/fsg/ Fascist General - The Chad arm fold Edition

>Thread for discussion of Italian Fascism, and other forms of fascism, Mosley, Codreanu, Falange, etc. Also for sharing fascist literature and information.
>A Fascist general for Fascists and those interested
>Be respectful and please try to keep conversations relatively "intellectual"

>don't see a fascist general? make one.

Reading. contributions & requests welcome

Good Fascists
>Oswald Mosely
>Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera
>Benito Mussolini
>Stepan Bandera
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
>António de Oliveira Salazar
>Ramiro Ledesma Ramos
>(((Ettore Ovazza)))
>Gaetano Mosca
>Vilfredo Pareto
>Robert Michels
>Leon Degrelle
>Charles Maurras
>FT Marinetti
>Gabriele d'Annunzio
>George Lincoln Rockwell
>Ioannis Metaxas
>Giovanni Gentile
>Julius Evola
>Ezra Pound
>Konstantin Rodzaevsky
>Francisco Rolao Preto
>Dimitrije Ljotic

Other urls found in this thread:


Pinochet was as bad as Allende

Sounds like something a commie would say
Pinochet was the last good thing the CIA did

you are just a liberal trying to steal the word fascism, the original /fsg/ always specifies that, read up what corporatist economics are and De Rivera's national syndicalism.

Pinochet was just a puppet in the hands of the liberal capitalist NATO that caused the immigrant invasion in Europe and destabilized the ME for economical gains, the fact that he killed commies doesn't mean he's just as shitty.

Free market shills are not fascists.

we need more Fascism threads. Capitalism and Socialism are jewish aids that infect our nations. Third position all the way




Extremely Relevant

"m..muh based libertarian social order.... M-MAGA!!!!"

which reminds me, pic related explain why libertarianism will always fail and be hijacked by kikes, niggers and commies.

The time to smoke weed and get fat on the couch must end.

What do you guys think of "Sono Tornato"? the italian remake of "Look who's back" but with Mussolini instead of Hitler

Oh gee golly, I sure do love me some unironic Fascism! Right guys? :D

As much as I like Mosley, his United States of Europe idea was kind of shitty

You need to understand the context, you probably will reject it because you are american but:

European fascists after ww2 were totally annihilated, Mosley's manifesto to build an european superstate was a way of maintaining a pure third position, rejecting the new dichotomy of either the socialist east or the liberal capitalist NATO

terrone ed ex militante de CPI here

This movie is going to be shitty, unlike the german version where you have some sort of "neutral critique" of both the left and the right, this is going to be another worthless and vulgar comedy like most of the italian cinema already is nowadays.

I guess it makes sense
In the 50s degeneracy was at a minimum so they probably believed in a libertarian social order

No, you already tried to defend Pinochet, you need to get a serious grasp of fascist literature and quit this libertarian bullshit, fascism is anti-libertarian and collectivist, Gentile wrote that the basis of the fascist society is an organical state made by the people in a society where everyone exists in function of the other, like a body and its organs.

I only like Pinochet for the memes
It's like the ancap ideology, it's just a meme because we obviously need a state

Seems pointless to me, you essentially want to enjoy le epic mcdonald ancap meme and at the same time be a fascist, which requires you to be anti-capitalist to surpass the left-right dichotomy.
It's as wrong as it would be if you were spamming gulag memes really.

Has anyone actually read An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races?
Besides it being overly generous to kikes. It's breddy gud.

It basically gives all the arguments of how mixed race aren't the same as the originals and that the civilization they are inheriting wasn't built for them and they wont' be able to abide by it's laws. Not because they are lesser but because they are prone to believe a different set of moral laws.


who is this fine Neapolitan gentleman?

Julius Evola wasn’t a fascist. He was never a member of any political party nor did he ever vote. He was sympathetic to the movement, though.