Beginning of an End for TRUMP?
18 month left till Impeachment?
Opinions, theories, ideas, welcomed
Beginning of an End for TRUMP?
18 month left till Impeachment?
Opinions, theories, ideas, welcomed
Here is an opinion; youre a fag.
Does pic related take into account the fact Democrats will gain four seats in Pennsylvania?
If we go ahead and apply the usual "muh prediction" transform to this...reps have about a 120% chance of wining every goddamn seat.
Rural and suburban retards don't like niggers or spics because they are competing with them for shit-tier unqualified low-IQ jobs, hence why they are more likely to support anti-open border candidates like Bernie or Trump.
Because North American cities harbor all of the most preposterously high IQ people from all over the world, they allow a form of supercharged, accelerated evolution to occur. This superfast evolution means that individuals who show phenomenal cognitive and physical advantages compared to the previous step of human evolution can give birth to super highly evolved superhumans who show unparalleled intelligence, physical attributes as well as aesthetic traits.
Katy Perry is a prime example of a Hillary supporter. She is young, beautiful and so talented that she can accumulate billions after billions of views on Youtube with each song she releases. She is therefore a prime example of the supercharged evolution that occurs in American cities that gives birth to ultra high IQ city people.
City people don't care about immigration because they fully understand their inherent superiority compared to the mud races as well as rural and suburban retards. To them, closed borders mean less freedom and less potential to fully express their superior talents, and their extra brain power allows them to care for nobler and more complex issues such as the environment, art, science etc.
The superiority of North American city people is purely the result of a streamlined form of super evolution that has only ever occurred in that location. Unless you were the product of that evolutionary process, you might as well give up because your inferiority to city people is genetic and therefore no matter how hard you work or how much you try, you will never reach their absurd level. Unless you supported Hillary, you are low-IQ, genetically inferior subhuman waste and you should feel privileged to have the opportunity to be a slave to the superior city people.
Uhhhh user.....
Supreme Court has stayed all decisions by other states.
Any PA fags in here, keeping up with the special election race set for March 13th between (D) Lamb vs (R) Saccone?
We cannot let any more winnable seats slip through our fingers...Saccone is a Trump supporter, going against a younger pretty boy who was against Trump's tax bill/jobs plan.
This will go before the SCOTUS, as NC tried to do the same thing and ruled against the Democrats.
LOL I'm sure he has the inside scoop on the pulse of middle America
>Supreme Court has stayed all decisions by other states.
Except these were federal court desicsions, not state court deiscsions
Oh and this is a State SCOTUS that has full authorrity over this question.
Drumpf btfo, the democrats will win the house and the senate. This is how we will impeach Donald Drumpf
Drumpf supporters btfo
The DNC has no message or platform. They will lose.
Funny how you never acknowledge the majority of the Democrat voting bloc, which is inner-city welfare recipients.
Can't gerrymander your way out of this you conservative faggots
I live in PA and now I live in a swing district thanks to this
Say it Sup Forums: Madam president Hillary Clinton
Trump is favorite on the betting lines for reelection in 2020, there's no doubt in my mind repubs will win midterms handily barring any fuckery
Once American start seeing a noticeable bump in their paychecks from Trump's/Republican tax asses aren't gonna win anything.
Taking the example of Katy Perry
See satanic symbols on music clips
Definitly a Free Mason
Well user looks like you are not redpilled enough you cunt
>a leaf
>Party in power winning the midterms
Maybe you should stick to siping maple you moose fucker
>higher premiums
>at least you got 100 dollars to pay those premiums and co-pays!!
Blocks your path*
lol, they have the desperation of a cutco knife salesman on his last dollar
Pols are basically meaningless now. Any validity they once had was squandered trying in vain to get Hillary elected. The MSM shot their wad on a garbage candidate who ran a dumpster fire campaign and was beaten by a reality television star. "Her Turn" cost the left pretty much everything.
Bill Clinton was impeached. The Senate failed to convict him and he finished out his term.
The tax bill repealed the individual mandate for younger voters, and it is more incentive to vote for even more republicans knowing Democrats are in favor of the higher premiums/wealth redistribution through BarryCare.
Low quality bait or literal retard hard to tell. America's democratic party are really something.
Posting images of jew owned media pages saying 2018 is looking blue. Wow you're in for a rude awakening when you realize the memeforce only got stronger during the two years since election.
Speaking of which still haven't seen a funny pro-demo meme. So not even at a novice level yet, eh? sad :L/
>Pols are basically meaningless now.
>here's how Roy Moore can still win this
Screenshot and remember my post you mutt- US politics are more divided now than in the past
>The tax bill repealed the individual mandate for younger voters,
Yes and people's premiums will skyrocket now
And how do you think is getting the blame?
The tax bill is fucking disaster, it increases taxes via repealing various deductions like SALT or college deductions.
So yes all you did was energize Democrats to vote more.
>Screenshot and remember my post you mutt- US politics are more divided now than in the past
I will. The party in power always loses the midterms Mr. 33% approval.
Nigger my families work-based healthcare PPO went up over 3 times to over 35,000 a year under Obama, you are retarded if you think Trump could or is possibly doing ANY worse than that
To be redundant for your benefit...why would Americans vote for the Dems, if they know for sure they will do nothing about Obamacare's costs and premiums...THAT WAS THE POINT OF OBAMACARE, was to have the working middle class pay for the poor. Republicans, for the most part want the abomination repealed in whole. and those paying more in SALT and not having college deductions were already blue voters.
Lmao, so all the shit with the investigation coming back to the Dems, secret societies, Obama implemented, DACA black pillers BTFO'd etc etc and like clock work shills pop out of nowhere. I've been away from MONTHS on /biz/ and Sup Forums's still the same.
The candidate with over 90% in polls also always wins the elections.
Oh wait
And any energy you had was let out by Chuck Schumer went he let Trump bend him over this week. Your own leaders have no ability to fight and couldn't even stop from cucking out over the shutdown
when it's already a year but still butthurt about trump
>Via repealing SALT deductions
Then maybe shithole blue states like Illinois and California should stop expecting the federal government to stop subsidizing their insane state tax rates
I wouldn't taunt the lefty kooks with egg on their faces...they are even more emboldened to shutdown the gubbamint, again if the weak crybabies dont get their way with blanket amnesty for the millions of beaners they need as a permanent underclass to vote for Dims.
They need to work on an effort that is going to give minimal to the Democrats, while President Trump gets most, if not all of his demands met, as Democrats should work/live in fear that they are literally working harder and going to the mat for illegal immigrants, more than they ever did for American citizens.
The fact is Trump ironically is more likeable then almost any of the house GOP so pitting him against traditional neocons and conservatives is never fair match.
That and mellenials who all too often been distracted by meaningless shit unless we are talking about the general election, have not come out and voted until now.
My prediction is regardless of Trump, if the GOP loses the house and Senate I feel Trump would quickly get fatigued and possibly resign.
Then again he would likely be so arrogant and to continue looking like a "winner" would stay and delegate everything to pence and kelly.
Still beliving the meme that blue states take in more federal dollars and not red high welfare low productivity states like West Virginia
>I don't understand how cost of living and farm subsidies factor in
>Not realizing a fuck ton of our military comes from the deep south
Retard detected
Whether you debate federal revenue from two places or not, SALT is extremely unfair to low tax states.
After all, why should the middle class in red states be paying more than the middle class in blue states to the federal government, when blue states want to keep handing out welfare checks?
Nice larping you canadian faggot.
forecasts dont mean jack shit anymore
This is the face of someone who's never left his bubble in the suburbs or ventured outside his trendy neighborhood.
Polls showed Hillary winning too.
Historically, 1st term presidents always or often lose the House, republican and democrat. Dems will back the House but not the senate.
Why are all the independents considered democrats? Why cant we get some independent fascist members into congress?