostly the same way.
>Conservatives should
Yeah, there really are a lot things they *should* have done.
Not letting their nations get wrecked into the ground takes spot 1 imo.
Dogma dictates that only stupid people vote right-wing, so left-wing melts tend to enjoy stroking their own ego by thinking of themselves as consistently more compassionate voters than us.
Asians that could vote in the election. These are exit polls.
Usually they use what is called an aptitude test to determine what your aptitude is good at. Typically they are given so that you can find a jail job while being a particar individual in jail.
Does this test last 3-5 hrs? If yes, it's likely a disguised IQ test.
Because only liberals do IQ tests because theyre so full of themselves and have to prove everyone that they are smart and intelligent and know best
Social sciences of the left are shit tier compared to the scientists that are mathematicians and engineers which typically are right. At least they were in the recent past. Maybe subversion.
What the fuck?
Are these states lowkey intelligent?
Because they think intuitively and theoretically. Leftist ideals are utopian, and if you ignore human nature and refuse to see world for what it really is they make sense.
100-120 is the danger zone of IQ where people understand they're smarter than average and get a chip on their shoulder. With that arrogance they get on their soapbox and think they know best for everyone. (Leftism)
It's once people start to reach gifted IQ that they start to know enough to understand that they don't know everything.
No trolling.
A great part of the alt-right derives from the socially excluded. This sucks because its leaders are twice the sleazy lying bastards than those that lead the left and many people fell for it.
Obviously the socially excluded have it harder in both academic and professional environments hence lower test results.
There are no worse politicians in the world than the Clintons and their faction.
>party that has 90% of niggers
>higher iq
yeah mate sure
Universities/college have a huge bias toward leftist education.
Smart people go to uni and accept what they are taught quickly.
She is fake AF but Im honestly not seeing her giving the burgers taxpayers money to Saudi Arabia or Israel at the same rate as Trump.
She also would judge Putin by the huge faggot he is. It doesnt seem so bad to me from a foreign policy point of view.
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