What country are you all fleeing to when the west collapses in a fiery explosion of social justice? I'm heading to Georgia
What country are you all fleeing to when the west collapses in a fiery explosion of social justice...
I'll probably move over to the couch in the living room, turn on the TV, and watch the downfall of Western civilizations unfold before my eyes.
Such comforting thoughts ease me into sleep at night.
Do you really think lefties don’t exist in Georgia? They’re universities are full of sjws as well. Most of their youths travel to Europe to become culturally educated and progressive.
Didn't you hear Levi? The Africans are staying, you're going down in flames too.
You realize when the US collapses and the gibs stop flowing it's only a matter of years before Israel falls too, right?
learn Russian. learn to enjoy bread and salty cheese.
old Tbilisi is 10/10. inna woods in Mestia also.
good luck pussy.
Nowhere. I give immigrants a hard time for flooding my country rather than staying and fighting to fix their own so I'll be fucked if I'm hypocritical enough to turn around and do the same thing to some other nation.
>implying israel can not stand on its own
>implying aid isn't a small percentage of their budget
>implying the jews don't run america
>implying that they haven't been systematically robbing wealth from this nation for years
>implying that they won't take even more as they retreat like rats from a sinking ship from the US collapse
Or Bulgaria
If I can afford it belize. A wealthy expat can have a damn good life in poor central american countries. Otherwise try to get a job in china or korea. Have degrees and experience for it, can learn a language. Failing that china.
>What country are you all fleeing to when the west collapses in a fiery explosion of social justice?
Hopefully I can take enough scum with me.
Maybe Vietnam or something as an English teacher trying to redpill them not to follow our demise. What's Georgia like? I hear they're quite attractive and gave that German scientist a boner from one of their skulls alone.
I'll just stay here and giggle like a madman.
swizzerland is 120% safe
It is also right at the border of Germany and France.
Uhhh Georgia is full of niggers senpai. I was in Atlanta a year ago it’s definitely a shithole. Georgia is also a state retard not a country.
You think so? I suppose they have weathered storms in the past. Strong social cohesion, civilian defense, neutrality, and banking make for a strong country. But their culture has already started to degrade. They even have movements to restrict firearms. The eu surrounds them and has pressured them on refugees and tunnel projects. What if eventually they gain leverage or globalist ideology infects from within?
i'm not in the west, but i always wanted to live somewhere in east asia. maybe Mongolia since they already use cyrillic
You guys seem hu-white to me. What's life like there? The food? Are people generally religious? Are the people friendly? Are the women attractive and wholesome or are they like western women? Do they hate Muslims?