How does it feel to be the normalfag cancer that not only killed this very website, but is now feasting on the rest of the internet at large?
How does it feel to be the normalfag cancer that not only killed this very website...
Slide thread...flavor it.
Reminder this is the kind of people your kind has attracted to this site. At the same time you have 12 year old autists on here screaming about normies.
Sup Forums stopped being our safe harbour and became more of our hunting grounds.
Go to the pizzagate general and start logically advocating for pedos and showing their bias towards female pedos getting away with it.
They will absolutely lose their mind and it completely derails the thread.
Sup Forums fucking degenerated into shit, all these 'memes' are shit and nobody makes any fucking good conversations anymore. last thing i ever enjoyed on Sup Forums were the sarah anderson comic threads back in 2016.
A lot better than it feels to be you, gurantee'd. Gay and sage you stupid nigger.
Sup Forums has always fucking sucked and it went downhill when snacks left and stopped hurling the van hammer like a fucking glorious faggot Thor.
Imagine being this autistic
>even if I wasn't a leftist
Sup Forums has always been shit. Fucking newfag
>12 year old autists on here screaming about normies.
I have tried to accept the faggotry. This is life OP. If you surround yourself in your own bubble then you are no better that the fags pic related speaks of. Guess you thin kthis is some simulation, and nothing is real.......
about the virus thing that was happening and screwing up the images last night, did anyone unzip the file?
those who control the present control the past
wtf i hate Sup Forums now
This dude is viewing the past through rose-coloured glasses. The truth is that this website has always sucked and will continue to suck until it goes offline.
>unironically unzipping something because some user told you
umm nope
clearly the answer is to post more anime porn, I can supply at wholesale prices+10% handling fee if anyone's interested
Go get some real pussy or dick depending on what you like, but get real flesh not some dumb shit cartoon to masturbate to.
Sup Forums was never good.
t. 06 Sup Forumstard newfag
>wanting others to conform
The past decade has shown that the anti freedom pro mental disease leftist cancer only grows because we have allowed it to fester. What the message in OP is trying to convey is: "dont fight for your beliefs, if you kill your enemies they win!". He is saying the only proper way to not be a normalfag is to sit there and complain about your problem without doing anything about it. That is as cucked as you can get.
The fucking counter culture nowadays is preaching family values and a cohesive society that values its people, that is how far we have fallen.
"to let the world be" sounds nice but that is the motto of a dying philosophy.
>butthurt ancientfag
that's absolutely disgusting
>moot was OUR faggot
Kill yourself nigger. Moot is a google nigger.
Sup Forums got "famous" and fell to the very same vices that all famous things and people fall to. If you don't know that a bunch of motivated hive minders (E.G. Tyranids) can absolutely fuck over anything they want, you need to go back to school. In competition between hive minds, the hive with the most numbers, physical strength, or best strategy and tactics is the one that wins.
You got famous kid. Deal with it! Oh, you forgot to turn your fame into money. Uh, yeah. That hurts. I'm sorry. Welcome to the club.
Why? Pussy smells like Tuna, and dick taste like rubber covered in goo. Choose one but choose wisely, for it may be you defining choice.
To add to this, leftism has implemented authoritarian censorship on damn near every other platform/online forum, so people are forced here for open discussion. The nerve of that faggot complaining about people congregating on Sup Forums because his ideology has censored them everywhere else.
Every corporation/institution is fully embracing soft leftist emotional conversations while outright banning conservatives from even having discussions trying to convey their viewpoint. There are so few vectors for communication that we are rightfully angry and rightfully want to destroy those who have put such a stranglehold on our society.
>dumb progressive still believes that he's part of a counter-culture opposing the establishment
How will you voice a complaint about a corporation / institution if they control speech? The few places like this left are being raided by worse than normal fags. I have been advocating for admin to install a way for OP to control its thread to fight away the raiding hordes that are here to shut down or dilute anything they disagree with. Sure we can set back and wait for the light to dim and less of these assholes begin to show. By then I feel it will be too late. Normal fags do not bother me. They at least show interest in the topics rather than interest in shutting down ole number 1 right. If you run they will chase you. It is time to take a stand.
Go find a new tree house kid.
I agree with pic related 100% but being nostalgic about it isn't the way to go, things get older, and then they decline as time goes. As for the Chad/normalfag problem, let them think they are in charge, in the end there is always the master troll who is pulling the strings while the normie cattle do his bidding.
>The fucking counter culture nowadays is preaching family values and a cohesive society that values its people, that is how far we have fallen.
JFC... you're right. I once heard Doug Stanhope joke about how each generation after ours turns progressively into more and more of a pussy. I think at some point there was a fulcrum that shift the norm of "what's worth being aggrtessive over" into being aggressive over others not being as big of a pussy as you are. That is the world we live in after a generation of virtu signal conditioning.
People will always have the capacity to fight for what they believe it.... if you make them believe that being a pussy is of utmost importance they will even turn to facism to enforce it. When you have a group of literal fascists claiming to be a resistance against fascism, you have a backwards world. When the counter-culture becomes the norm, the previous norm becomes the counter-culture.
>dick taste like rubber covered in goo.
You might want to ask your friend to describe in single words only the good things that come to his mind about his mother, and gauge his reaction.
Maybe I am in the minority, but a Sup Forums which actually has more and more an effect and control of the real world, is better or at least more fun/interesting than what the sort of guys OP pic thinks Sup Forums is supposed to be.
I mean as long as you can still call people niggers and post gore and porn, as long as censoring and PC shit doesn’t take over.
Hahaha Sup Forums birds and the bees. Boy what a thread that would become. Ill ask next time.
So basically, what he's saying is he's a unique, *special* snowflake, and he misses being part of a flurry of unique special snowflakes? I mean when you strip away the rambling and swearing and italics, that's what this comes down to.
my guess is it changed when things like the Orlando shooting and Vegas...shit, even the Trump campaign itself brought a number of outsiders to Sup Forums simply because places like Sup Forums were the only ones talking about the type of events the MSM was ignoring or twisting up. It was a slow intake of normies, refugees if you will, that blew up exponentially with shit like mega and Q. No one should have a reason to come to Sup Forums. Namefags and news gave people reasons.
If only there were more like you user.
You must be young to the web or a liberal. Every time "controls" are instituted on a website, it turns left.
Wikipedia is a great example of this. You may or may not remember but there was a time when Wikipedia was a literal anarchy. Anyone could post and delete anything. No admins, no mods, etc. Slowly, over time, methods of control were implemented by the loudest minorities. For the sake of the site they cried, we need to be able to control a few things. Eventually the controls sped up and now the site is a leftist shit hole where everything is communist propaganda or corporately curated pages which read like advertisements, with only the most obscure topics having any semblance of objectivity (and those are often proposed for deletion).
No, you want controls? Make your own damn site. Because if we got what you wanted then every shill would spam threads as they'd fill the catalog and genuinely open discussion would grind to a halt.
You're new if you think Vegas caused the influx.
The reality is that there have been countless major moments where an influx of newfags come to Sup Forums and pol due to the nature of the leftist jew empire. Each time people are squeezed out of their home spaces, they end up here, simply because it's one of the only true free speech platforms left.
I can blame them, and I don't agree with the op post really, but at the end of the day, it's been happening over and over for years. It's only quickening due to how fast the rest of the web is being locked down.
This, then brings the people trying to control the web to our doorstep. They raid and shill and troll to try and demoralize and scare people away, but there's not much room left.
Sadly, if they ever tried something really bad, shutting down Sup Forums and it's sister sites would be crippling for the people who have come here for info. It'd be difficult to organize.
>Implying Sup Forums was ever, EVER about your feel good "we're all unique" nonsense.
It was never about acceptance, it was about misanthropy. If someone said they were going to kill themselves, other people encouraged them, and asked for pics. Gays and blacks were always viciously insulted, in fact it was more so back in the early days before they had a half dozen porn boards to hide away in. No, Sup Forums is not a degeneration of Sup Forums, but an elevation. We alone carry the shitsmeared flag of 2000's internet culture into the future, and give it a purpose
Sorry but you are pretty far off. I am old bud. I have been around for nearly 2 decades, and I have seen it all progress. You are Not taking into account that there are weaponized raiding hordes programed wetware that like you serves the agenda to control you.
Now I am trying to understand how you figure it would grind discussion to a halt. If a shill cannot post in Ops thread then what purpose does the shill have? My proposal only seems to bother the shitposters, or so called intellectuals when brought up. Both are idiots that cannot live outside of their own bubble without high amounts of anxiety. Seek help user. I am not looking to control your speech with control of your replies on my thread. I am just telling you to fuck off. On this board shitposting shills persist whereas in real life would be laid out on the floor bleeding.
because "control" is inherently left. The drive for more and more regulation (toward a fully communist society) can be described as the "liberal" application of government. They are eager to add more and more whenever an opportunity presents itself. I used to consider myself "liberal" until I realized this. Less government is more control for the people. SJW culture is ironically an abomination toward traditional civil rights which focuses on giving "Power to the People". When you add more and more Rules, laws and regulations AGAINST other people, you strip the power from the people. SJW is an anti-progressive movement that is poisoned with inverse logic. A push for the increase of governmental power under the guise of human rights
t. newfag
Sup Forums is and always was a place to shitpost
if you grew attached to a community of anonymous people posting fake shit for fun you have some serious issues and you wont fix them by crying about it
>pic related
>posts no pic
Hello rebbit.
meh if there is one constant on Sup Forums it's complaining about newfags
Instant sage and hide, I don't even need to read.
Been on here since 2005, cry moar bitch nigger.
>I'm not a normie, but let me cry like one for 5 paragraphs (:
M00t knows this place is a containment board if were not congregating here we'll just spread out across the internet trolling and raiding places like plebbit and Tumblr on a semi daily basis. At least the honeypots know to stick around here this place makes their jobs easier but were still not dumb enough to fall for it.
ITT: /leftypol/ faggots who didn't even browse /new/ try and prove to us that they're oldfags
This faggot sounds like a butthurt shitskin. He'll get the rope soon enough
Been here since 2013, get out normie.
What the fuck
Theres a reason /news/ became Sup Forums
You are the newfag
Ass eat
seriously dude this shit is getting out of hand, it doesn't even contribute to the thread.
Go to b if you want to be autistic
also checked
not your internet. Not your website. Dont laugh at bad jokes and we will all eventually destroy the corrupt establishment. Literally one job... do not laugh at shitty jokes.
i'm not fucking laughing, I'm annoyed. Brits ruin everything they touch, including pol.
Help you kill yourself? Alright, grab a knife.... oh wait, they're banned.
Sorry mate can't help you.
Never have we needed /mlpol/ more. It was the ultimate evolution of pure nazi degeneracy.
SOB you got me.
Just this morning I was looking at fulchan's Twitter follwers and, oh boy, the amount of boomers, soccer moms, middle-aged women, and even grannies that started following them when this whole Q shit started to blow up... Absolutely unreal and truly sad. I don't know where to go.
I bet you do sob you fucking crybaby. "Wah, i'm stupid, wah, i have bad dental cleanness"
Fuck off idiot
*clap clap clap*
excellent, excellent horror posting user
Um Yay I like squashies moab
I like beans too
I went through 2 paragraphs of this blabber
>hur 4chn wuz better
>durr go back to pol normie biggot.
cry some more
This was a good record
>the site changed
>it's clearly for the worse
Shameless nostalgiafaggotry ITT.
>as an oldfag I can tell you
>caring about your opinions
Claiming to be an oldfag is like saying "fellow white people."
whoever wrote the post in OP's pic is a fedora tipping degenerate normalfag.
He defines being a normal fag as wanting others to conform, and then goes on to talk about how "Muh current pol generation is NOTHING LIKE THE WAY We uSED TO BE!!!" literally fulfilling his exact definition of a conformist 'all must be as I wish' normalfag.
Current Pol is best pol.
this but unironically. Whatever, stormcucks are easily identifiable and always irritatingly incompetent whenever they post
Sounds like a bitch. Faggot forgot how to troll and is now being trolled by soccer moms and 12 year olds.
4 Chan was always shit, it's sole purpose is to be the contrarian of the internet and that has not changed.
He meant op pic related dipshit
he's mostly right, I'll never forgive /r9k/ supplanting normalfag with the shitty and forced normie meme for anyone who wasn't running for first place in the oppression olympics and dared step away from their pity party
he's wrong on a couple other counts though, like it being unique to Sup Forums (look at /vg/ if you can stomach it for the most repugnant circlejerk filled with unfunny forced memes just to show their belonging), Sup Forums's eternal crusade against Sup Forums faggots, or libfags on any board derailing threads with off-topic political garbage only to scream for mods and blame Sup Forums when someone dares disagree. He also completely misses the mark with the chad meme, it being exactly what he says it would be if oldfags were still in charge.
So yeah, he seems like a sincere oldfag, but either a stupid motherfucker or a salty little bitch crying about nazis(likely since he seems to think stormfront has ever been relevant).
>It was full of fucked up people, but they were all fucked up in their own unique ways and that wasn't just okay, but expected, even celebrated.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Sup Forums. The humor is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical bantzing and trolling most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Sup Forums’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into its board culture- 4chans personal philosophy draws heavily from Nietzsches literature, for instance. The oldfags understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike old Sup Forums truly ARE cancer- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Sup Forums's existential catchphrase “Not Your Personal Army” which itself is a cryptic reference to old Sup Forums. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated newfags scratching their heads in confusion as Anonymous’s genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Guy Fawks tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re qt traps. Nothin personnel kiddos.
Remember that normies are now blue-haired obese pansexual feminists and if you disagree, then you are the fucked up weirdo.
It's not really true, but it's how the MSM portrays it. People are seeking the truth. Redpills are being passed around like candy. Trump was elected. Alex Jones has the FISA memo right now. The Quickening continues.