Nigger threatens teacher over grade
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yknow what this calls for...
Somebody needs to sample that shit into a rap song.
And I need a racially pure Europe, but we both won't get what we want.
I don't know how they find teachers for these majority black schools.
Man, Negan was a pussy before the walkers.
An A?
Surely we should give it to him since the society has institutional racism. This black man is obviously the victim here. He He He.
For that, you get an A.
That's actually tame for an inner city school with nignog students
Fucking niggers...why do they exist?!
You are a retard stop liking this crap you imbecile faggot. One love is better than sampling this bullshit into a rap song monkey loving nigger. They act like this simply because people like you listen to shit bullshit garbage and act it out in public like this nigger fuck.
Why I get an A, pulls up pants.
Why I get an a, knocks desktop over, insert camera shake, this nigger thinks he is in a rap video.
These under achievers are being let into yale and harvard for being dark skinned.
This is the first time I've seen a nigger concerned about his grades. In my high school most boons didn't care what grades they got because they would "hustle" or rap after graduation.
a A. that's how niggers say it
>For that, you get an A.
Good. Now I don't have to come to your house and upend your sofa.
It would be nice to have some backstory (which subject, what grade did he get (I presume an inflated B)).
The subject was Burglary. His exit let him down.
anonymous shitposting on Sup Forums?
We need to give more tax payer money to these potential Doctors and Engineers
He obviously needed an A to bring up his grade average after getting the D in marksmans... I mean poppin caps in muthafuckas so he could get his degree in blunt-rolling .
He lost a lot of style points for not holding his gun sideways.
And people act like I'm the crazy person when I say I'm homeschooling
never went to school with niggers did you? i saw that shit every day for three years of high school.
Someone summon that user that makes well edited rap videos about these thread in like 2 minutes. The fucking autist.
This is pretty much how i got straight A's in high school
whats up with niggers repeating what they say over and over like that? you see it all the time.
>ax huh
>ax huh
>ax huh
It'll be pretty cool when they finally start putting glass barriers between students and teachers in classrooms from nigger schools.
You fuck heads will waste as many hours as you can fretting over niggers, of all things. They don't matter you fuck heads, they're nothing.
Its rare to find someone on this board who will seriously criticize the jews for their crimes, but we've got so white men afraid of fucking blacks of all things, there are countless 100 posts threads every day. You know the real reason we waste any of our time on the blacks? Jews, jews, jews.
They are working themselves up to fight. Most of the brain shuts down, lower brain struggles with speech and latches on to repetitive words / actions. Animals do the same before a fight for dominance.
t. nigger
(((Graduation))), getting rid of niggers so they don’t pile up.
>Category: Pets & Animals
This guy gets it.
The threat is from above the moneyed juden
Not the street rat nigger
Cat 2 chimp out...
this is something you'd see here
I really want to see the test and black gentlemans answers to it
>nigger concerned about his grades.
>nigger has 3 classes
>failing the other 2
> needs 2.0 average to be eligible for sports
and we wonder why public school is fucked
>Chairs stuck to table
>Balls on the legs
Something tells me chimping is a common occurrence there.
Chairs would be glued to the ground it didn't make it so hard to clean.
Funny how everyone has to chain everything down after unchaining the niggers.
The chairs are part of the desk. These are common in US schools. Easier to stack and store that way. Separate chairs and desks risks getting one piece lost. The tennis balls make it easier to slide across the floor without scraping the tiles. None of this has to do with nigger proofing.
NOT making a decision is a BIG DECISION
>loud scream in anger
>abruptly cuts right there
These videos always end right when it's about to get really entertaining.
if the nigger deserved an A he would have got one.
>saged for stupid niggers
>deserved an A
which is why he keeps saying
> GIVE ME an A
niggers are incapable of the concept of achievement