hahah your queen is a coke whore hahahah
Ill just leave this here
We're not cancerfags on /bant/ or other shitty boards.
Gib mummy
tfw no coke addicted gf
I'd party with her.
Gucci gamg Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang
Gucci gang Gucci gang Gucci gang
>those tiny lines
Can't women do a single thing right
Except our queen doesn't have gross ear rings.
and a shitskin lover
I must agree with you Jorge.
>your queen
I have no idea who that is.
our who?
>those ear piercings and cheap looking uniform with a nigger in background
>a nigger in Russia
People truly believe everything. They probably watch Emma Watson fakes porn and think they are the actual Emma
literally who?
If she is she's no different from all other roasties.
I never knew i'd say this but i'm kinda edging towards MGTOW now...
I'd rather stay a virgin than marry a modern slut, and yes, i do have a choice of staying virgin or not (not by rape or prostitute)
Also, nice photoshop nigger
Cocaine is the best drug though: gives you energy, makes you confident, helps you focus, makes you aggressive, makes you feel good. I can totally understand why sales and upper management do it. It makes you more productive. It makes you super human.
nice try
its mearly a larper.
____________________________SLIDE LINE_____________________________
>A hot girl does cocaine
yea, until you cant hold even the most basic of conversations without it.
She's officially perfect.
You can't even shill effectively, just kys
That's because you should be browsing reddit -your natural habitat- instead of this.
That's also a police uniform not a military uniform which would be blue.
Ive done coke. Ive also done heroin. Both drugs are actually pretty lame and weak (i snorted them both multiple times).
Coke just makes you not tired like caffiene but a bit more so and fills your mouth with this shitty baby powder taste from the shit they stomp it out with
Heroin just does the opposite and makes you tired to the point of not being able to respond to things even though you want to. They both are pretty lame desu.
L m a o and they tell us to fear russians and the like. You slav abominations know no bounds.
>implying sage is allowed
>implying that doesn't go against the """sponsored threads""" policy.
>implying this website isn't even worse than reddit in its biased administration.
Seriously though... who are you claiming this to be? Who is "our queen"?
nothing wrong with doing coke occasionally
Lol you need a better dealer senpai
Literally who? Is that that russian chick that Sup Forums loved so much?
Mommy what's that?
I didnt buy it. Ive done it from multiple sources multiple times.
I also am not under 20 and wasnt doing drugs until college
All women are coke whores. All of them. The only difference is between those who have done it and those who have not. Coke is an ego drug. It makes the user feel liked, likable, and intelligent. Sunce women are none of those things, coke fills that whole. Is this that russian chick, btw?
Go back to Sup Forums you fuckin faggot
Which "queen"?
>flag checks out
Well your multiple sources need to get better dealers then
It makes you suck nigger dicks for more.
so fucking hot
corruption+redemption porn = patrician
Yes you have to detox, duh, any more points captain obvious?
its supposed to look like Natalya Poklonskaya
ya, I literally have no idea who this is.
maybe I dont post in enough of your uber cool eceleb threads.
>tiny lines
could be heroin?
>Slavic woman
>Not a coke whore
Pick one.
>ya, I literally have no idea who this is.
>maybe I dont post in enough of your uber cool eceleb threads.
newfag detected.
There is literally nothing wrong with having a couple of nose beers every now and then.
>newfag detected.
No. You waifu is just shit tier. Admit it.