>tfw aged 27 ugly meek beta, no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to pub, club or party
>became the ugly loser loner nobody talks to after one day of my current job
>have a STEM degree and outwardly respectable job but it's low paid and I have wasted my potential
>no passions in life and last few years have seen me waste gargantuan amounts of free time on the internet
>everything feels like work or an obligation; like books but I'm told to read boring old books; want to learn programming but I'm told to learn functional bullshit- everything is a hierarchy and people are drones that demand you conform
>society is a sham that sets up ugly beta males as disposable batteries while women and chads get handed everything
>failed lots of interviews for good jobs due to ugliness and lack of normieness
>main hobby is walking around central London feeling sad about life, hoping that "just going outside bro!" will spontaneously make me feel like my 20s aren'tt wasted
>on Monday I wake up at 9 am
>lie in bed and watch tennis while browsing the internet until 12
>go to the gym and have a crap workout because coffee ruined my sleep
>get to work by 3 pm and leave by 4 pm (full time job, somehow I can do this)
>eat while browsing the internet until 7.30 pm
>decide to go in to central London to drink coffee and feel sad about life
>instead buy ice cream, chocolate, cola, Doritos and binge for the 4th time in 3 days
>eat while browsing internet mindlessly
>now midnight
Tfw aged 27 ugly meek beta, no friends or social experiences since school, no female attention ever, never been to pub...
Other urls found in this thread:
>>instead buy ice cream, chocolate, cola, Doritos and binge for the 4th time in 3 days
you should eat stick to just eating meat, veggies, fruits.
try chicken breast with avacado, its crazy good
thats not gona fix anything for you but I just thought id recommend some more nutritious foods
Things can and will get better just don't give up, hope and aim for the best
post face
Go with Christ.
Its probably the internet doing this to you
>stop eating junk food
>start jogging
>go to church
>find some girl below your level, talkin actual retard here if you have too, just be nice
>get to know other person, build up some esteem, let them down easy, then go hunting for someone more your type.
You've got another 40 years of work in you user, and when you're old we'll either be in mad max hellscape or utopia so don't worry.
Yeah I think to properly help you we must see face
slide thread
Get counseling or kill yourself. Quit posting here
stop wallowing in self-pity and set a goal for yourself and a structure for how you're going to acheive it. the majority of your greentext is you explaining the shit that contributes to you feeling like shit. so what? perhaps stop doing that for a start, yeah?
Oy Daz, ye need to understand that when ya ain't FAKIN normie, roight, it's FAKIN impossible to be accepted! All this Yank self starter, pull yourself up malarkey don't apply!
'magine you nevah went dahn dah pahb wit da lads an ya ain't got no bird? Wot den? Ya ain't got no 'ope!
I see this fucking thread at least twice a week. Saged and reported.
Why don't you try to get a women from 3rd world shithole to marry you? She will gladly breed with you if you allow her to send some of your money to her family.
Try these for a few months and see if it helps:
- take a cold shower every morning for at least 20 seconds. Work your way up to 3 minutes.
- start weight training 3 days a week for at least one hour each session. Focus on compound lifts: bench press, overhead press, squat, deadlift, pull-ups, dips. Start with just the bar for those movements and do negatives for stuff like pull-ups and dips.
- Start subbing out the junk food for healthier replacement items. Aim for 1-2 changes per week.
- meditate for 10 min a day
- shave and take care of your hygiene
- buy some nice form-fitting clothing, consult men’s fashion resources for ideas.
Should help you get started. I know it seems bleak, but you can turn your life around. Many others have done so.
nice pasta op
i read te same shit some days ago ond /adv/ or /r9k
> Live in a world falling apart
> Rejoice in the fact you will go to heaven or hell
> Accept the wisdom of the universe into your sphincter
I lift. I shave. I jog. I wear a suit jacket, shirt and trousers but am still subhuman. This is not advice, this is the cutoff to not be seen as a beggar.
It was written by me without copyoasta or notes
Seriously? Where are these 3rd world country women?
Glad to see god punishing the anglo-cuck.
gee wiz i wonder why. you still need to get your life in order.
How messy is your room?
>>go to church
These. I once was almost as bad as you, but then I took the Christpill and I can say my life improved greatly. Try eating healthier, drink more water, especially the one that comes in glass bottles.
Other things
>never eat soy
>eat onion
>never eat (((fastfood)))
>quit porn
>quit masturbation
These things alone made me feel like a Chad. After that study the Bible and pray to Jesus and if your desires are right, He will help you.
>>find some girl below your level, talkin actual retard here if you have too, just be nice
This one is also true. Obtained 1st irl gf by expanding my social circle.
>first talked to a 3/10 tardlet like me
>then found a 5/10 through her
>then finally found 9/10 qt through her
Also, quit all websites that are bad for self-improvement. Yes, Sup Forums counts too. Incel websites, forums whatever else - if it doesn't help you with self-improvement, drop it. I'm here only for news and Orthodox threads, by the way.
You still have us!
dumb frogposter
I guess you can find them in South East Asia. Obviously these women will eventually realize what a pathetic loser they have married and try to find a better male. But you can have a few good years with them.
Take the varg pill pussy
Maybe you should shoo- oh right noguns
Then maybe you should bom- oh right UK internet police
well maybe you should cut your wris- oh right knives are outlawed.
heroine overdo- oh right spoons require a license.
Wow, you really are fucked OP.
you are me except I am also fit and have an okay job at a uni museum department, also 27. been feeling really suicidal lately. never had a serious girlfriend, everyone jokes about how "old" I am. taxes are too high to own a house. drive a 19 year old car worth 800 dollars. spend most of my free time either working out and running to channel my rage at having a shit life or helping my mother at her church. everyone is telling me I am too old for the military or that I wouldn't like it. there is no escape. and the best part is now the 19-20 year olds are pretending like they aren't heading towards this fate and act better than you despite having done fuck all. I can't sleep anymore I just stay up really late and think about how pointless my life is, how I've never had a gf. I can't really even masterbate anymore
If 27 is too old to learn new stuff I'm in trouble because I've already put a substantial amount of work into Japanese. Strangely my brain didn't get the memo that it was supposed to become retarded at age 25.
Your problem is your brain chemistry. Sounds like low grade depression. You should first work on your sleep and getting your energy levels up. No caffeine after noon. No screens an hour before bed. And you need to be lifting much heavier weights, it will chase the whiny faggotry away.
You're only 27 and plenty of others are in much worse shape
Read Joel Skousen’s book strategic relocation. The collapse is coming soon and you’re gonna need a fallout shelter
Joel skousen 2017 end of year analysis:
You’ll thank me later
how do you reach the age of 27 without friends or even a social circle?
Jordan Peterson is a total faggot. But so are Canadians so it’s no coincidence
>main hobby is walking around central London feeling sad about life, hoping that "just going outside bro!" will spontaneously make me feel like my 20s aren'tt wasted
there is something that can make you feel proud of your self again.
>try X with Y
stop fucking forcing him, faggot
recommending is forcing
Anglo and Scandinavian societies are very cold and cliquey. It's not uncommon for people to go through life with no real close friends.
We're not like Latinos who can meet someone on a bus and become best friends forever.
Dis mon
The ultimate red pill is learning to act blue pilled to get along in life. Join a club or take up drinking alcohol. You can have fun, just let others talk. Ask questions pretend to be interested in their bullshit
Buy sexbot
This isn’t an uncommon phenomenon here in the UK. Our government is completely occupied by Jews who despise the indigenous white population. Everything about our culture is anti-white. Everything. This has created a situation where the very people whose ancestors built western civilisation are becoming second class citizens.
When any expression of white identity is racist, the logical conclusion drawn by liberals is that white people shouldnt exist at all.
holey crap. you sound a bit like me
>M.S. Electrical Engineering
>crap salary due to working at small startup company. new grads making at least 15k more than me.
>i've had 12 interviews and only one resulted in a job due to one of my friends working at the company and giving good word for me but even the people that interviewed me were opposed to hiring me
>first gf at 27. dated a year, been single since
>never been to a club
>never tried any drugs or alcohol
>never had sex due to religious upbringing
anyway, 5 years ago i started playing guitar and then i started attending a christian church. now i'm playing music at the church. i'm the youngest member at the church and the church is only about 10 members so i can't meet any girls there lol.
i'm thinking of making a career change. i want to be a stock trader. i'm pretty much done with engineering.