Why does everyone worship this faggot?
Why does everyone worship this faggot?
because he's spending $billions to send humans to mars. To monitor closely AI development, and to produce the most american made cars you can buy at any price.
Didn't know everyone owned a fedora desu, but whatever
Hopefully Mars will be a "no niggers allowed" kind of place. If so, I'd unironically spend my life savings to get there.
sold tech to NK. total traitor
because he does cool things
in reality hes just a corporate welfare whore
>successfully sold cars
>only required subsidized loans...and sales...and regulations
He is the closest thing to a real scientist in the USA at this point.
He strikes me as a bit of a cuck, he kissed a mouth that Johnny Depp has jizzed in many a time.
>rich by Jewish capitalism
He promises cool shit
Nobody else seems to see that he's just a giant ponzi scheme, getting one new project to pay for the previous one that's massively in debt and close
He's just a shill, got rich by Jewish capitalism. Now he's running a triple (loan, purchase, regulation) subsidy car company.
Because even though you don't worship a God, people still have a natural tendency to want to worship somebody/something
Bugmen love their toys
Because he's spending millions in PR to have people and bots shill his presence online to get hype/investment/cronyism for more of his charlatan activities
>Nobody else seems to see that he's just a giant ponzi scheme, getting one new project to pay for the previous one that's massively in debt and close
Then we have Shkreli who they send to jail. SAD!
Science is owned by the Slavs now, the only space-faring race left on Earth.
This, though I wouldn't mind black people on Mars.
Because he got experimental swedish hair burnt into his scalp with his free access to the south african skin reserves. Everyone is like whoa, this faggot playing with model rockets and toy cars is a man, not a bald bitch boy. Give him tons of money and resources.
His hair wasnt just bald... it was like, too cowardly to be bald.
because God is dead and we killed him
always liked his hair transplant, did him wonders Tbh
God is smiting the USA with disease and natural disasters but the mutt is too blind to see it.
He’s literally the coolest guy on reddit, he said that he’ll make universal basic income a thing here in the US so when he runs for president I’ll vote for him and then I’ll never have to get a job! ;)
>Retard came up with an unrealistic plan to colonize mars (expensive, stupid, wasteful, no new important technology will spawn from it)
>Retard came up with an unrealistic plan for type of transportation that nobody needs, will be too expensive and nowhere close to the average speed of an airplane (the chinese expensive maglev averages at only 250 km/h even though the top speed is 500 km/h - the reality of building tracks on land spares no one)
>Retard came up with a plan for underground tunnels just to transport a few cars from point A to point B with absolutely no way to exit safely.. death by smoke very often
>Retard came with a hyper retarded plan to transport people on rockets that have like a 1 in 100 explosions while airplane is like 1 in 10 million flights a crash. Noise levels, vibrations on board and etc will make it never happen. The future belongs to hypersonic smaller planes.
Nah dude he has a bachelors in phyiscs, he isnt just a manchild throwing away crucial resources.
Moronic and unambitious thinking like will get us nowhere, at least Elon wants to at least try and make significant steps toward us becoming a space-faring civilization. God knows what the fuck we're even doing right now, just a bunch of fabricated bullshitin an endless hamster wheel of a society.
well, its not happening either way until its paradise.
black people are not explorers, they wont even ride rolercoasters.
I defy you to find a black skydiver.
even black science man said he wouldnt go.
guaranteed the black population of mars will be well under 1% until its paradise.
Of course you wouldn't, fucking kraut.
I unironically hope your mom, sisters and boyfriend get raped by a pack of niggers (and it'll be your fault).
his stance on UBI i believe, primarilly stems from his understanding of the trajectory of AI.
it is seriously something that will need discussion in the next 30-60 years. I dont think its a good idea for society atm, but we dont have a need for it atm.
He is a government-dependent nigger stealing taxpayer money. Why is every rocket launch on a cloudy day or at night? The whole thing is a massive fraud. This niggers should be hanged.
>not wanting to feel Depp`s jizz
Are you gay or what?
>implying all black people are niggers
Sure mate. There sure isn't a single black person on this planet who's IQ is higher then yours and who's more productive and successful then you.
I do mind niggers, which is why I said "black people" you fucking illiterate moron.
>every single time
Ever sit on your dildo and think that maybe instead of fleeing the hordes of stoneage niggers invading your country, you might be happier if you stayed put and not let them in? White flight is cowardice.
because he is based
he fired more than 600 nigs
His IQ is to high to be American and of course he was born in Africa
>Africans have a higher IQ than Amerimutts
He is a dumb nigger.
Even god can not destroy america. But how does it feel knowing your genepool on your shit island is doomed by the rampant aids epidemic?
>t. Le 56% IQ
He’s a crony capitalist
I don't know. If he sends niggers to mars they will destroy ancient god technology that was left behind from the fall. They naturally destroy everything unless we guide them, they have no perception of time they're always in the moment it's ridiculous. The only thing we can do is continue to create for them to use and live with. I'm white as hell. A professor proved by living in Africa for 15 years that it's the way their people evolved from being in the african region
I'm smarter than Musk
Come on Lauren, we know you'd love to get comfy with Martin and listen to his rare Wu-Tang Clan collection
Way to go, idiot shill.