The fact that you know who this enlargened 74x34 screenshot of a mouth belongs to says more about you than any of your recycled political arguments ever will.
The fact that you know who this enlargened 74x34 screenshot of a mouth belongs to says more about you than any of your...
I don't know who that is, but if I were at a glory hole id fuck the shit out of those lips, dick or no dick
alright who is she?
a fucking leaf
Is that Anita Sarkeesian?
I'll bite, who is she?
who is this semen demon? i must have to fap
Guys the answer is obvious. It’s a whore come onnnnn....
No, not Sarkeesian
No, don't be silly, Taylor Swift doesn't have lips
To those of you who couldn't figure it out yet, here's another clue.
no clue sven.
Still nothing, no idea who this is
Its fucking bessie!
really proving your point here..
Well, I don't want to make it too easy for you either. Here's a little bit more.
Laci Green?
Your mom?
Who is it sven?
It's a meme, you dip
Your mom?
Man, fuck you cuck. Sage.
Lauren Southern?
Yona, you mustn't get mad like this
i saw her on one of this shitty youtube aut right videos, maybe in a tv show from the 90s or 80s ??
It's Lauren Southern...
Come on sven a truml general thread died for this..
Richard Spencer wearing lipstick.
These guys are right
Well OP let us all agree that your point is moot and stupid as fuck.
Obviously, but it rustled more than a couple of jimmies and some posters did know who it was based on my original image, so I don't know
Do you see any comical socks?
Mate, no one here actually watches her videos with the exception of your mongolian neighbours.
I still didn't know until other said it. OP you failed.
fucking swecuck got literally told off, by my lad who's not surrounded by nikkors and shitskins alike on a daily basis. Good life