He may be old, sick, and physically fem, but he's got a weapon SO BE AFRAID NOW GOYIM! Jewish military genius and world class Saudi tactical excellence are unbeatable. You may not have ever heard of these things, but I tell you now, the goyim don't stand a chance against the sand nigger coalition. Do you Nazis yield?
He's coming for you, Sup Forums
>Boomer posting
>Goy thinks he is superior to us in any way, including military tactics
Daily reminder that whites are the niggers of Asians.
>using a fucking wheel gun for a killing spree
He's clearly not thought this out properly and is just looking for attention
Who is this semen demon?
Don't you want to see the it fall apart as soon as he pulls the hammer back?
>fbi will do nothing with this.
Heres to the next shooter
Poor choice of weapon. Who is this faggot again and why should I care?
Anons, as a rule, the people who tell you they are going to get "all those meanies," are not going to do any such thing. If it was a specific target it would be more likely to happen but then the issue would still be giving away the element of suprise. If you actually mean to do something revolutionary, don't tell anybody before you do it.
what kinda gun is that
I want one
>taurus revolver
>it's to take as many with me as i can
>revolver holds 6 rounds
they're not sending their best folks
that might be the lamest way to hold a gun I've ever seen
How do we solve the boomer problem?
no you don't. Taurus guns are notoriously unreliable, cheaply made pieces of shit.
/quickrundown/ on this edgelord
Reminder that Wictor is addressing the liberal trolls that keep threatening him, this is nothing to do with Sup Forums
And this is their A game...
And here I was about to say that it looked like a cool gun. Are they known for producing flashy unreliable shit?
Sage this motherfucker.
> saudi tactical excellence
> saudis
> being anything but a joke tactically, strategically and militarily
That is a beautiful thing. He knows he doesn't have much life left in this world, so he gives no shits, so he serves truth only.
yes. they make some of the worst revolvers and handguns i've ever shot/seen. i'd much rather have a ruger blackhawk.
If that were true, you wouldn't feel the need to say it.
Can you post a pic of your government issued diapers the one with the magazine clip?
>this triggers the /k/
Not only that, but a ported Taurus revolver. WTF?
The faux tough guy stance has loads to do with pol and every other faux revolutionary board on the internet.
1. Don't give away your element of surprise.
2. At least pose in the mirror like the guy in Taxi Diver to get the faux tough guy look right.
3. Make sure you look like the people who live and work in the area of operation. AKA: Hide in plain sight.
4. Do it quickly and get the fuck out of there. The worst day of evasion is better than the best day of captivity.
5. Learn to shoot your weapon at its maximum range and use that to your advantage. Long range is one of the best reasons to use fire arms. Consider a Truck Of Peace if you need to get close with a crowd of evil people.
>its for taking as many of you with me as i can
>6 shot Taurus revolver
what a faggot...doesnt even know about fully-automatic assault sniper 50 caliber gauge battle rifles with 1000 round clipazines
how many wars have jews fought and won?
one or two against a bunch of retarded sandniggers?
>Do you Nazis yield?
millions of men have died with the belief that god was on their side, guiding their path.
no need to stop now.
>"I'm gonna make that fucking chink Seung-Hui Cho look like a fucking joke you fucking kikes"
why don't somebody report this guy like that nigger ladenwih the gun who said itos popen season in
Wypepo and in the next picture she was taking a selfie in jail
gg brasil
My Taurus 1911 isnt shit. My dad gifted it to me for my 21st birthday. I've heard plenty of horror stories though, so maybe I got one of the rare "good" ones.
I'd never touch a Taurus revolver though.
>cool gun
it literally looks injection molded
Then why are they begging for British rule again in Hong Kong?
Amerimutt forgetting he actually managed to lose wars against sandniggers
that's the only Taurus I've shot that isn't complete shit. It's actually a good 1911 for the money, considering the fact it is forged instead of cast.
Where on Earth do you "people" get such arrogance?
Thats a nice gun, getting american jews to appreciate and respect gun ownership is hardly a bad thing.
why are there so many """undercover""" FBI agents posting here now since the image server Shoah?
Some attention whore kike larping about 6 gorillion again in essence.
They store it in their noses
>nice gun
frogeater forgetting he actually managed to lose wars... all of them.
We need to keep a track of you since you ruined our election cycle. Please stop using a japanese VPN, it makes our job much harder.
literally taurus posting, what a kike
Bjorn pls
It's easy to look your nose down on people when it extends up into the stratosphere.
I wasn’t referring to the whole tough guy image I was referring to OP being a massive faggot saying wictor is pissed at Sup Forums when it’s no time us hes after.
4chinz probably turned them with the power of memes
Not with all those chinks running around.
Good god, the niggerishness is off the charts, lad.
>Thomas Wictor, the planet's only expert on World War I flamethrowers.
Okay, that's pretty cool.
Who is this exactly? What's his relationship to Pol?
>Thomas Wictor has become the latest victim of the liberal-left tech sector’s war on free speech.
>YouTube has suspended his account — allegedly because he violated their “terms of use”; but really, he suspects, for the crime of being a Trump supporter who speaks unpalatable truths about leftist evils.
Oh, so...what are you waffling about, you completely deluded faggot?
He comes. I buy him a beer. We talk about what huge faggots liberals are.
I tell him to watch his health, because it would be such a shame for him to missed the day we string up all the libshills, like OP.
Hell, if he's in a wheelchair by then, I'll take him out to blow holes in you faggots while you're still air-dancing.
You lost a war to rice farmers.
You were holocausted by brät eaters
if we''re being honest here. if the US were willing to stoop to the same level of inhumanity the vietnamese were willing to stoop to, it would still be uninhabited.
Lol the opposite. Does anyone actually want to live in places like Richmond or China town of any kind? Your types spit, empty your pocket garbage on the street and have no regard for the collective interest of the country that hosts you. If you think your kind is so great, go back to Chiner.
What is Brät?
they admitted defeat in international court, attacking what we left behind and America not sending the military aid it promised means jack shit
gooks btfo + 1 to 3 million dead Viets
It was developed by hues. That's all you need to know.
I thought your military tactics were going crying to America
This is so trollsy.
precisely this
Huge Gun Nut here
Normally I would agree, and Taurus should be avoided, but Trackers are actually pretty good guns. I used to have one, and a few buddies as well.
The model we liked was the 44 magnum, which is a 5 shot on the Trackers medium frame, and it was a great 44 special shooter. That being said, I dumped all my Taurus pistols a few years back and bough a Ruger Alaskan and a Smith Airweight scandium 44 mag.
This is one of the few Taurus guns that I don't openly mock, as my hands on experience was positive.
>Take as many with me as I can
So six, at most.
If you want a revolover, go Ruger or S&W. If you want it to look like OPs pic, you want a ported barrel.
Ported barrels are a rather expensive feature intended to reduce recoil, so it doesnt make a whole lotta sense on a revolver, but it does look cool so w/e
wow is that a fr*aking gun?
are you some kind of drumpf nazi supporter?
are you trying to justify the death of black people?
santa claus is coming to town
Post the one where he says he's on 9 psychotropic medications.
lmao geriatrics
Oh no, an old comie boomer with a taurus revolver!
What ever will we do? How will we ever recover? Its not like anybody younger, fitter, and more agile can get access to better quality guns.
Interdasting, thanks user.
What happened to your buddies?
bratwurst, just shortened. we like everything big cept our words.
>thomas wictor
>old commie boomer
LOL please fuck off to plebbit you brainlet
Finally, and user that gets it. Taurus makes some decent revolvers, but their semi-autos are pure dogshit.