How do you all justify respecting law and order and social rules when you've been born into the bottom of an unfair system? If you are born into a ghetto, why not become a thug?
One life, born poor
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Okay Seamus, lemme lay it out for you: life isn’t fair. It’s not fair that I’m balding with a four inch cock. It’s not an excuse to become a rapist or a cuck.
I understand the lack of potatoes probably has made you a bit churlish, but God doesn’t want you to be a scouser.
Im poor. Im on autismbux.
I stay inside, lift weights, and chill.
Theres no need to go become a thug, my mental problems have nothing to do with other people. I was shut-in need for 15 years before i got disability, and never in the time did i think becoming a thug.
Not everyone is going to live the normie life, no reason to get upset about it and become a criminal, be happy with what you have desu.
>It’s not an excuse to become a rapist or a cuck.
>I was shut-in need for 15 years before i got disability, and never in the time did i think becoming a thug.
That has more to do with you being scared of consequenses and other 'thugs' you might run into, but sure, keep telling yourself that you're a 'good person'.
Because if you become a thugh you will die a thug and your children will stay thugs
People in the bottom just need to get a job and leave
The bottom is full of thugs because the ones who work leave the bottom
why should your mother be punished by my insecurities? That’s why. Being a thug doesn’t address the system you’re mad at; it just hurts others hurt by the same system.
Now if you wanna kill rich Jew bankers or something that’s different. But just a common thug is not defensible
>lack of meatballs
Shhh it trying to rile up the Euros
As a meet myself for 10 years, I can tell you that we have a difficulty realizing that there are many people like us...lots of people in the world have problems. Sometimes it just doesn't seem that way due to social media, television/movie brainwashing about how life is supposed to be, etc.
Neet.. fucking auto correct
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There's no glory or respect in it
Get back to your destitute ghetto lowlife scum
>One life, born
This is what you SHOULD be focusing on, dumbfuck. Most people never get born at all, they never make it past the "egg and sperm" stage.
>Being a thug doesn’t address the system you’re mad at; it just hurts others hurt by the same system.
Why should I care?
No, I just don't pretend to be a good goy like you're doing. Stop making excuses and accept the fact you're a big pussy who doesn't want any twouble
Im a paranoid schizoid so yeah youre not wrong, but you're also not right.
Theres a difference between being a pussy and having a legitimate mental disorder.
I'm good as long as i have internet and water
I dont care about having no clothes or a roof on my head as long as i can watch 2d porn
if I were born into the ghetto I would be a thug too. natural law over all
If you commit crimes against rich leftists you're doing society a favor, go for it.
>If you are born into a ghetto, why not become a thug?
because you can be a productive member of society, back before the EU there was such a thing called social mobility which meant you could basically become anyone if you worked hard enough.
Don't waste your time with the resentfuls.
Look, I didn't even look at his flag.
But I can tell it's a burger.
I'll look to confirm after I made the post and I'll be like heh, but I just know it's a burger. Burger have this extreme christcuck mentality having their culture rooted in a christian liberal democracy.
Plebs don't think on our level.
Fuck, a burger and an abo fucker
Well, I was 1/3 right.
My grandparents grew up as poor polish immigrants
My parents grew up in working class neighborhoods of firefighters and teachers
my siblings, cousins and I are now in the 1% working in health, finance and law able to care for my ailing and sick grandparents in their final years able to give them all the treatment and comfort available in our time.
You can make it too. Be the change
dumb frogposter
The absolute state of (((berbers)))
>If you are born into a ghetto, why not become a thug?
because that just makes your life even shorter and uglier, and robs your offspring of any chance at having a better life than the one you did, you stupid nigger.
ive got autism and i work. im trying to get better jobs and stop letting social anxiety crush me. i even got laid. the struggle is fun. its what makes you feel alive. im a fucking pioneer
>born into relatively low income family
>dad is Turkish immigrant who came over with little and works at home depot (he actually didnt have a job first 12 years of my life)
>mom teacher for inner city district
>study hard in school
>get electrical engineering degree
>make 80k after few years in the industry in low cost of living area
>parents still have good amount in retirement
Doesnt take a miracle user, just not to be a retard and to have a mother and father. I will never have sympathy for other poorfags that blame their failure on the system.
That is why (((leftists))) are responsible for poor people's conditions, they destroy the value in family and pride and try to make people dependent on the government aid.
Yes Virginia there are nihilists. Is this an argument supporting eugenics? Certainly the best choice is to dissuade pregnancy. Every abortion should include tubal ligation. With murder the number one cause of death in the young black male community and incarceration restricting available males into a more cunning and violent breed, the idea of "choice" maybe an illusory one indeed as thuggery becomes a more heritable outcome.
>wagecucked all his life
>makes 80k before tax (or after, whatever)
>is literally a bound slave 11/12 months in the year
>muh honor
Keep cucking user, maybe after 15 years you will be able to buy a house only for your wife to take it away from you
You're right, user. White people are born into a system that does nothing for them but work them to death while encouraging their permanent demise.
What else is there to do except freedom fighting?
Do neets really fail to understand costs of things this poorly?
You can easily buy a house on 80k
The economy and your social class is like a bush. You were born at the bottom of the bush. Will you ever climb to the top of the bush? No, probably not. Can you climb to the middle, or even close to the top? Yes! Yes you can! Work hard and you can easily make a comfortable life for yourself.
Good for you user. Keep doing what is right and building a future.
Let's bring mothers into this, how as a society can we allow an illegitimacy rate of 70% in the black community. I believe we should revisit Margaret Sanger and some of her philosophies. soon our
Literally have a 180k house bought and paid off (dont want to be owned by jew bankers) in a nice 95%+ white neighborhood. My only expenses are bills, groceries and property tax. I could stop working for a couple years if I really wanted but I would get bored as fuck.
What do you do user?
Yeah, by getting the Jew to put a leash on your income, lol, you materialistic idiots, i truly pity you.
I literally do anything I want with my free time without working. I have to pay for my £55 a week with bills rent, other is food. I sell smoking accessories on eBay and am in the process of getting NEETbux.
What do you do with your time? Oh, wait, you mentioned that you can't have a good time any more because your soul has been completely destroyed from years of slavery. Well, too bad, mate. You chose poorly.
>I believe we should revisit Margaret Sanger and some of her philosophies. soon our
...go on...
Poverty is normal. What's unusuall is prosperity. Prosperity is what needs to be explained. You should also look into the fact that there are 100's of millions of people in a worse situation than you are right now. You could have been born in Africa, but you're not. That alone is something to be thankful for.
>says the guy literally living on other people’s stoleb money
The cynical nature of the neet is satanic
No. What is satanic is contributing tax for raising the beasts of the field (niggers). Read your Bible.
>Oh, wait, you mentioned that you can't have a good time any more because your soul has been completely destroyed from years of slavery.
>this much projection
I have plenty of free time. I recently purchased an AR10 for funzies, gonna try to find an 800 yard+ range to hone my skills (not that bongs would know the freedom of owning your own guns). I lift regularly because it is something I can focus my discipline on and means I stand a chance if some nog jumps me.
Do you do anything of value in your free time? Are you a bodybuilder or mathemetician, or just a fat neet?
You are a parasite like a tapeworm. You provide no value to society except to consume, which means you are a drain on the people of your country and are a slave to your government who controls your income and corporations who provide you with what you consume with your neetbux. You only exist as an entity to consume and support the system which you seem to hate so much.
I honestly think the most productive thing you could do is kys because you seem beyond the point of becoming more than the parasite you are.
if you want to justify that kind of behavior you leave no room to complain about the Cops brutalizing getto cpmmunities
he's a dago not a potatonigger faggot
>trains to be a pawn for the Jew army
>do you do anything of value
translation : do you do anything that contributes to others, as a true cuckold, or are you having fun and thinking only for yourself?
Well, you got me here, user, I am no cuckold, I think for myself. The thing of value I do is that I don't ever agree with people that try to convince others to be a part of the Jew system.
Why not kill your retarded parents so they don't reproduce in massive poverty again?
take the refugee pill luigi
I saw an interesting video, and on refection it seems from an earlier thread; Is this an argument supporting eugenics? Certainly the best choice is to dissuade pregnancy. Every abortion should include tubal ligation. With murder the number one cause of death in the young black male community and incarceration restricting available males into a more cunning and violent breed, the idea of "choice" maybe an illusory one indeed as thuggery becomes a more heritable outcome.
In a left-handed way, good, their population decreases. and here is the. . . but the ones breeding are very dangerous. Is it becoming hereditary?
Along the same line
>My shitskin grandpa blah blah
Nice virt-sig.
Literally who cares. I’m so sick of muh bootstraps granpapppy immigrant blah blah literally kys. This country handed everything to your inferior, pathetic, bloodline, and now you work in finance like a good goyim and think you’ve won.
That’s what I hate about immigrants: they get a stupid fucking wageslave job and then all live’s problems go away. They think “I went to college! I won!” “I sucked dick for a job and got it!” “I opened a small business, isn’t that such an immigrant move!!”
Meanwhile you are vapid losers, raised by pathetic animals who knew nothing more than thinking about the next meal in front of them.
Look into neurodiversity (its a form of affirmative action for autists)
>If you are born into a ghetto, why not become a thug?
Dude, my LITERAL shitskin grandparents were christian from lebanon, everyone who wasnt muslim was persecuted and slaughtered when fighting broke out and they were treated like shit. All of my grand fathers became physicians and they always said "if you worked hard and made yourself useful, the muslims wouldn't kill you when the fighting broke out"
if these people who were ACTIVELY persecuted could make something of their lives in that shithole country, then certainly an italian in italy in this day and age can do it
>born poor
>has access to a computer to post on Sup Forums
pick one
My sympathies to you. I am a Bulgarian and we were under Ottoman rule for 500 years until 1878. The atrocities these monsters did to us... no words are enough.
>one life
Bluepilled as fuck tbqh