Other urls found in this thread:
No fucking way
Fuck off texas, it's not that bad.
>Fuck off texas, it's not that bad.
You are going to teach the self driving cars recognising street signs wether you like it or not and you are going to do it for free goy
jesus Christ
not sure if related but since i spoof my user agent + platform + oscpu as windows i very rarely get those
it's the end of times
That explains it, fuck. I am done with this shit.
just hit verify and if it doesnt go through it will be likely to take you to a less retarded capcha
sometimes i even hit random images and it lets me through
I hate when this shit happens
>teach our AI goy
i hate how true this is
Cool. So now we're all fucked because Sup Forums pass bots can fucking shit everything up with their slides and we don't get legacy captcha.
Great fucking job faggot mods.
Why do sites use this shit, does Jewgle actually pay admins to integrate this crap into their sites?
I don't see other reason.
>site was cr4eated by a jew
>based on a japanese imageboard
>Sup Forumstards have to feed a jew bot to be able to post their delusional opinions
It's beautiful
>buy our pass goy
I do the exact same thing for money on a different website, I wouldn't be surprised if someone way up there is getting shekels for it, but I don't think it's Horoshimoot.
Google is good guys, what you guys don't like Google?
holy fucking christ
fucking hiro turbokike
Literally had this shit happening to me
so they broke Clover then; fucking faggots
I like to play the captchas. They are a really cool game and a nice feature to Sup Forums which is also my favourite website. I love clicking the picture puzzles and trying to spot the street signs in the reloadng pictures game and hope i get it right. I often post on Sup Forums just so I can solve the captcha puzzle again. The word game was fun but it got a bit boring and I really like the pictures. I hope Hiro keeps making cool features to improve Sup Forums and maybe add some more cool minigames when we post! :-D
>tfw its bugged for and can write anything to post
Why did you not reroll a new captcha? You fell for the idiot test.
Jesus christ you retardes poorfags just buy a pass. What is it 5 bucks for a year?
That was physically painful to watch
fuck off
Just get a pass soyim
the definition of a good goy
It's like Hollywood horror movie, but actually scary.
Jesus christ.
with a Putin-bot IP address ,what did you expect?
> love, Hillary
total Hell!
So the loli botnet theory was true after all.
Actually clicking google ai is the definition of a good goy.
reminder if you solve them SUPER SLOWLY, it will stop giving you more "skip" buttons
its time based
I already miss calle calle.
Happens to me all the time. Pic related is new and I like it however.
Holy. Shit. Fucking terrible. I know this is Google's fault, but I am not buying a pass for this shit.
every. single. time.
same with civic addresses and it is never fixed
the select all "food / drinks / X rooms / water / mountains" was much more reliable
it expires after a while i think
meh, this post needs verification again
1 post
>check box grayed out but "works"
>click these retard squares where they dont load slow
>no im a robit i know more than you youre wrong; do it again; and onto the slow loading ones
>click and wait 43 times; it's never enough
>you're wrong; keep shekeling for us
YAAAAAAY. do the sticks on the signs count as signs? does one pixel on a sign corner count as a square? oops i accidentally clicked next and got the next batch right so naturally im wrong and do it again. ive been trying to post this since OP made his thread for the record. get em all right. oops im "wrong" 27 more times. fuck you robots you picky shekels greedy stupid AI
Is this a punishment for me shilling my gay discord or somehow related to the image posting going down yesterday?
>Select all squares with vehicles
>Picture of a highway during rush hour, so you have to click every square
>Please try again
>loli botnet spams lolicon in every thread
>must have thousands of IP addresses
>hiro finds way to get rid of loli botnet
>loli botnet retaliates by launching massive ddos
also if you use a google account, especially along with google chrome
you solve one and after that when you go to solve more, it will just check the box
your token for the solved captcha lasts like 30 mins
in 1 browser i have to do 5+ of the jewcaptcha, in another i click the box and it is good to go
>thanks for the info
>using Chrome
good goy
Reminder that Sup Forums brought this upon itself
If only you fuckers were smart
nobody cares what's the point. more tracking more self driving soul less machines more noses. /soc/ made this site anyways
Honestly I'd take those over the ones that disappear and bring up a new image so you have to sit there for a solid twenty seconds just clicking away in the hopes that the captcha will finally fuck off and let you post.
>tfw checking settings
>no captcha option
this is all that sweede nigger kimmo alms fault
It doesn't matter when jewgle is making you solve 4+ of those fucking things per post. I skip the ones that fade out, fuck that nigger shit.
Why wouldn't you want your name or other identifying information associated with your Sup Forums postings, goy?
i dont use it, im just helping anons man...
you sound horny, bend over
20 and if you get a ban it is tied to your pass so you just wasted 20 dollars in that case.
Anons that use chrome?
What the fuck did he do?
some of them may switch to chrome for the soul purpose of posting on Sup Forums until they can get a Sup Forums pass or find a new website etc
>Paying for shitposts
>Giving your personal info to a honorary kike gook known for stealing and selling user info
What a good goy.
Test post, plz ignore. Also fuck Trump.
just buy a pass, jesus, captcha is not worth it
>doesn't know that all his info is already taken
you fooled yourself
there is ZERO REASON that Sup Forums should not switch to a different captcha service that uses easier, less tiresome captchas
so go to /qa/ and demand they switch services to a different catpcha
I'm losing my willingness to use Sup Forums over this shit. I think I'll just fuck off now. I'm not willing to spend half my time here clicking random fucking pictures.
>thinking that I can be identified from the information all websites receive
>fucking normie
Speak for yourself, not everyone is a retard.
just join the group that is demanding they switch the captcha service to a different one
You shouldn't agree to terrorists' demands.
>people are so retarded they don't realize most of their captcha issues stems from being logged onto gmail
Hey goy, you can always buy a Sup Forums pass! it cost only $20 per year! Very cheap huh?
Most likely Sup Forums gets money from google now.
>Do activism to make them fix the thing that was perfectly fine before they broke it
Sounds like a mountain of fun. I couldn't possibly have anything better to do.