Would the EU do better without Germany?
Would the EU do better without Germany?
>would like to see brits suffer
wow such compassionate people.
Majority of Finns want to see them suffer too
I really doubt the majority of Germans think this. A majority of their politicians, yes.
What if the refugee crisis was just yet another attempt by the German people to destroy Europe?
The world itself would be better without Germany.
believing a clickbait headline from the eternal je.. journalists. This is just to rattle up the nations and put more divide between the two once great countries.
Who DOESN'T want the Brits to suffer?
What do you expect when the majority of Europe already hates us anyway, either way it's
going to happen and we will suffer dearly; our institutions will end up collapsing and becoming
privatized leaving the average brit more in debt when it comes to healthcare and the Jews of our
country will leave off to Paris or maybe even Ireland leaving us even more poor.
Only way out is a non cucked leader who isn't afraid, someone like Trump to take place, even better
if that leader was to standup in Germany instead. But our government will bend over even more apologizing
and thwarting any attempt to lead our country against their agenda and for freedom from this madness.
But Brexit may not even happen anyway! Just an in-disguised version of rejoining the EU with less benefits,
but keeping the rich safer.
Pay Brexit bills, you inbred island monkeys.
88 checked
What does it mean?
And you wonder why we can't stand them anymore. British people had no idea how until the Brexit vote how autistic Germans were.
To finance your destruction of your own people by letting more muslims and immigrants coming
in and living off your system breeding like the parasites they are? Which is the EU. Sure thing you pretty
little blonde blue-eyed aryan self-hating masochistic bitch.
Well it was the German plan to set up this federal mess. Make money. Then ditch the fucking lot.
no, same bullshit with or without it. It's a failed virtue signal lefty union.
Why the fuck would anyone want it to even exist?
So much for these EUROPEAN VALUES that there politicians love to spout on about
I don't want to see Brits suffer because of leaving EU but
I do want to see Brits get their comeuppance for winning "Best Goy Award" 200 or so years in a row
It's all talk about peace and pan European unity and all that until somebody wants to leave then they make you their enemy.
>would like to see Brits suffer
They're literally worse than Hitler
The problem with it is that while I understand the need to stop 'contagion' whereby Britain looks like it gets a special deal which could undermine the unity of the European Union, it doesn't make any god damn sense. There isn't a country in Europe aside from Britain that is even considering leaving with half of the power of the UK. If we got a super special bespoke deal, and then someone like Hungary turned around and demanded it, what possible logic could you use to justify them having special treatment like that too? They're Hungary. Their GDP isn't even one tenth of ours. The same applies to 85% of EU nations. The only three countries in the EU that have ever mattered are Germany, France and the UK - and even then the UK tended to get shafted by most things like the CAP while being accused of having a number of near-meaningless opt-outs.
>Would the EU do better without Germany?
There wouldn't be one for starters, so yes. Ever thought about who pays for this massive shit show?
Hint it's not the based toilet cleaners.
>Huge majority of Germans would like to see Brits suffer ...
No, huge majority would like us to see following their example or at the very least go back to 1995 EU. And with closed borders. Don't confuse politicians with taxpayers.
I want to understand their supporters but it's just so hard. How can they not see this for what it is?
why doesnt the german use this as an opportunity to virtue signal? it is so troubling that they are conditioned to only virtue signal about brown people. it would be more respectable if they were a consistant cuck about everything rather than just being a cuck for brown cock
Yeah, Britain should run posters showing quintessentially British brown people being harmed by Germany's brexit bill. Tell Germany to have compassion on Pakis. Or are they the wrong type of brown people?
We will crush your economy if you don't, m8.
>someone like Trump
> why the fuck would anybody want a trade union?
Gee, dunno.