/ptg/ President Trump General Haiti Edition


>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

DAILY SCHEDULE (WH Press Corps) poolreports.kinja.com/ publicpool.kinja.com/
TrumpTV Weekly Updates: pastebin.com/6HbHjbqF

>WH Press Brief (Sarah) 1/22/18
>VP Pence @Knesset in is-ra-hell 1/22/18
>VP Pence/bibi press conference 1/22/18
>VP Pence speaks to troops in Jordan 1/21/18
>VP Pence leaving Egypt 1/20/18
>WH Press Brief (Dir Short/OMBD Mulvaney) 1/20/18
>New Ad: Complicit 1/20/18
>VP Pence speaks to the Sisi 1/20/18
>Pres Trump/VP Pence @March4Life 1/19/18
>VP Pence/2nd Lady leaving for Is-ra-hell 1/19/18
>DefSec C.H.A.O.S. Mattis on Natl Def Strategy 1/19/18
>HUDSec Sleepy Carson on eVision 1/19/18
>SoS T-Rex meets Jordanian FM Safadi 1/19/18
>StateDep DepSec Sullivan @UNSC 1/19/18
>WH Press Brief (Dir Legislative Aff Short, OMBD Mulvaney) 1/19/18
>This Week @State 1/19/18
>Pres Trump @H&K Equip Co 1/18/18
>Pres Trump tours H&K Equip Co 1/18/18
>VP Pence @March4Life 1/18/18

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

Other urls found in this thread:




>President Trump in the Treaty Room signing short-term funding bill to end Government shutdown. Under portrait of McKinley at signing of Peace Treaty signing with Spain in 1898.

Tom Cotton is my Senafu.

>OP didn't link previous thread

>Democrats freaking out over Doug Jones

It's Macron all over again.

Fucking amateur hour here. What is this shit?

>i never bake
>no one stepped up

apologies chaim

Shouldn't have left but I was hungry af

I think its called Reddit general because nobody can make a proper fucking thread.


What did you eat?


>doing my morning jerk off
>feel a sharp pain and my dick makes a farting noise when i cum

Uh... am I gonna be alright boys?

It's okay, just wanted to bully because still mad about Hiro

Genuinely one of my favorite pastas.

I didn't knew he was 101st airborne, thought he was a muhrine.

So is SF going to be destroyed by a tsunami? Please be true.


Pretty sure the same faggots who complain about minor errors in baking are the same joeposters

Jesus Christ, that's funny.

I really can't understand this about the left. They keep trying to lecture people from on high about how we should act and how certain ethnic groups (white women, black men, etc.) should "do better". I don't know about you, but one of the things that stands out about Americans is that we don't like being told what to do, especially in a condescending or "holier than thou" manner.

Why does the left fail to understand this? We literally went to war for our independence because of this shit


>Art of the deal
>Negotiating when Trump already won bigly
P-please help us save face.

Bake properly.

Use the fucking pastebin like you werent a retard and link the ptevious thread.

Do it right or dont do it at all.

Mike Ditka is looking like a crazy old homeless man these days.

how many activated almonds have you eaten recently

S-Sure, happens all the time...


What's moving faster: the prophecy or President Trump's list of promises kept?

>tfw puppet master Miller



Can somebody tell me the name of this InfoWars reporter? He's so cute.

Its a lot of pressure for an amateur baker out here, half the time the shit tells me the post is too long and the other half youre too slow and someone else bakes too and it splits

just trying to do my civil service

This thread isnt a minor error at all, the formatting is an abortion and it is very easy to bake properly. Do it properly. Use the pastebin and link the previous thread.

You'll probably be fine

>Penile flatulence (air or gas escaping from the penis through the urethra), a.k.a. a quofe (also spelled quof or quoaf).

>NOTE: Dick farts or quofes are a rare phenomenon compared to queefs because it is much harder for air to become stuck in a man's urethra than in a woman's comparatively larger vagina. Quofes occur most frequently after a catheter has been inserted into the penis and removed, leaving air trapped in the bladder or urethra.

>"After Reginald's catheter was removed, he tried to take a piss, but ended up letting a dick fart at the same time and splattering urine everywhere."

We need to compile a list of all the people the (((media))) has claimed controls Trump.

This fucker actually wanders around the Whitehouse looking for perfect photo set-ups. Bet he's been dying to use this one.
>Master Shitposter.
eat shit, Joe.

>dont make errors
>link the "ptevious thread."

sir yes sir

I'm not the sort of goy that automatically agrees with everything The T Man says, but this is 100% accurate.

Do it yourself then or shut the fuck up

It's literally all they have left. Republicans bring less crime, less unemployment, less indoctrination..what else can they possibly run on? Unless there's a recession (we are overdue) they have no choice but screech racist/sexist/xenophobe

This should be fashed up. I don't have the skills but it would look good.

>oOn Strzok-Page 'secret society' text -- I have no idea what it means. Neither do Hill investigators who have seen it in context of other texts

I am gonna bet that it refers to some completly irrelevant thing.

It wont tell you the copy and paste is too long if you use the fucking pastebin link to make the thread, you triplenigger retard. Stop being dumb.

I would if I was at a devixe I could. Others were in the thread and could have. That isnt an argument whatsoever, that someone else did a horrible job but at least they did what others would have done.

See you in 252 posts.

Nigger, your penis is going to fall off.

Owen Schroyer, I believe

>being surprised by this after he's been caught waiting until commercial breaks on F&F to shitpost on twitter

This kind of shit is so natural for Trump. He's so much better at politics than any other republican. He really will have to teach each and every one of them how to win and how to lead.

A typo in a post in the thread is nothing like not knowing how to use the pastebin, retard. Your pic is you.

This is a nice thread

Oh yeah, "first meeting of the secret society" refers to the hobos living on the same block that would make a meeting after Pres Trump won.

>Democrats get their act together and commence a grand grandstand
>Trump literally says yeah whatever and goes to some pro-life rally on day 0
>trolls the left on the next day with that womens march tweet
>off to davos to make fun of fucks like you Dems the next day
>all the while the democrats are chimping out thinking that they would have at least gotten several meetings
>Trump's called their shitty bluff and is literally laughing at their theatrics
>They pass a budget extension to try again later because Trump is laffin m9
How will the left ever recover?

1 person makes the thread at 320 joeposting time, the other comes in to talk shit and contribute nothing while making tons of grammatical errors. who do YOU want to be

Thanks, time for a jerk off session.

...also. Does this hand look shopped?

Photo-ops are the only thing he can do properly.

>thinking about wearing one of these bad boys on the subway tomorrow

You opinion, /ptg/ ?

Only because we don't want to split. The dirty secret is Joeposting is done by disgruntled ex bakers.

as long as you don't bother anyone you'll be fine

>Crazy Jim Acostas
>Thanks Jim!

Time is going too fast for me today
>4 hours of ascii posting feels only like an hour
>2 hours of Joe feels like an hour

Owen Shroyer. Have you watched the ARE YOU KIDDING ME video with Carl the Cuck, AIDS Skrillex, and the Banshee girl? It's hilarious.



>Because you'd be in jail
Is this quite possibly the best sound bite Trump has given us?
>the speed of the thread when he said it

Goddamn Trump is good at setting up photos.

There was no urgency to your making a thread nor any reason for you dto do.it so badly. It would have been one comment and you could have just conceeded that you messed up. Every complaint from myself and others is legitimate, do it correctly if you do it next time and learn your lesson.


Stormy was the last straw. Melania will move back to NY over the summer.

If Obama could pull money out of his ass and give it to Iran, why can't Trump do it for a wall?

youre the equivalent of a person who crashes a party and complains about the alcohol selection. kys

11:15 for those that haven't seen it

The look on her fucking face top lmaoooo

I honestly think your thread is great user, specifically because it’s making autistic retards shit their pants.

It's not a hard job all you do is copy paste the pastebin, pick a picture and title, and link the previoud thread. Stop acting so up your own ass. I'd have done it myself but
>at work

Go to reddit then retard

Read the constitution

It was so off the cuff too following her response. I may or may not have cum during that debate.

We have strayed too fat from God's light.

>This should be fashed up.

Are spencerfags the "Zack Snyder is kino" of Sup Forums?

No, Im the person pointing out a problem rightly. You get to use the pastebin now or you're braindead. Eat shit.

thread theme

>hurr durr me and 5 other people would have done it but we didnt

k then shut the fuck up

look at me, I am the OP now

The weather at Mar-a-Lago is mid-70s, Davos is mid-30s. Which would you want to be at?
>we won't get to see pokey cold nips

>Ainsley's dress
Top hot

What happen to your 8ball jacket user?

There was not a single font page story on the shutdown ending on reddit. That's how you can tell they're demoralized; they downvote bad news, but still comment on it.

>pointing out a problem rightly

gz on demonstrating your retardation

He’s going to intentionally fuck up the next one just to spite you

You're not helping your image. Stop being so asshurt over a little criticism.

I like your thread m8, it made some whiny faggots upset. Bake the next one, and make another minor error to trigger their autism.

jesus FUCK my man my sides are furloughed

animefag telling me about my image, pottery

I miss moments like these from the campaign trail.

I'd go to the one my cheating spouse wasn't going to be at. Maybe he'll bring his stand-in wife Ivanka and she'll flash the pokes.

I imagine a retarded child would fuck up something very basic again for such a stupid reason, yeah. Way to go. That would show everyone.

>that shariablue article
>dems end trump shutdown and force reps to vote on dreamers
Who do they think they're fooling

Anyone feel like turning in?